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CS community meta discussion

Jul 30, 2024 at 4:41 PM
"All your forum are belong to us!"
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Hah! No. Fandom will obstruct you at every turn. They need your content to make money from ads. Do it enough times and they will just turn off editing for that page. You gotta be sneaky about it. Add content to the wiki and make edits as per normal, but at the same time swap out an internal link in the content with an external link to the same content in the new wiki.
AI generated Cave Story mods and screenshots, unlimited SEO slop that ruins fandom's SEO without them knowing

So we've gotten a decent chunk of people from the wiki to sign onto the petition. I even started talking with BLink again just to get him involved in this so that's pretty cool. He's chilled out a lot actually.
I don't know if Kaitlyn, Asper, LimeMetz, Q3hardcore,and Random-Storykeeper are still active in this community or go by those names.
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Jul 30, 2024 at 5:45 PM
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Kaitlyn is @autumn_mnya
Asper is @asperdev_ on discord, can't find him as user here?
Jul 30, 2024 at 6:08 PM
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LimeMetz goes by @MimiDonalds now, y'know... and they do mods still sometimes, idk if they care about the cause right now (they probably dont even use the forums that much anymore, and even if they do, they're def not gonna be happy with being mentioned in a thread called "How Cave Story affects all global politics" lmao)
Jul 31, 2024 at 6:38 PM
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Should some participants of this "accursed thread" straight up tell about the mods? Is that what are you implying?
Jul 31, 2024 at 6:48 PM
"All your forum are belong to us!"
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No I'm saying if you guys want to help Cave Story's community at large maybe actually go out of your way to leave a good impression on people who play the game so they'll feel more inclined to get involved with the community

The stream went great!

Hopefully some time soon Rev will do a runthrough of the true ending, he talked about Cave Story modding and stuff and was really happy to hear that there's an effort going on to keep the forums active.
It'll be a fun vod for youtube watchers I'm sure lol.
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Aug 1, 2024 at 5:46 PM
"Big Joe Tire and Battery Restaurant! Opening Soon! Eat at Big Joes!"
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No I'm saying if you guys want to help Cave Story's community at large maybe actually go out of your way to leave a good impression on people who play the game so they'll feel more inclined to get involved
this thread is leaving a BAD impression
Aug 1, 2024 at 6:16 PM
"All your forum are belong to us!"
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You seem really hell-bent on killing this thread, even though it's led to results already.
are you in charge of the forums now
And it's not like you've been trying to engage with this thread in good faith in the first place.

Why do you care so much? It's not like you use this site other than to share headman, orgs, and jokes clearly aimed at specific people. This thread's caused the most activity from you in quite a while.
So suddenly you care about the forums now? Don't wanna post all your orgs on Discord anymore?
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Aug 1, 2024 at 7:31 PM
"Big Joe Tire and Battery Restaurant! Opening Soon! Eat at Big Joes!"
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Why do I care so much is such a silly question to ask, why do you think I’m still here? I love this place and I love the people here. I’ve never seen anyone show as much apathy towards this community until you made this thread, so every new post is more maddening than the last. Wow I use this site for its intended purpose (headman is a cave story mod I made because I love cave story. I make orgs because I love orgmaker) I haven’t made enough orgs as of late because I’ve been releasing music (24 albums since November) under a new alias (Vyryr). I love what I do, so I don’t want to see people like you ruin it for the rest of us. You’ve been using this site to shill Xysspon for years so I don’t even know where to begin on that front. I’ve tried my hardest to like you Jade but I really don’t like the way you try to handle things around here. You aren’t in charge, I’m not in charge. We can work together but you seem more upfront about voicing your opinion instead. All this thread has been is incessant whining about how we aren’t doing enough for Pixel, Nicalis, Cave Story, the forums, etc. I’ve been here 10 years now. I’m turning 21 tomorrow. I grew up here as much as the rest of us did, so don’t treat me like I’m some sore loser that doesn’t know what’s up. To reiterate; this is not “all of a sudden I care about the forums” because I ALWAYS HAVE. Sorry I’m not one to project all my problems onto the community for them to solve instead. I’m not as desperate for change because things aren’t as bad as you say they are.
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Aug 1, 2024 at 8:03 PM
"All your forum are belong to us!"
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Why do you think this thread was made?
For me to take over the forums?
I've got 2 jobs and am moving to Oakland, things are great on my end. I know you benefit from this community in the same ways I do.

