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Your Cave Stories!

Nov 25, 2010 at 12:47 PM
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WoodenRat said:
Sometimes I wonder why I hang out with you guys lol

its cuz weer so smexy
Nov 25, 2010 at 3:18 PM
Only Love, Maximum Love, Forever
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WoodenRat said:
Sometimes I wonder why I hang out with you guys lol

Because I'm here <3
Nov 26, 2010 at 12:49 AM
daughter of chivalry
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Because we are amazing and you love us.

I'll try one. But it won't be able to hold a candle to explosive's or Nawksid's

k so littel did most ppl know who play cave stroy is that balos had a son. his name was agony nd was misery's cuzin (agony is like mizry bit he has blak hair wif blue streaks in it and piercing ambar eyes). anyway when they were little he would always b really mean to her and make her sad cuz he was better at magic then she was. den wen jonka sealed ballos away agony ran away cuz he was relly sad cuz his dad was gone.

so one day mizery was busy wif da dokter one day and he was ordering her to do stuff but he went away. wen he went away mizry heared a noise and gasped. it was...agony! "wtf ru doing here u imcopnetent fool????"" she axed angrily. "i m here to take da demom crown n becom ruler of island n becom more stronger" den miszery took out her staff nd cast a spell. big blak bawls went at agony and he docged real fast. agony also has a staffe but it was bigger nd had red skulls painted on it wif red dimonds in hte eyes. he took it out and cast a parlyziasing spel on misewry.

he pined her down nd grinned sadistcly down at miisery. she gasped. "get off me u fool" den misery was sad cuz it reminded her of all the tiems wen agony was mean to her and was betar wizard. "i dont think do" he cackled sexily. den he kissed misery on the lips nd her eyes went all big and glowed. she struggled to git away but it was too late and agony kised harder nd began undressing her.

"no this is so wrong" misery thought cuz it was her cusin and its really gross but she kidna liked it to cuz he waz real sexy with his block hair and blue steaks in it. she cud feel his you no wat poking thru his blak lether paints nd it was rely big even bigger than docter. she wuz abiut to give up until.............

suddenly blargo came and gapsed at what he saw. misry looked at him all scared and was like "No!' in her head but it was too latte and blagro went to get doktor.
Nov 26, 2010 at 4:47 AM
daughter of chivalry
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Double post because screw you.

