CSTSF 2016 Modding Competition Showcase & Voting Thread

Jul 24, 2016 at 12:57 PM
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When I made this puzzle I didn't really realize how culturally biased it was. Because, if you're an english speaking canadian that attended public schooling the puzzle is probably immediately obvious - we're taught the mnemonic "Never Eat Shredded Wheat" as a way to remember the orientation of North, East, South and West on a compass. And by the time the deadline rolled around I didn't get a chance to replace it with something less dumb.
Ohhh I see now. Actually I like that puzzle. I need to think outside the box more often and didn't think the messages were related to the puzzle... That would have been awesome if The Ping could offer an additional hint in-game though.
(Btw amusingly or sadly, I used the incomplete mnemonic "Nintendo Entertainment System W" as a kid to remember it myself. lol)

Random trivia: I had planned to participate in the contest as well...
But, unsurprisingly things didn't go according to plan and I ended up playing Overwatch and Diablo 3 for the first time with a friend. Here's what I had considered doing:

Original idea at the start of the contest:
Make a mod that throws you right into the game, no backstory, just given a weapon and monsters around you. Might give you a single text window that says "Destroy my enemies!" or something to that extent.
You then can blast your way through town and vaporize the enemies. At the end you might be rewarded and are told to start a New Game to continue to the next stage, and at that point it restarts back to the intro screen and title screen to select New Game, Load or Quit.
You can continue doing this and play through a variety of missions to defeat monsters and recover treasure etc. Until you finally reach the end.

However... a lot of the "monsters" do no damage or zero damage to you.
"Defeat my enemies!" "Gather the treasure!" etc... Given orders like this... should you blindly follow them without backstory?
What if you were summoned into their world or you are an ancient machine, except the summoner/activator was a villain? What if the monsters were harmless citizens? Or if the summoner corrupted your vision?

This was one idea I had for the competition... You aren't *forced* to attack, but given free reign on how you interact with the world you are dropped into without instructions. I might allow the player to walk up to the monsters and talk to them like a normal NPC would. Or you can blast them... I'm not sure if I'll try to make them communicate automatically at first without you attempting to talk to them. Or if I should make non-dialogue text pop-up outside of a text box (like story text, except maybe instructions appear in the text box, while the monster/NPCs text will appear briefly in the story text, as they try to communicate with you)

Should the language be garbled? So you are unable to understand them? Hmm... If you ignore your orders, and start interacting with the NPCs maybe you'll find a way to communicate properly... And depending on your actions so far (how many "monsters" have you defeated...?) You might be able to get different endings and possibly go after the summoner.

The mod is supposed to be mostly designed like a really simple battle mod on the surface, and playable to the end in that fashion... None the wiser. However, there should be ways to discover what's going on. For instance, after each battle, you are told to do "New Game" and sent to the title. (Using noskip flags I should be able to progress despite doing New Game.) However, if you "Load Game", instead of being at the next area, you'll wake up perhaps in between areas able to overhear something, or perhaps you'll be able to investigate the battle grounds you were just at except there are no monsters left... Or maybe just one that was hiding...?

So in summary, the mod will explore a, "no way to start a New Game system" (except by the original Profile.dat). It's a... pretty depressing mod especially if you don't realize what's going on quickly, though if I do it right maybe you won't have to find out? But if you do... it becomes a lot darker! But, that might start the bigger picture, giving you a chance to change sides, or something. (or perhaps I could tone it down... capture instead of destroy?)
The next idea I had was a timed music video, but that didn't get very far...
And then I thought of a "Complex Dialogue Branching" system replacing the teleporter menu to make more complex conversations with NPCs. But, didn't really know what I wanted to use that for...