If this was born from apathy I would have given no solutions, no advice, no pointers, no very specific instructions for the porting process between Pixel's engine and Godot, I would've just kept reinforcing that "Cave Story is doomed and Nicalis will kill us all" narrative that everyone in the CS community seems to love so much, but it's pretty apparent that defeatist attitude has gotten people nowhere because until the 20th anniversary started crawling up on this place.
There's a lot of projects being worked on for the 20th anniversary and the forums itself is one of those.

But if you actually took the time to read what's going on you can see that it's gotten to the ears of the right people and the thread was never about me nor was anyone but you trying to make this about me.
So what, do you want to derail a conversation about site infrastructure to tell me you think I'm going to ruin this site? Do you think I'm a god or something?

If I've broken any rules the mods would have taken swift action already.
If this thread results in new rules then that's a good thing.

If you think I make this place look bad please tell me in vivid detail why you hate me, because all that's happened in this thread outside of constructive stuff, is just people being mad that I'm bad at phrasing things.
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Aug 1, 2024 at 8:21 PM
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okay honestly i dont know why this entire thing needs to be such a big deal. once again, i am not one of those people that are well-versed on this kind of conversation, but i feel like jade's way too... eager with the way they phrase their things, and that's led to both misunderstandings and arguments from both sides

i also, in my unending dumbassery, don't entirely GET what this thread is entirely about, especially when most of it is just a passive-aggressive back and forth with the occasional "good" thing thrown in (like the modding FANDOM wiki closure petition). like, is it just to drum up discussions on the forums? give it a sort of "activity"?

i mean, the name of the thread isn't really helping that cause, i mean from just one glance, you'd think this thread actually is about "global politics" or something. and once they look inside, they just see, once again, a passive-aggressive back and forth with no clear end in sight

but what do i know, i barely use these forums for their intended purpose. i just like reading the new threads and reporting the here-and-there bot account (this reply is just "tf is going on here" tbh, didn't just wanna say that. i am very... aimless when it comes to adding onto discussion)
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Aug 1, 2024 at 8:38 PM
"All your forum are belong to us!"
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i also, in my unending dumbassery, don't entirely GET what this thread is entirely about, especially when most of it is just a passive-aggressive back and forth with the occasional "good" thing thrown in (like the modding FANDOM wiki closure petition). like, is it just to drum up discussions on the forums? give it a sort of "activity"?
The thread is a general thread about the forum itself, even further actually, Cave Story's community at large. A "meta" thread

If you want me to rename it to something more suiting for that and make another edit to the thread to clarify I'd be more than happy to

But I didn't want to make a million different posts in forum suggestions either because I would rather there be a generalized thread so people could find ways to publicly discuss the interconnectivity of the community and ways to solve the "Black box" problem this community has struggled with rather than just taking shots in the dark.
My initial version of the thread sucked and I've edited it multiple times because I'm aware of that and that's on me, but finally putting this out somewhere where everyone can see it stops it from just being a "Thing only certain people from certain parts of the community complain about" to something that'll at the VERY LEAST get some ideas flowing between people in this community.
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Aug 1, 2024 at 8:45 PM
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i mean, renaming the thread may be a good idea, just to prevent Wacky Confusion from those that dont know the actual point. also that's a way better explanation to what the thread is about than what i was thinking

EDIT: hell yeah bro less politic and more META
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Aug 1, 2024 at 9:04 PM
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Thread renamed

Anyways on the subject of the wiki I tried leaving a response to the Fandom staff member that denied the wiki closure and linked the closure petition page. They haven't gotten back to me yet and if I don't see anything soon I'll go talk to them about it again.
I wouldn't be surprised if Fandom creates another new excuse to say no.

Methinks a good way to help put the actual modding wiki more to the forefront would be having one of those forum categories that actually just sends you to a different website. Maybe it could go at the top of Cave Story modding but I don't know if Xenforo has that functionality or not (I recall seeing functionality on other software to do that)
Aug 1, 2024 at 10:46 PM
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Why do you care so much? It's not like you use this site other than to share headman, orgs, and jokes clearly aimed at specific people. This thread's caused the most activity from you in quite a while.
So suddenly you care about the forums now? Don't wanna post all your orgs on Discord anymore?
No, hold on. You don't get to do that. This was actually legit unnecessary. You bring up Xysspon and Harpy Star in every other message in this thread as a means to justify your argument, and 2dbro wasn't even doing the same with his stuff and yet you still bring this up? Why is this even an argument you are making?

