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Cave Story Beta Song Names?

Dec 21, 2022 at 5:32 AM
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So, I'm sure we all know about the songs from Cave Story Beta and how different yet similar they are to their final-game counterparts. However, something I haven't seen as much discussion about concerning the songs are their names. Everybody always calls them "Beta Hero's End" or "Safety from 02-07-05" or something like that. But they had actual names. And I suspect that they are different compared to the names we all know and love.

To prove my point, here's a screenshot from OrgView V5 of beta Hero's End being played:
And here's a screenshot of Hero's End in version 17:
As you can clearly see, different Japanese characters. And to my knowledge, none of these different names have been documented (other than Balrog's theme being "Ginsuke's (Temporary Name) Theme" at one point). Is there a comprehensive list of the changed names that I'm unaware of? Or if not, is there someone knowledgable in Japanese that is willing to do such a thing?
Dec 21, 2022 at 6:07 AM
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Don't we just call the beta version of Hero's End "Requiem"? That is an interesting find, tho. Makes you wonder what their original names were, I know this was done for the songs that came with PiyoPiyo player, too.
Dec 22, 2022 at 8:06 PM
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The first one says "scar(s)", the second one "end of the road" (as in someone's final fate or the end of something)
Dec 22, 2022 at 8:28 PM
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Wow... Beta Hero's End Requiem's name sounds too grim compared to what the song actually sounds like in OrgV05, lol. I guess it would fit with the OrgV01 version, though...

Anyways, since it seems like you know Japanese, do you mind going through all the OrgView versions in Japanese locale and transcribing and/or translating the song names?
Dec 23, 2022 at 2:23 AM
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Sure thing. Assuming I didn't miss any I think this is a complete list of titles that diverge from the translated OrgView downloads/song titles on cavestory.org and in which version(s) they do:

Safety -> 安全の歌 [OV1-14] / 安全の唄 [OV15-OV17] -> Safety Song
(* title shortened in all translations) [OV1-OV17]

First Cave -> 胎生 -> Gestation
(* literally "Viviparity", which matches the internal title VIVI) [OV1-OV4, OV12-OV14]

Hero's End -> キズアト -> Scars

Plant -> プラントβ -> Plant Beta

Meltdown 1 Beta -> メルトダウンβ -> Meltdown Beta

Meltdown 1 -> メルトダウン -> Meltdown

Moonsong -> つき -> Moon
(* or "Moonlight", doesn't become Moonsong until OV15) [OV2-OV4]

Oppression -> アイロンヘッド -> Ironhead
[OV2-OV4, OV14]

Snoopy Cake -> 無題 -> Untitled
(* no clue where this one came from, called "Untitled" anywhere it appears, internally RockOrg) [OV2-OV4]

White -> 白い石壁 -> White Stone Walls
(* shortened in all translations) [OV3,OV4]

People of the Root -> 葉脈の住人 -> Leaf Vein Dwellers
(* closer translation, matches internal name "LEEF") [OV4, OV5]

On to Grasstown! -> くさむらを行け [OV10-14] / クサムラを行け [OV15-OV17] -> Travel Across The Grasslands!
(* closer translation; feel free to insert your favourite name for the zone here, my vote is Grasslands) [OV9-OV17]

Eyes of Flame -> 燃える目玉 -> Eyes Blazing
(* slightly more accurate and less weird sounding) [OV10-OV17]

Balrog's Theme -> 銀助(仮称)のテーマ -> Ginsuke's (provisional name) Theme
(* doesn't become Balrog's Theme until OV14) [OV11-OV13]

Plant -> 農園 -> Plantation

Run! -> 逃げろ(仮称) -> Escape! (provisional title)
(* slightly more accurate and matches internal title, "provisional title" is dropped in OV14) [OV11-OV13]

Run! -> 逃げろ -> Escape!
(* see above) [OV14-OV17]

Mimiga Town -> 村 -> Village
(* doesn't become Mimiga Village until OV15) [OV12, OV13]

Mimiga Town -> 村のテーマ -> Village Theme
(* see above) [OV14]

Mimiga Town -> ミミガーの村 -> Mimiga Village

Pulse -> 鼓動 -> Palpitation
(* not necessarily wrong, but "palpitation" is probably better contextually) [OV12-OV14]

Oppression -> 圧迫する力 [OV15] / 圧迫するチカラ [OV16-OV17] -> Pressuring Force
(* horrible translation, but can't think of a better way to make it work in English off the top of my head and don't think Oppression is good) [OV15-OV17]

Hero's End -> 末路 -> End Of The Road
(* or just "The End") [OV15-OV17]