And finally, near the end of the contest I started something one more time with the main character as a Critter. (This was right around before Critter TD showed up! And STARZ! xD) The idea was Misery would have transformed a Mimiga into... a Critter. And now you had to make your way through a series of areas across Cave Story which require the help of other monsters to pass through to return to Misery. Most everything would be friendly/rideable. Maybe the bugs would be enemies still.
I played testing, surfing on Basil, riding on critters, elephants to pass traps etc... but that's as far as it went. Ah well...
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Jul 24, 2016 at 3:18 PM
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Seasons the problem is that besides the hidden extras it basically is an auto-level from mario maker. It's a new idea for cave story but it's still not fun at all. If I were voting I probably would have ranked it pretty low as well, for this reason.
Jul 24, 2016 at 4:24 PM
Eevee Enthusiast
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Seasons the problem is that besides the hidden extras it basically is an auto-level from mario maker. It's a new idea for cave story but it's still not fun at all. If I were voting I probably would have ranked it pretty low as well, for this reason.
Please see:
The goal of this contest was to make a Cave Story mod that is creative. Something original, something "out there." This was intentionally left open-ended as to not hamper the imagination of those who wanted to get their interesting ideas out there. Even though the main focus was creativity, good design should have been prioritized above all else.

You could use the same logic to attack several other entries in the competition, but what matters is that it's made in Cave Story. It's an auto-level, but it's an auto-level in Cave Story. It not being as fun as the usual run-and-gun mod is a consequence of it being automatic, but that's an acceptable loss.
Jul 24, 2016 at 5:00 PM
Tommy Thunder
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You could use the same logic to attack several other entries in the competition, but what matters is that it's made in Cave Story. It's an auto-level, but it's an auto-level in Cave Story. It not being as fun as the usual run-and-gun mod is a consequence of it being automatic, but that's an acceptable loss.
Just to clarify, an entry being unique does not excuse it from being ranked low. See here:
• Mods will be ranked in order of personal preference
Uniqueness was the theme of the contest, you're right, but ultimately it needs to be fun to play. If it wasn't fun for somebody in another game, it's reasonable that they don't find it fun in Cave Story either. A mod like H4CK3R.STORY may also be ranked low for that very reason.
Jul 24, 2016 at 5:11 PM
Eevee Enthusiast
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Just to clarify, an entry being unique does not excuse it from being ranked low. See here:


Uniqueness was the theme of the contest, you're right, but ultimately it needs to be fun to play. If it wasn't fun for somebody in another game, it's reasonable that they don't find it fun in Cave Story either. A mod like H4CK3R.STORY may also be ranked low for that very reason.
I understand people are entitled to their own opinions, and that's fine. Some people may like it because it's something that hasn't been done in Cave Story before, while others prefer being able to shoot things. It's just getting a little tiring to hear people compare it to the hundreds of auto-levels in Mario Maker when Cave Story is a completely separate game.
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Jul 24, 2016 at 5:18 PM
The TideWalker
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You do realize that this isn't Mario Maker, right?

We talked about this over the course of an hour and a half in chat and I have no more to say; It wasn't fun to me, not creative in my opinion, and it was done last year by DT's Mod. (don't let go of the don't press anything button.)

I don't see anyone else being a sore loser because of someone else's opinion. When it comes down to it, everyone knows what opinions are like.
Jul 24, 2016 at 5:29 PM
Eevee Enthusiast
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We talked about this over the course of an hour and a half in chat and I have no more to say; It wasn't fun to me, not creative in my opinion, and it was done last year by DT's Mod. (don't let go of the don't press anything button.)

I don't see anyone else being a sore loser because of someone else's opinion. When it comes down to it, everyone knows what opinions are like.
Not this again. For the final time, the concept of not letting go of a single button and the concept of not pressing any buttons are similar, but they are not the same. Therefore, it hasn't been done until now. It's totally fine if you didn't enjoy the mod; to each their own.

Where did I imply that I was being a sore loser? It's quite the personal achievement to rank so well with my first ever mod in my first ever ModCon when the competition is this lively. Even if it doesn't place in the Top 5 at the end of all this, I'll still be proud of it.
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Jul 24, 2016 at 7:32 PM
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Not this again. For the final time, the concept of not letting go of a single button and the concept of not pressing any buttons are similar, but they are not the same. Therefore, it hasn't been done until now.

