Jul 21, 2016 at 5:14 AM
Join Date: Aug 20, 2006
Posts: 2863
Age: 34
Pronouns: he/him
#1 - Hacker Story. The music choice is really what bring this all together IMO, combining with the visuals for a truly classic feel. The encounters didn't get too bad for me and were mostly enjoyable + what flavour text there was was enough to keep the interest boosted an extra notch. The only thing I really thought it could have done with more of was a few more healing items to find outside of battle.
#2 - Critter TD. Tower Defense is a heavily addictive style of game at the best of times, and this has done an entirely respectable job using the CS engine. I know balancing these sort of things isn't easy; change one weapon or one wave somewhere and everything else shifts slightly. Despite that it's been improved to the point almost every weapon ends up being potentially useful at some point during a level, which is nothing to sneeze at. Different waves between maps would've been another boon, but at the same time I don't mind being able to have a 'feel' for what's coming when. It only takes one look at the mod's TSC files to start going crosseyed

#3 - STARZZ. What that isn't Sonic BLink WHAT HAVE YOU DONE
The fight is rather hard to control, as others have said, but the player health was generous enough that I was still able to get used to it and beat both forms first time. Fairly impressive hacks, appropriate music and that trailing rainbow effect is far too pretty for its own good. Rainbow Critter hype!
#4 - Precious Thoughts. Oh gosh everyone is liking their own thing aren't they?
I do think this retains a leg up In terms of overall depth and content, though, even with the mistakes I didn't have time to fix. I'm happy with a lot of the spritework too, I've never made anywhere near this much original-ish visual content before. Next year/time/whatever I intend to be a lot better prepared in terms of time management.
#5 - Metronari. I love simple line artstyles in games, and here it's backed up by some solid level design that opens up nicely as you go along. The Fire Whirrs in particular were used very well I thought, though sometimes I had trouble telling if there was supposed to be a roof or floor due to a lack of line. You've done a good job of making something enjoyable while still working within your limits.
#6 - cat gay. Looks and sounds gorgeous (at least what was changed) and fun to learn to play while it lasted. The cat's movement was only really problematic when it would fall down when there were still enemies above, e.g. the little cloud section. Having time for just one more map or a boss or something would've been great.
#7 - The Final Level. I can see why people have compared this to Precious Thoughts and they may be more right than they realise yet
Good scenework and nice graphics, the level design is competent but feels a little thin. I echo comments about the boss fight too, first part is slow and the second messy. Still a good entry on the whole.
#8 - Autopilot. The stuff with the critters and beetles in particular is very well-coordinated, they really come from every direction. It could've maybe done with one extra map in the main game though? Feels like there's more unexplored potential to be had here. Maybe.
#9 - Σο ψου Χαμε. This is kind of a mess of ideas and execution. Overall it's too clunky to get into it for very long, though the debug save is mostly well-implemented. I took one look at the final area and decided to hax through it, which is a shame because the boss is a lot better (that massive block-spawning attack is actually really cool) and doesn't take too long with the Sharp Shooter. Also thought the ending scene was nice
#10 - Valastos. It's uh... really not that bad??? Unreadable text aside, the design of the first area is simplistic but effective. I didn't feel like there were too many enemies and the branching paths worked well. The level 3 Shoryuken wasn't so bad either after I tried jumping and 'placing' it near things. I enjoyed the intensity of the second area too, it could have done with some hidden hearts or slightly fewer chasers spawning but the overall effect still works (wouldn't try it on hard mode though). Tilesets are pretty good and so is the music, dunno what Spirit was on about tbh. The biggest downers in terms of ranking are that it's short/unfinished and mostly vanilla.
#11 - KILLJOY. Very slick levels and a neat idea that works while it lasts. Problem is it goes by so quickly that it barely feels like anything has happened
There's not a whole lot of variety between maps yet either.
#12 - One Eye Story. There's some nice artwork and slightly varied level elements, which is what puts it ahead of
#13 - Lara. I approve of the delightfully eye-searing shade of green, and a couple other things (save point sprite, rain effects), but otherwise it's mostly plain/simple and the scripting needs work. Also if you miss the keycard and go back for it it sends you back to the start of the cave instead of where you came in from?
#14 - catfall. Simple idea, would've been more fun if it were less spammy and more dodgy, which wouldn't have been that hard to do I don't think.
#15 - The Water Challenge!.Nobody can get past the first room :v It's sorta been done before as well, if not as a direct focus. Hope you have more time to put something else together in future. Oh geez it actually does work
The mod actually demonstrates some neat use of physics rather than just being broken, even if the first jump is still very touchy about where you make it from. I may have slightly overdone my reranking of this but I want to make up for my own ignorance 
#16 - CS Live & Uncut. I chuckled a few times and some of the more complex sound-mixing was impressive. Aside from that I felt it was mostly trying a bit too hard without breaking a whole lot of new ground.
#17 - Pierce Feverdream. Plays fine enough for a basic intro, didn't really creep me out so much as make me unsure I'll want to see any more.
#17 - RAVE BAR. Some well-made facepics and I found it funnier than Live & Uncut on average, still not much to this aside from talking and memes.
#17 - What To Do When Modding. This actually wasn't as bad as I thought it might be, it's more not especially useful than anything. Good idea that needs a lot more work.
#2 - Critter TD. Tower Defense is a heavily addictive style of game at the best of times, and this has done an entirely respectable job using the CS engine. I know balancing these sort of things isn't easy; change one weapon or one wave somewhere and everything else shifts slightly. Despite that it's been improved to the point almost every weapon ends up being potentially useful at some point during a level, which is nothing to sneeze at. Different waves between maps would've been another boon, but at the same time I don't mind being able to have a 'feel' for what's coming when. It only takes one look at the mod's TSC files to start going crosseyed