Cave Story (Theme Song) -> 洞窟物語(大農園) -> Cave Story (Large Plantation)
Last edited:
Dec 23, 2022 at 3:47 AM
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Ah, you even went out of your way to compare the well-known english names with more accurate translations! All in all, I feel like you got them all, The only one I'm sure you missed is Meltdown having a "beta" (β) symbol at the end between OrgV01-02, which would've been something like "Meltdownβ". (Plant seems to never have left the "Beta" stage even up to OrgV05, lol)

I was kind of hoping you'd write out the original Japanese names in Japanese characters and not just the translations, as I'm thinking about maybe including this information on the Cave Story TCRF page, and it wouldn't exactly be easy for me to type up characters to a language i don't know.
Dec 23, 2022 at 4:30 AM
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Ah, you even went out of your way to compare the well-known english names with more accurate translations! All in all, I feel like you got them all, The only one I'm sure you missed is Meltdown having a "beta" (β) symbol at the end between OrgV01-02, which would've been something like "Meltdownβ". (Plant seems to never have left the "Beta" stage even up to OrgV05, lol)

I was kind of hoping you'd write out the original Japanese names in Japanese characters and not just the translations, as I'm thinking about maybe including this information on the Cave Story TCRF page, and it wouldn't exactly be easy for me to type up characters to a language i don't know.

Added the original names to the previous post.

Meltdown Beta is the same in the circulating OrgView1-2 translations (although they also say Meltdown 1 Beta as opposed to just Meltdown Beta).
Dec 23, 2022 at 4:43 AM
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Thank you! I didn't even know there were translation patches for the old OrgView versions other than V5 :o
Safety -> 安全の歌 [OV1-14] / 安全の唄 [OV15-OV17] -> Safety Song
(* title shortened in all translations) [OV1-OV17]
Just curious, but the kanji at the end is different between OrgV01-14 and V15-17, even though it apparently translates to the same thing in English. What exactly is the difference in Japanese, then?
Dec 23, 2022 at 5:23 AM
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"Fresh from the Bakery"
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Thank you! I didn't even know there were translation patches for the old OrgView versions other than V5 :o

Just curious, but the kanji at the end is different between OrgV01-14 and V15-17, even though it apparently translates to the same thing in English. What exactly is the difference in Japanese, then?

Oh, I thought that's what you were basing your original post on! This is where I got them to cross-reference against when I was looking for all the OrgView versions, for what it's worth. I only listed titles where the original differs from what is in the translated versions (so for instance Moonsong in OV15 isn't in the list because it's the same).

No real difference in meaning, just an alternate way of writing the word. Similar story with the other ones in the list where the Japanese was changed (basically for emphasis) and the translation stayed the same. It's nuance that doesn't carry over in translation.
Dec 25, 2022 at 5:36 AM
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And to my knowledge, none of these different names have been documented (other than Balrog's theme being "Ginsuke's (Temporary Name) Theme" at one point)
if you got that translation from the TCRF, I actually added that, it was based on a txt file I got from the Pixel Cut Content server that contained translations for all of the track names across all orgview versions (attached)

for convenience, pasted here:
All the song names for the different OrgView versions, as well as some extra trivia.

*My translations of the song titles may differ from that of AGTP and NiCALiS. In cases where they do, the comments will specify as such.

Japanese English Comment(s)
Title Title
洞窟物語 Cave Story
安全の歌 The Song of Safety "Song" is written with '歌' instead of '唄' in this version. Same as "Safety".
胎生 Viviparity Same as "Gestation". Pixel's intended name was definitely Viviparity, given that the song is known as "vivi" internally. Gestation and viviparity might be similar, but they're not the same thing.
グラビティ Gravity
生きた水路 Living Waterway
岸辟散歩 Pier Walk
キズアト Scar Old name for Hero's End.
プラントβ Plant Beta Note how beta songs have the greek letter "beta" next to them.
メルトダウンβ Meltdown Beta

洞窟物語 Cave Story
安全の歌 The Song of Safety
胎生 Viviparity
グラビティ Gravity
生きた水路 Living Waterway
岸辟散歩 Pier Walk
キズアト Scar
プラントβ Plant Beta
メルトダウンβ Meltdown Beta
つき Moon Old name for Moonsong.
アイロンヘッド Iron Head Old name for Oppression, this version is an Organya transcription of 'Buriki' from Ikachan.
無題 Untitled Internally named "ROCKORG".

洞窟物語 Cave Story
安全の歌 The Song of Safety
胎生 Viviparity
グラビティ Gravity
生きた水路 Living Waterway
岸辟散歩 Pier Walk
キズアト Scar
プラントβ Plant Beta
メルトダウン Meltdown
つき Moon
アイロンヘッド Iron Head
無題 Untitled
地熱 Geothermal Energy Same as "Geothermal".
白い石壁 White Stone Cliff-Face Same as "White".