They really are the same though...
Like I haven't played DT's but if the only difference is that you don't press a button then...
Jul 25, 2016 at 2:58 AM
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This discussion really isn't necessary (@ all of you)

In the meantime, here is a (very) preliminary tech ranking outline. I'm trying to balance complexity of content vs functionality here, which isn't especially easy to directly compare between a lot of these entries. Remember I'm open to discussion/may have missed things. There aren't going to be huge point gaps here anyway.
Order within tiers also matters
First tier (Everything functions, good level of polish and content, complexities are handled very well)

Second Tier (Only a couple minor niggles here and there, still good level of polish and content)
The Final Level
Critter TD

Third Tier (More noteworthy errors creeping in, e.g. lack of completion, minor playability problems)
Precious Thoughts
cat hey
Cave Story - Live and Uncut!

Side Tier (Not many errors, but not much complexity to make mistakes with; lines up more with the previous tier)
The Water Challenge!
Pierce Feverdream

Fourth Tier (Playability is often hampered by inconsistency with scripting or level design)
Σο ψου Χαμε
One Eye Story
Cave Story - What To Do When Modding

Also I dunno if word has gotten around yet properly but Tp would like to push voting back to the end of the month. This is not an excuse to start slacking though, there's still less than a week left!!!
Jul 25, 2016 at 5:19 AM
The TideWalker
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First tier (Everything functions, good level of polish and content, complexities are handled very well)

I'm not sure this should be top tier because of it's super abrupt TBC right before the boss imao (that's kinda big deal?)

Second Tier (Only a couple minor niggles here and there, still good level of polish and content)
Critter TD

This should be top tier? unless I'm just missing something... afaik it's completely complete.

Fourth Tier (Playability is often hampered by inconsistency with scripting or level design)
Σο ψου Χαμε
One Eye Story

none of these feel like the lack technically as bad as they are made out to be? Maybe not Lara and a stretch OES, but So you Have shouldn't be so low because of the spiky hell It's a bad hit but not enough to put it in bottom tier imo.

Also I dunno if word has gotten around yet properly but Tp would like to push voting back to the end of the month. This is not an excuse to start slacking though, there's still less than a week left!!!

Please For PIxel's sake no more extensions; It would be nice to wrap this all up before the close of cat month.
Jul 25, 2016 at 5:36 AM
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none of these feel like the lack technically as bad as they are made out to be? Maybe not Lara and a stretch OES, but So you Have shouldn't be so low because of the spiky hell It's a bad hit but not enough to put it in bottom tier imo.

You can completely skip the green boss (which btw is a BS boss) in the game by abusing the save system. That and you can clear all the monsters in the monster area by only killing one and leaving the map. Those 2 things seem a little broken to me.
Jul 25, 2016 at 7:14 AM
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You can completely skip the green boss (which btw is a BS boss) in the game by abusing the save system. That and you can clear all the monsters in the monster area by only killing one and leaving the map. Those 2 things seem a little broken to me.
aside from skipping it if you don't trigger it yet and stand super far to the right you can kill it without starting the boss fight. that's how i got through at least
Jul 25, 2016 at 4:41 PM
Eevee Enthusiast
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This discussion really isn't necessary (@ all of you)
Aye aye cap'n.

Also I dunno if word has gotten around yet properly but Tp would like to push voting back to the end of the month. This is not an excuse to start slacking though, there's still less than a week left!!!
Not sure how I would feel about another extension, but ending it right at the end of the month would be okay I guess?

