New profile posts

April fool's, everyone. The real joke is, TAF isn't over. But you won't be seeing it in any way you remember, nor will you be seeing it for a long, long, time.
it'll be like, a year until april fools' day comes around again
Are we going to play it on the dunc forums again
If you couldn't pick both...Hoshido or Nohr?
nohr side is supposed to be more difficult and other things so I'm definitely choosing that one
Nohr side is more linear though
The structure's like shadow dragon which isn't bad but I really preferred the more Sacred Stones route like what Awakening did
I dunno, as much as I really liked Awakening's World Map thing, there's something I prefer about the other style. While I liked being able to go to the different paralogues and such, other than that, the World Map really only served to buy items and grind on enemies. It's still pretty linear, aside from the paralogues.
While I assume the other side will maybe not have any paralogues (although I remember when I was playing Sword of Seals at one point I went to a chapter called "Chapter 8x" so maybe it'll be like that), I liked the other style since it adds another layer of strategy. You have to plan more carefully how you use your weapons and who you give them too. In Awakening you could buy items literally anywhere. Although there will still a lot of random item pickups so maybe it won't even change much.
Also the Nohr side will supposedly have more types of mission objectives and stuff, which would be cool. None of the Fire Emblem games I played really had any variety in that (although the farthest I made in any of them other than Shadow Dragon or Awakening was chapter 10 in Sword of Seals, so maybe there's more) aside from Awakening having a few paralogues with different objectives. (although I HATED that paralogue with the villager guys you have to save. The one with Tiki was great though).
It would probably be a better idea if I played the Hoshido side considering I finished Awakening fairly easily and I have tried to play like, 4 Fire Emblem games none of which I finished. But I think I'll go with Nohr anyway because having different types of missions sounds fun.
I see someone is using my words as their signature. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I was first to die. this is the hunger games simulator all over again.
that was literally the fastest I've ever seen anyone die in something like that
I know right and all I did was just walk away for a few minutes to take a shower.
I thought for a moment that your 4,000th post was just "yes", and that would have been kind of amazing. Regardless, congrats! ^_^
Oh my god that would have been incredible

And thanks lol
I thought this would interest you
Woah, calm down on the caps.

What I wrote: <div class='bbc_spoiler'>
<span class='spoiler_title'>Spoiler</span> <input type='button' class='bbc_spoiler_show' value='Show' />
<div class='bbc_spoiler_wrapper'><div class='bbc_spoiler_content' style="display:none;">The lead character of "Cave Story" ("洞窟物語"), a game that was produced and released singly-handedly by Daisuke Amaya. About 5 years work given away for free, to be later fully translated by fans, hosted an english tribute site by fans, given remix albums by fans, and later to become released on Nintendo Wii and 3DS amongst other ports simply because of the inspiration given on its humble release. Though it now sits at 10 years old, people are finding and loving it even today. Thank You.</div></div>
too many elecs
Can I use the fucking Darude Fucking Sandstorm plox?
for what?
Darude Story - Starring Sandstorm
maybe? I didn't make it though, ask Safusaka
are you going to vote for him in the thing
because you should
The smash ballot?
No, I don't think he's got a shot. He's already an assist trophy and part of Shulk's final smash, I doubt he would be accepted as a fighter.
yeah i know but like
people vote for things for the hell of it
more like that
Have a nice National Hoodwink Day! I won't really be joining in the festivities or doing anything of note today, sorry. Hopefully I can finally upload the 280th and 281st pictures that I was supposed to a week ago today - still don't know what I'm going to do for the 282nd.