洞窟物語 Cave Story
安全の歌 The Song of Safety
胎生 Viviparity
グラビティ Gravity
生きた水路 Living Waterway
岸辟散歩 Pier Walk
キズアト Scar
プラントβ Plant Beta
メルトダウン Meltdown
つき Moon
アイロンヘッド Iron Head
無題 Untitled
地熱 Geothermal Energy
白い石壁 White Stone Cliff-Face
葉脈の住人 People of the Leaves' Veins Same as "People of the Root".

OrgV05 (AKA dou_bgm_old)
洞窟物語 Cave Story
安全の歌 The Song of Safety
胎生 Viviparity
グラビティ Gravity
生きた水路 Living Waterway
岸辟散歩 Pier Walk
キズアト Scar
プラントβ Plant Beta
メルトダウン Meltdown
つき Moon
アイロンヘッド Iron Head
無題 Untitled
地熱 Geothermal Energy
白い石壁 White Stone Cliff-Face
葉脈の住人 People of the Leaves' Veins

This would be where Pixel threw out what we know as Cave Story beta. Versions after this seem to confirm the theory that all the stages of modern Cave Story were finished before most of the story.
わんぱくロボ Mischievous Robot
安全の歌 The Song of Safety

わんぱくロボ Mischievous Robot
安全の歌 The Song of Safety
メルトダウン2 Meltdown 2

Here we see that Wind Fortress may have come immediately after the Sand Zone. It could have even been right before Grasstown.
わんぱくロボ Mischievous Robot
安全の歌 The Song of Safety
メルトダウン2 Meltdown 2
かぜのとりで Wind Fortress

わんぱくロボ Mischievous Robot
安全の歌 The Song of Safety
メルトダウン2 Meltdown 2
かぜのとりで Wind Fortress
くさむらを行け Gotta go to Weedytown Same as "Onto Grasstown".
グラビティ Gravity

わんぱくロボ Mischievous Robot
安全の歌 The Song of Safety
メルトダウン2 Meltdown 2
かぜのとりで Wind Fortress
くさむらを行け Gotta go to Weedytown
グラビティ Gravity
燃える目玉 Burning Eyes Same as "Eyes of Flame".

わんぱくロボ Mischievous Robot
安全の歌 The Song of Safety
メルトダウン2 Meltdown 2
かぜのとりで Wind Fortress
くさむらを行け Gotta go to Weedytown
グラビティ Gravity
燃える目玉 Burning Eyes
セメテリー Cemetery
銀助(仮称)のテーマ Ginsuke(Temporary Name)'s Theme Apparently Ginsuke (or "Silver Assistant") was a temporary name for Balrog.
農園 Plantation Same as "Yamashita Farm."
逃げろ(仮称) Run (Temporary Name) Apparently this name was meant to be temporary.

わんぱくロボ Mischievous Robot
安全の歌 The Song of Safety
メルトダウン2 Meltdown 2
かぜのとりで Wind Fortress
くさむらを行け Gotta go to Weedytown
グラビティ Gravity
燃える目玉 Burning Eyes
セメテリー Cemetery
銀助(仮称)のテーマ Ginsuke(Temporary Name)'s Theme
農園 Plantation
逃げろ(仮称) Run (Temporary Name)
胎生 Viviparity
村 Village Old name for Mimiga Village.
鼓動 Pulse

わんぱくロボ Mischievous Robot
安全の歌 The Song of Safety
メルトダウン2 Meltdown 2
かぜのとりで Wind Fortress
くさむらを行け Gotta go to Weedytown
グラビティ Gravity
燃える目玉 Burning Eyes
セメテリー Cemetery
銀助(仮称)のテーマ Ginsuke(Temporary Name)'s Theme
農園 Plantation
逃げろ(仮称) Run (Temporary Name)
胎生 Viviparity
村 Village
鼓動 Pulse
ジェンカ1 Jenka 1 The text in this copy of OrgMaker explains that Jenka is based off of a Finnish folk dance of the same name.
ジェンカ2 Jenka 2

This version now uses the modern percussion.
わんぱくロボ Mischievous Robot
安全の歌 The Song of Safety
メルトダウン2 Meltdown 2
かぜのとりで Wind Fortress
くさむらを行け Gotta go to Weedytown
グラビティ Gravity
燃える目玉 Burning Eyes
セメテリー Cemetery
バルログのテーマ Balrog's Theme
農園 Plantation
逃げろ! Run! Now spelled with an exclamation mark.
胎生 Viviparity
村のテーマ Village Theme Another old name for Mimiga Village.
鼓動 Pulse
静かなる Silence Same as "Quiet".
迷宮ファイト Labyrinth Fight
アイアンヘッド Iron Head Is no longer pronounced like 'eye-ron head' in Japanese.