-Critter TD ranking-
This should be top tier? unless I'm just missing something... afaik it's completely complete.
The technical score isn't entirely focused on completeness. It also takes into account if everything works as it should and is as polished as can be, and that isn't the case with Critter TD.
Jul 25, 2016 at 5:48 PM
The "C" in "college" is for "crippling debt".
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So I'm trying to write reviews of these mods in addition to making my rankings, but the Greek lettered mod won't run for me and no matter how hard I try, I can't get the Config settings to change, so for now I'm just going to have to give it last place.
Jul 25, 2016 at 6:14 PM
Tommy Thunder
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First tier (Everything functions, good level of polish and content, complexities are handled very well)
Hmm yeah I can't say I agree with this rank. I do agree it's mostly polished, but there are a few quirks. For example, you can softlock the game (I believe if you kill two enemies at the same time), you can still open the inventory (which is glitched looking), and while there is technically an ending, it's kinda abrupt like BLink said (but I suppose that might be more subjective).

Please For PIxel's sake no more extensions; It would be nice to wrap this all up before the close of cat month.
Not sure how I would feel about another extension, but ending it right at the end of the month would be okay I guess?
Yeah, I mean there isn't really any good reason for me wanting to extend it, other than to make it end on the last day of the month and because there are a lot of mods to play. It would only add 3 extra days to the voting period, but it sounds like you all don't think it's necessary. Can more people voice their opinions so I can get an idea of if I should extend it?

So I'm trying to write reviews of these mods in addition to making my rankings, but the Greek lettered mod won't run for me and no matter how hard I try, I can't get the Config settings to change, so for now I'm just going to have to give it last place.
Err, I would advise watching somebody else play it, if possible. The mod did seem to have some compatibility issues before, but I don't feel it would be entirely fair to rank it last even though you didn't play it/see it at all.
Jul 25, 2016 at 6:39 PM
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So I'm trying to write reviews of these mods in addition to making my rankings, but the Greek lettered mod won't run for me and no matter how hard I try, I can't get the Config settings to change, so for now I'm just going to have to give it last place.
Actually, it might be the Greek letters; renaming the folder so that it doesn't have Greek letters would probably work. (I renamed a folder of a mod to something in Greek and that made the mod unplayable…)
Jul 25, 2016 at 7:07 PM
The "C" in "college" is for "crippling debt".
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Actually, it might be the Greek letters; renaming the folder so that it doesn't have Greek letters would probably work. (I renamed a folder of a mod to something in Greek and that made the mod unplayable…)

That worked, thank you.

Err, I would advise watching somebody else play it, if possible. The mod did seem to have some compatibility issues before, but I don't feel it would be entirely fair to rank it last even though you didn't play it/see it at all.

If a mod doesn't work, then regardless it should get the worst ranking. I'll review it now though.
Jul 25, 2016 at 7:58 PM
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you can still open the inventory (which is glitched looking),
how did you do this btw, were you playing with a controller? I actually can't duplicate
Jul 25, 2016 at 9:28 PM
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Oh, yeah, I was using a gamepad. :p
that explains why I couldn't find the issue then. It works if you use a keyboard like a NORMAL person ( '<')

anyway ive had these sitting around for a few days and I doubt i'll change em much more so here are my votes:

1	hacker Story	 ----------	call me egotistical because I am
2	CTD	 ----------	it was really cool but became repetitive too quickly
3	Precious Thoughts	 ----------	A really great CS mod but lacked any specially distinguishing features
4	Final Level	 ----------	
5	Metronari	 ----------	I enjoyed it and it had a pretty decent length
6	Autopilot	 ----------	
7	STARRZ	 ----------	Exciting but a bit short compared to the ones above
8	Live & Uncut	 ----------	
9	Killjoy	 ----------	
10	So You Shave	 ----------	Some interesting bits but too many problems to be really enjoyed
11	hey cat	 ----------	feels like a tech demo
12	Catfall	 ----------	also a tech demo
13	OneEye Story	 ----------	
14	Lara	 ----------	
15	Rave Bar	 ----------	
16	Valastos	 ----------	I just don't get it
17	WTDWM	 ----------	
18	FS_PF	 ----------	I'm concerned about you
19	Water Challenge	 ----------	sorry
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