New profile posts

I'm worthless, and I don't matter in this community.
Where am I getting them? I was told this, but worded differently, as far back as 2018.
I was a failure from the start. When I joined this forum, I was an annoying cunt, and I annoyed the hell out of everyone. I was a bitch. I was banned from the modding discord twice due to being a complete dipshit.
I was still a dipshit until late 2019 where I finally got a couple of brain cells, and stopped. Once I turned 13, people started to treat me like a normal member. I was too scared to say, or do anything in the modding discord for a year, until I joined a voice chat, and everyone was chill. It's been almost four years since I joined this community, and I can still only do music well. And even if I'm skilled with music, my music almost never noticed. It seems as though it's always in favor of someone I won't name. To be honest, I've started becoming jealous of that person. They even get to have the orgestrator role, and I don't.
There's much more than that, but I don't feel like typing much longer. There are things in my other posts that I haven't mentioned here.
Maybe you were a troublemaker back then, but that's not you anymore, and that's not the way that the community sees you anymore. I know it's hard, but you've gotta move on from your past failures. This doesn't mean you should forget about it, doesn't mean you shouldn't ever talk about it again, but you need to stop letting it have have any power over you. You're the only one burdening yourself with this, and you're the only one who can set yourself free from it.

It can be so easy to treat life like a competition and constantly compare yourself to others. On one hand, it can be helpful to see people who are better at certain things than you are, so that you have a standard to strive for and a motivator to get better. But you just can't let yourself turn that into these negative feelings of self-loathing and feeling like you can't do anything good. If you keep telling yourself that you're a failure, it's going to become a self-fulfilling prophecy, which is a very vicious cycle. And it's entirely up to you when that cycle breaks.
Hey Infinity, that was in the past now, you changed your ways and I'm glad you did, you didn't stagnate unlike some.
I also did some bad things in the past and I thought for a long time everybody hated and despised me for it, and even though I know some do(Sort of, Ewan is a shithead anyways) I believe and understood that was in the past. You have to move forward to be able to improve.
I noticed your earlier forum post, what if you try to get around your objectives to achieve them! Like I said before, try doing something else, try a new music software, try finding a new passion etc.
You'll only stagnate if you believe you can't and or sometimes, it just means you need a break.
Does anyone ever feel guilty of never having finished a thing or that it've been taking so much time to get the thing done and you don't forcefully have the time to devote to it.

Well if you do, it's okay, you can take all the time you want if you need it, it isn't a test or anything. ^^
definitely have a project i feel like if i spend any more time on it itll be wasted even though i've already spent probably a week of my life on it
definitely have a project i feel like if i spend any more time on it itll be wasted even though i've already spent probably a week of my life on it
Well that's new :/
I never heard of this kind of feeling before, is there something in it that rubs you the wrong way?
nothing that's in it, just that hobbies yield very little return especially if theyre niche
Some say it gets easier to accept loss, but I guess it differs from person to person…
In the end, we are just a brain in a mecha made of flesh and fueled with blood that is made by drinking water and powered by eating things that it can digest.
I'm sorry for whatever loss it is you've faced. Do you want to talk about it?
To RPGmaker horror fans: The Ib Remake is now in english!
From the steam page:

New Features​

This game is a remake of the 2D exploration-adventure title Ib, set in a creepy, mysterious art gallery and originally released in February 2012. Virtually all of the graphics have been updated, with many upgraded and additional effects as well.
  • Significantly improved screen resolution and graphics allow players to experience a
    classic in a whole new light.
  • Brand new graphics for maps, characters, and stills.
  • Addition of all-new and redesigned pieces of artwork.
  • Further improvements upon the original concept of making the game enjoyable for
    Players of all level through optimizations to the many puzzles in-game.
  • Brand new puzzles, effects, and tricks that were not present in the original.
  • Addition of “Zoom Mode” for improved visibility, allowing players to spot small items more easily and view the many pieces of artwork in greater detail.
  • New “conversation system” allows companions to offer hints and engage in conversation.
  • Brand new BGM composed specifically for the remake.
@Serri - Hey Serri, not sure if this will send a notification to you, but was curious: Is there a reason I can't reply to any of your own profile posts, or send PMs? Was curious if there was some kind of option, or if something happened?
Oh right, I should probably change it back, i did it when i left the forums, but i'm now back, oops
Constant stress that will never end.

My school requiring everyone to do volunteer work next year which makes it not actually volunteering and more like practical slavery.

Going to school in general feeling like mental torture.

Having a mid life crisis at the age of 15.

Never being successful.

Sucking at everything besides music.

This generation.

I want it all to STOP.
During an assembly my school had today, I was told that I have to be at the prom for at least an hour, and I don’t have to wear a tuxedo.
If you don't want to go don't go. They can't keep you from graduating if you don't attend a prom.
I’m still required to go for at least an hour.
Hey, could you help me delete my account?
I just kinda lost interest in having this account.
Thank ya for reading
What's the whole appeal behind having your account deleted? Last time I remember this happening (RIP JakeXanth), it resulted in a lot of discussions suddenly looking weird due to a lack of context. If you lose interest in having this account then, well, we're sorry to see you go, but there's no need to delete your legacy.
Ah, I guess you're right. Probably would mess things up a bit up anyways.