New profile posts

Adding the entire forum as your friend in alphabetical order, hm? It's either you're automated or you're just downright crazy.
my name is lowercase you fuck @tlincoln
Are the individual lists ordered from most active to least active? Does that mean I'm the eleventh most active person on the forums?
I don't think it's in any particular order
I think I may be coming down with strep throat :<
That sucks.
Yeah, it did...
Thankfully, extensive home medical treatment has cured me as of now! c: (Thanks mom!)
Oh, that's good.
Happy birthday! It seems that it was a little too long between entries in the Birthday File and I forgot one. That is resolved now.
Recently I've been questioning how good of a person I really am. I'm worried that too much of me is rooted in superficial things, dark places, semantics and sins, and maybe good intentions and effort isn't really enough anymore, if it was genuine to begin with. Thankfully, and as always, I still have hope for the future with me - but I need to not let that hope keep me in place, because I could be doing a lot better for others and myself than I am now.
If having 3 max HP is canon, and it has an in-universe explanation as to why, does it still make sense?
Well, it is addressed through books (and mainly to answer possible questions that people might have like "why is having 3-HP canon").
Currently it's something like this:<div class='bbc_spoiler'>
<span class='spoiler_title'>Spoiler</span> <input type='button' class='bbc_spoiler_show' value='Show' />
<div class='bbc_spoiler_wrapper'><div class='bbc_spoiler_content' style="display:none;">Health Points (HP) represent the basic life form's life force. If it reaches 0, they die.
All beings on Newerth are self-aware, and as such they know what their own HP is. Some even know that of their foes.
By default, Newerthian humanoids tend to have 10 maximum HP.
The Tainted work differently: they start at 10, but when they lose their left eye things change.
The Tainted have 3 maximum HP, and it cannot be increased through the use of Life Capsules or other similar items.
When they regain their left eye, their maximum HP increases significantly - it will then be 20 max HP and can be…
… raised with Life Capsules and similar items.</div></div>
Think that'll suffice?
Yes, the books were a good idea. I think it's fine.
Thank you =3