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Cave Story Tribute Site Forums

admins mods or something please move the thread to an appropriate forum now since it's no longer a remix project
Nobody is going to animate something for you for free, you better have several hundred dollars to throw out to people.
I don't think cavestoryLOL is saying to animate for them, per say, but rather to just celebrate CS in general through animation. There are a bunch of people who animate for stuff they love, and I don't see how this is different. cavestoryLOL just wants to organize it. That said, I really doubt this will get off the ground, since it's animation we're talking about here, and...
as terrible as it sounds, I feel like we'd have a much higher chance of it actually happening if someone the community generally looked up to and trusted; someone with a position of power here. cavestoryLOL, your best bet would probably be to make the project about something you're really good at, and do a bunch of work for it before asking others to join. Until then, I doubt a lot of members would heed your call.
I give that suggestion based off something someone said about "Nobody's going to make your mod for you," that you should make something really good before asking people to help. Even if a community like this place is super welcoming (which it sometimes isn't), people usually won't help someone who hasn't proven they can either handle others working under them, or work hard on something with no outright reward.
the thing is though, this isn't saying "hey guys can y'all animate everything for me kthxbai" because I'm somebody who loves to animate and can animate an entire 10 minute thing if I wanted to. And yeah, typically if you are more well known or looked up to this would take off better. I just want to see how far this can get and how many people would be willing to take part.
something I'm making that DOES have people actually working for me is one of my legit shows called Objects' Life, and that's only because I want episodes to be released quicker than if just me worked on it.
Howsabout shoot for something a little simpler before you ask people to make an entire episode of one of those shows you watch on TV
this isn't one of those, this is a literal retelling of the entire game. There's no animation already made that this is based on.
By "an entire episode of one of those shows you watch on TV" Hax4Ever means something it usually takes a studio a week to produce. I just wanna say that I have no problem with trying this, even if I don't think it'll work. If you really wanna do animation, I recommend something short but impressive for now, and maybe a movie thing for Cave Story's 20th birthday. Also, we should take this discussion to the thread.