#3 - STARZZ. What that isn't Sonic BLink WHAT HAVE YOU DONE

#4 - Precious Thoughts. Oh gosh everyone is liking their own thing aren't they?

#5 - Metronari. I love simple line artstyles in games, and here it's backed up by some solid level design that opens up nicely as you go along. The Fire Whirrs in particular were used very well I thought, though sometimes I had trouble telling if there was supposed to be a roof or floor due to a lack of line. You've done a good job of making something enjoyable while still working within your limits.
#6 - cat gay. Looks and sounds gorgeous (at least what was changed) and fun to learn to play while it lasted. The cat's movement was only really problematic when it would fall down when there were still enemies above, e.g. the little cloud section. Having time for just one more map or a boss or something would've been great.
#7 - The Final Level. I can see why people have compared this to Precious Thoughts and they may be more right than they realise yet

#8 - Autopilot. The stuff with the critters and beetles in particular is very well-coordinated, they really come from every direction. It could've maybe done with one extra map in the main game though? Feels like there's more unexplored potential to be had here. Maybe.
#9 - Σο ψου Χαμε. This is kind of a mess of ideas and execution. Overall it's too clunky to get into it for very long, though the debug save is mostly well-implemented. I took one look at the final area and decided to hax through it, which is a shame because the boss is a lot better (that massive block-spawning attack is actually really cool) and doesn't take too long with the Sharp Shooter. Also thought the ending scene was nice

#10 - Valastos. It's uh... really not that bad??? Unreadable text aside, the design of the first area is simplistic but effective. I didn't feel like there were too many enemies and the branching paths worked well. The level 3 Shoryuken wasn't so bad either after I tried jumping and 'placing' it near things. I enjoyed the intensity of the second area too, it could have done with some hidden hearts or slightly fewer chasers spawning but the overall effect still works (wouldn't try it on hard mode though). Tilesets are pretty good and so is the music, dunno what Spirit was on about tbh. The biggest downers in terms of ranking are that it's short/unfinished and mostly vanilla.
#11 - KILLJOY. Very slick levels and a neat idea that works while it lasts. Problem is it goes by so quickly that it barely feels like anything has happened

#12 - One Eye Story. There's some nice artwork and slightly varied level elements, which is what puts it ahead of
#13 - Lara. I approve of the delightfully eye-searing shade of green, and a couple other things (save point sprite, rain effects), but otherwise it's mostly plain/simple and the scripting needs work. Also if you miss the keycard and go back for it it sends you back to the start of the cave instead of where you came in from?
#14 - catfall. Simple idea, would've been more fun if it were less spammy and more dodgy, which wouldn't have been that hard to do I don't think.
#15 - The Water Challenge!.

#16 - CS Live & Uncut. I chuckled a few times and some of the more complex sound-mixing was impressive. Aside from that I felt it was mostly trying a bit too hard without breaking a whole lot of new ground.
#17 - Pierce Feverdream. Plays fine enough for a basic intro, didn't really creep me out so much as make me unsure I'll want to see any more.
#17 - RAVE BAR. Some well-made facepics and I found it funnier than Live & Uncut on average, still not much to this aside from talking and memes.
#17 - What To Do When Modding. This actually wasn't as bad as I thought it might be, it's more not especially useful than anything. Good idea that needs a lot more work.
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