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if i ever get a review of you playing HHsR i'll update the game (:
i TAS'd an older version of HHsR but not on windows 7
why are you using windows 7 though
can run games more than win xp
the highest win version that support hourglass
i mean that's fair, hourglass doesn't run on later systems
i still remember running HHsR on both XP and 7 so i don't know what could be the issue
i don't know what stars aligned for my brain to let me focus on evergreen again but i'm glad it's lasted long enough to finally finish that major update AND keep bugfixing/polishing... riding this motivation wave for as long as i can lmao
Demo spotted!!! (Yes... I didn't notice an update until now.)
fun mother 3 related facts: i have died to the fierce pork trooper from mother 3 once. feel free to laugh.
the forlorn junk heap wasn't that much easier, but it did occasionally burp, which was pretty much a turn waster because of how often it missed and being one of the less dangerous status effects.
pummelator.... more like GUMmelator.. *eats you *
I can't believe I haven't seen this until now. Guess I don't check this site enough.
Anyways, aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh! (screams of agony due to being eaten alive)
I thought I might as well post this here. An idea for a redesigned HUD I made via CSE2 awhile back. When I made this I was not really sure of weapon icon placement still not particularly sure still.
Good news, my computer's back. Bad news, nothing could be recovered.
cloud backup + physical backup! Speaking of which... probably need to do that myself... Running on a broken Windows 10 (I keep deleting stuff in Windows) with old drives (5 - 8 years I guess?) that keep on chugging... If it still works, why not...! Also now I wonder if my old CD/DVD backups are still good...
… cloud backup?
Honestly never heard of it. Sounds like putting copies of everything in the clouds, which. Like. Kinda sounds disastrous since it might mean we'll get data rain instead :b

Wow, 5 to 8 years. I dunno about my main hard drive, but my other hard drive was from at least 2011, and has been used for three computers that I know of (two Windows 7s, and my current one, until the hard drive failures).
lol yes! I hope the cloud doesn't start leaking again... My firewall can only take so much...
I don't know where they come up with these names, but the term cloud has been hijacked by computer terminology D: "Store it in the cloud", "back it up to the cloud"; is basically just online storage. Or you have various "cloud services", like Microsoft 365 apps (Word, Excel, etc) that you can access anywhere, without installing. Just need internet to access their online platform while they host the computing side. That's one reason so many services are now subscription based. Don't own the software... pay to keep accessing their services.
Same with some gaming with cloud services. Where you don't actually install games, but play remotely if internet is good enough. No need for a fancy setup, when you can have a cardboard box that has internet connection but can run fancy new games D: Again... don't get to own the software... So pros and cons...

Anyway, there should be some decent free services you can upload files to backup, if data usage is a factor. Just make sure to login every so often or it might delete your files from inactivity...! (Or can pay a premium.) For instance I signed up with the not-the-greatest file service 4shared, and like 10 years later they still have my files! Kinda impressive... (Do get a reminder every year about it going to be deleted, but then I login and all is well.)

And wow, your hard drives have seen some mileage too! I've tried to reduce the wear and tear on mine since it started making the occasional burp and clunk... Using things like a RAM drive and a little SSD system drive. The software based RAM drive is nice if you have enough RAM to spare. So you can install temporary things or download files without it hammering away at your drive's life. (Have to remember not to shutdown without copying anything I want to save though!)
adhd sucks lmao
anyway here is a single screenshot from my test CS thingie from a while ago:

confused on what you mean.
Cave Story occasionally attaches the chains to a block (more likely a different one from the usuals in between each other), it's a very clever trick especially since the chain looks stupid attached to the rocks. (you could adapt the tileset for it to have rocks around it to make it look more believeable but um, why?)

(Examples from an old mod and another more adequate example from cave story)
the more you know - thank you
i have reached 420 flags. nice.

oh yeah and here's some teaser screenshots or whatever
Screen Shot 2022-10-24 at 11.22.08 pm.png
Screen Shot 2022-10-26 at 11.16.38 am.png
Cool, 400 flags, that's quite a lot.
Whatever you do, do not touch Flag 0431, worst mistake of my life
for some reason it fills me with pure happiness whenever i see a cave story and off reference. i honestly don't even think they're really amazing games anymore they just fill me with pure happiness
Yeah, I know that feeling! Cool to see someone else expressing this sentiment. It's probably out of sheer nostalgia, but you just sort of squeal with instant happiness when you see something related