2dbro has been more active in this forum than you have, you've started being more active here but only after you made this thread. What he said is correct, and you responding by immediately dragging him down with his work and attacking him only makes his argument more accurate and your argument worse.

I don't know what kind of personal gain you need to get from this but it doesn't even matter anymore. This thread is bad. It IS making the forums look bad. I'm only responding to it again because you attacked my friend the way you did and seemingly still are.

The amount you think you are doing with this is wrong and you aren't listening to anyone else's arguments unless they directly correspond with yours. This is still going nowhere.

If you want to make a change and make this better than go ahead and do it instead of getting mad about others not doing it for you. This community does not have the reputation you think it does, Pixel doesn't see this place as a "dumpster fire" or whatever you called it.

Why don't you actually take part in the community instead of getting upset that others won't, when they are, and you just don't know it because you haven't seen it for yourself?

I don't care if you respond to this or not, you don't need to attack others who don't agree with you. That's not a discussion, it's an argument.
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Aug 1, 2024 at 11:59 PM
"All your forum are belong to us!"
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If you want to get mad at me for this thread being innately inflammatory that means that the only thing differentiating "pushing for people to discuss the site's infrastructure" and "Jade being an annoying bitch" is a communication barrier. Because I've been asked for clarification many times in this thread but I guess "I have experience working with professionals whose sole job it is to mediate communities" isn't going to convince people.

It was out of pocket of me to respond that way to 2DBro!
I don't think it was necessary either in retrospect and I'm sorry and I'll make sure to be more careful in the future.

But this conversation does not exist in the vacuum of this thread.
The unifying place that the community had found common ground in had been replaced with a new shiny IRC program that enables people to isolate from one another more and more because its structure disincentivizes long form conversation. It led to drama and people got hurt because of that drama. Then Discord became a thing.

If anyone else had made this thread the response would've been the same, "Do it yourself" But I'm not andwhy and I don't get to control this site, which is what the thread's substance has been around, brainstorming ideas to get the site back on its feet and narrowing down all the shit ideas until there's decent ones. That's how the launcher got brought into the discussion and it's why I brought up Rev's stream when it started.

There's plenty of people in the community that do their parts and are actively doing their parts right now, working with Nicalis, Pixel, etc.
Just because I don't make mods or art or join the discords doesn't mean I'm not a part of the community because "The community" isn't any one of these places and "The community" has mostly moved over to Discord but there's obviously a segment of "The community" that would rather use the forums.
But the segment of "The community" that uses the forums has repeatedly pushed back at most attempts to get this place changed because "The community" seems to really hate when people advocate for something that isn't just built ontop of what's already there, just letting the old thing rot until nobody cares. So I made a thread where "The community" can have a space to better refine ideas that are made.

Anything else I could add would be redundant to stuff I've said earlier.
Aug 2, 2024 at 12:43 AM
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If you want to get mad at me for this thread being innately inflammatory that means that the only thing differentiating "pushing for people to discuss the site's infrastructure" and "Jade being an annoying bitch" is a communication barrier. Because I've been asked for clarification many times in this thread but I guess "I have experience working with professionals whose sole job it is to mediate communities" isn't going to convince people.
I think it's less a communication barrier, and more the tone you've chosen to take with this thread. From the beginning you've been (from my POV) very accusatory towards the community at large, and essentially saying that problems here are the result of actions/inaction by the community.

Regardless of whether you are right or wrong about this, the accusatory tone is REALLY not helping any points you're making. All it does is make people want to defend themselves, rather than contribute to a meaningful discussion. This is something that is taught in communication classes, and can even be found via a quick google search.

But the segment of "The community" that uses the forums has repeatedly pushed back at most attempts to get this place changed because "The community" seems to really hate when people advocate for something that isn't just built ontop of what's already there, just letting the old thing rot until nobody cares.
I think this part right here illustrates my point, somewhat. Arguing like this is a really easy trap to fall into, and I've done things like this myself when having arguments with people. Basically, my point is that you need to try to change your tone.

I dunno, hopefully what I've said makes sense.
Aug 2, 2024 at 12:48 AM
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No if I'm being completely honest this is probably the most helpful response I've gotten so far.