• Hey everyone happy Christmas Eve we're aware of what's happened with the source code so to keep this simple absolutely don't post it on the site or use it to make mods with (it's not particularly preferable toward this end anyway) and tread lightly in general until we see how this settles, thanks to all and have a great holiday season -DT

New profile posts

Have a dialogue to check for defeated bosses, or have that done in a different area than a boss room... how can something so simple be so hard to decide?
60fps, original level design, changed title screen, music that doesn't make your ears bleed, sprites that aren't crap, windowed and not fullscreen.
I was walking down my neighborhood today when I saw some little kids talking about what 2 + 2 is, one said 22. I didn't know what to expect.
its 21 dumby
no its fish
When I was the age of those children, I had thought it was 4, simple as that....I guess times have changed for the better for them.
i have no internet at my house so unfortunately i am left offline. i will return when it too returns. farewell
yeah! it ends june 9th i think
which is bad because after that i won't be able to contact anyone until we regain our internet :<
this makes me very sad
76 will not happen for a while, I suppose
I don't know if anybody else noticed this but, Pomfy was born the day Cave Story's development started.
why is cavestoryLOL talking like this when the message is being sent to Pomfy
Cool, I guess.
*breathes in* I believe I have fully embraced the latest version of ORG Maker. No more 2.05 for now...though I'd still probably keep it unless 2.10 can replicate 2.05's Per01 sound.
You are finally one of us. Learn to love the volume commands, they're what help me sleep at night.
Heh I haven't actually fully embraced them yet since reading, "It is useless to people who can draw beautiful curves freehand." in the Quick Help manual and I was like, "I don't need these options" despite my very unsteady hand. It is very helpful for those linear decays and swells, though everything else is kind of in between for me at the moment since the curves basically extend the entire range of the volume grid and that tends to make some notes get drowned out.
I used the Per01 from OrgMaker 1.3.4, which sounds almost the same as the Per01 in Cave Story. This helps Cave Story modders -- their compositions will sound the same in OrgMaker and Cave Story.

If you prefer the Per01 from OrgMaker 2.0.5, it's easy for me to change. Check your private messages.
I have a bit of an issue that's been affecting gallery uploads pretty significantly, and I was wondering if someone more technically versed than I could help. Is there any sort of consistent way to search a specific site for a specific image? There's a ton of images in my Gardevoir folder that I can't remember as being uploaded or not, given how long I've been working on the Grand Gallery, and checking over every page for one image is tedious, inefficient and not even particularly accurate. I'm well aware that Google Images and Tineye exists, but I'm not sure if they can be trusted to have my gallery on file. Any help is appreciated!
Forum gallery search looks through image names and descriptions, which is basically all the information available when it comes to identifying one. If you can't remember what you named or said about something then I don't know how else you could locate it, aside from visually.
If you're just worried about not seeing it on cavestory.org when you first put the image in GIS you could always just append site:cavestory.org/forums in the end. Not sure how effective it would be since I don't reverse-GIS that often
Thank you, DT, but I was thinking of doing it visually, to be honest. As for the site:cavestory.org/forums thing, I'll give that a shot later! Thanks for the suggestions. ^_^
It was most certainly not another Polaris, we just happen to enjoy the same excellent MSPaint comic. :3
Awwww yeaaa another Popstar Misadventures fan B)
just sent over a contact request. Keep in mind that im a lot more available on hangouts than I am on razer. I try to be on consistently, but I usually only can only be on there at night, which is 2-3 am your time. hangouts I have access to any time