This version is 10 months newer than the last. It adds the second music tab, re-orders everything, and adds heaps of music. Somewhere in this 10 month gap seems to lie the end of the 'Wind Fortress' era of Cave Story's development.
アクセス Access
胎生 Viviparity
ミミガーの村 Mimiga Village
プラント Plant Not the same as "Plant Beta" from V01. It was likely renamed as it was no longer used in the Plantation.
バルログのテーマ Balrog's Theme
グラビティ Gravity
セメテリー Cemetery
安全の歌 The Song of Safety "Song" is now written with '唄' instead of '歌'.
わんぱくロボ Mischievous Robot
鼓動 Pulse
クサムラを行け Gotta go to Weedytown "Weedytown" is now written in katakana.
燃える目玉 Burning Eyes
メルトダウン2 Meltdown 2
暴君 Tryant
逃げろ Run No longer spelled with an exclamation mark... what?
じえんか1 Jenka 1 "Jenka" is now written in hiragana.
じえんか2 Jenka 2 "Jenka" is now written in hiragana.
迷宮ファイト Labyrinth Fight
地熱 Geothermal Energy
圧迫する力 Suppressed Strength Same as "Oppression". The translation "Opression" seems to overlook the second half of the name, which references power. Also the first half seems more likely to mean 'suppression' or 'pressure.'
生きた水路 Living Waterway
静かなる Silence
灼熱の背中 Scorching Back
つきのうた Moonsong
末路 End of the Road Same as "Hero's End". I like that name Hero's End (it implies that the player stops being a hero), but it doesn't really translate what I feel the title was supposed to mean.
洞窟物語(大農園) Cave Story (Giant Plantation)
最絛の洞窟 The Last Cave
バルコニー Balcony
襲撃 Charge
ゾンビー Zombie
ラストバトル Last Battle
break down.. Breakdown Oddities: Written in full-width alphabetical characters, 'break down' rather than breakdown, 2 full stops.
ランニングヘル Running Hell
封印の間 Sealed Place Same as "Seal Chamber".
帰り路 Coming Home Same as "The Way Back Home".

アクセス Access
胎生 Viviparity
ミミガーの村 Mimiga Village
プラント Plant
バルログのテーマ Balrog's Theme
グラビティ Gravity
セメテリー Cemetery
安全の歌 The Song of Safety
わんぱくロボ Mischievous Robot
鼓動 Pulse
クサムラを行け Gotta go to Weedytown
燃える目玉 Burning Eyes
メルトダウン2 Meltdown 2
暴君 Tryant
逃げろ Run
じえんか1 Jenka 1
じえんか2 Jenka 2
迷宮ファイト Labyrinth Fight
地熱 Geothermal Energy
圧迫するチカラ Suppressed Strength "Strength" is now written in katakana.
生きた水路 Living Waterway
静かなる Silence
灼熱の背中 Scorching Back
つきのうた Moonsong
末路 The End
洞窟物語(大農園) Cave Story (Giant Plantation)
最絛の洞窟 The Last Cave
バルコニー Balcony
襲撃 Charge
ゾンビー Zombie
ラストバトル Last Battle
break down.. Breakdown
ランニングヘル Running Hell
封印の間 Sealed Place
帰り路 Coming Home

This version is identical to the "dou_bgm.zip" download available on Pixel's website.
アクセス Access
胎生 Viviparity
ミミガーの村 Mimiga Village
プラント Plant
バルログのテーマ Balrog's Theme
グラビティ Gravity
セメテリー Cemetery
安全の歌 The Song of Safety
わんぱくロボ Mischievous Robot
鼓動 Pulse
クサムラを行け Gotta go to Weedytown
燃える目玉 Burning Eyes
メルトダウン2 Meltdown 2
暴君 Tryant
逃げろ Run
じえんか1 Jenka 1
じえんか2 Jenka 2
迷宮ファイト Labyrinth Fight
地熱 Geothermal Energy
圧迫するチカラ Suppressed Strength
生きた水路 Living Waterway
静かなる Silence
灼熱の背中 Scorching Back
つきのうた Moonsong
末路 The End
洞窟物語(大農園) Cave Story (Giant Plantation)
最絛の洞窟 The Last Cave
バルコニー Balcony
襲撃 Charge
ゾンビー Zombie
ラストバトル Last Battle
break down.. Breakdown
ランニングヘル Running Hell
封印の間 Sealed Place
帰り路 Coming Home
トロ子のテーマ Toroko's Theme For some reason the 'ko' in Toroko is spelled with the kanji '子' -- meaning child. Torochild?


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This is all really interesting info! There's quite a bit of stuff I learnt from this thread, thanks to all contributors.
I'm a little curious how all these old versions of OrgView were obtained, though... where did they come from? Were they hosted on Pixel's site much earlier and then taken down?