Me and explosive have teamed up to make an epic odvonture. NSFW :c
[23:24] <+sexplosive> zazuma's read hair glistned in the sunlight it was shiney and he had glasses on which also we're shiney and he looked really handsome he is the verision of kazuma he is much more confident he takes over kazumas body when he is weak
[23:25] <+sexplosive> zazuma stripped off his lab coat
[23:25] <+sexplosive> revialing a black tank top with sexy pecks and really big arms he only has big arms and sexy pecks when he is zazuma which is why he took of the lab coat
[23:26] <+sexplosive> he also took off his pants and he only had boxers on with a really gay design on them
[23:26] <+sexplosive> because kazuma is gay
[23:26] <+sexplosive> so then zazuma is bi so he didnt like the gay boxers
[23:26] <+sexplosive> so he just took them off
[23:27] <+sexplosive> he then was naked except his black tank top so he looked just like jacob xanth
[23:27] <+sexplosive> all the ladies wanted him
[23:27] <+sexplosive> but he wanted agoney
[23:28] <+WildDesu> agoney rehjected zazuma becuz he was to busy raping his cousin misery becuz he always had wanted to since he was litttle wich is why he was rapping her now. he was to bussy to notice zzauma who wus ovviously wanting him. agoney was rely hot with 6 pack abs and a relly big penid
[23:29] <+sexplosive> zazuma felt rejected so he turned back to kazuma who is sad
[23:29] <+sexplosive> kazuma was angry tho
[23:29] <+sexplosive> so he raped quote who was confuse because he didnt do anything?
[23:29] <+sexplosive> quote was asking why
[23:29] <+sexplosive> whad id i do
[23:29] <+WildDesu> misry came cuz of her cusins big thingie nd so he pulled out nd came on her fac cus she came first nd not him which made him relly angry at her
[23:30] <+sexplosive> quote screamed as he came
[23:30] <+sexplosive> because he secretly likes but sez
[23:30] <+WildDesu> misry lay thar cryin n agony slaped her with his dick and ran affter kazuzazu nd kowete
[23:30] <+sexplosive> kazuzazu?
[23:30] <+sexplosive> yes
[23:30] <+WildDesu> author could not decide whether it was zazuma or kazuma
[23:31] <+sexplosive> *footnote
[23:31] <+sexplosive> so then zazuma said to agone he was angry at the rejection
[23:31] <+sexplosive> and he slapped him with his cock
[23:31] <+WildDesu> so he put both cuz kazuma likets to fluctuate btween forms cuz he is sexually confused
[23:32] <+sexplosive> his hair turns bluey purple because that is the color between red and green
[23:32] <+sexplosive> his name is kazuzuma
[23:32] <+sexplosive> and he has a split personaty
[23:32] <+WildDesu> agoney's ambor eyes glowd real fast and scray so zazuma backed off so that gaeve agnoy the poporutnity to slack kazuzazu wiff his bgger dick
[23:32] <+sexplosive> this reasulteds in a cock fight
[23:32] <+sexplosive> GET IT COCK FIGHT
[23:32] <+sexplosive> and they kept slapping each other
[23:33] <+sexplosive> then they slaped quote because he was little and they needed to take out thier angers
[23:33] <+sexplosive> and quote liekd all the dick in his face
[23:33] <+WildDesu> menwhile quot and mizaory were layimg all raped n stuff. so quote wne tover to misery and treied to comfort her cuz she was crying. so he got her ice cream
[23:33] <+sexplosive> what flavor
[23:33] <+WildDesu> mimiga scrotum
[23:33] <+sexplosive> m
[23:33] <+sexplosive> mizery licks the ice cream seductavley
[23:34] <+sexplosive> 'cuz she's like that
[23:34] <+sexplosive> this turned quote on and he had conflicting feelings
[23:34] <+sexplosive> meanwhile zazuma and agone have turns dominating the other
[23:34] <+sexplosive> because both are wanting to be ont op
[23:35] <+sexplosive> quote is questioning weather he is bi or straight or gay
[23:35] <+sexplosive> and decides he is bi because he likes the dick
[23:35] <+WildDesu> "i am always on top" sed agony seixly. agony had sex with over 93900393 girls nd mebbe guys cause he may be bi hes not sure yet. cuz he wanted to fill on the gape for not having blalos as father
[23:36] <+sexplosive> zazuma turned into kazuma who is submissive
[23:36] <+sexplosive> and lieks but sexks
[23:36] <+WildDesu> miezwee ate her ciecream and blargo fell from the ceiling cuz he was jealous of her ice cream
[23:36] <+sexplosive> HUZZUH showted blargo
[23:36] <+sexplosive> he landed with his scrotum in curly's mouf
[23:36] <+WildDesu> but den nicalis came and blargo shouted HOORAY bcuz kids will buy the gaem more
[23:37] <+sexplosive> nicalis was then raped by everyone
[23:37] <+sexplosive> the end

also this is Agony. Warning: really sexy and well sprited
Nov 26, 2010 at 5:36 AM
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Nov 26, 2010 at 12:15 PM
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Nov 26, 2010 at 4:28 PM
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@Rarlon: I lol'd You have too much time on your hands, all of you

@explosive: That's actually a pretty decent edit.
Jan 9, 2011 at 5:56 AM
"In Soviet Russia, graves keep YOU!"
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zazuma, in his lustful rage full of anger and passion, began kissing sue stroking her fur and sliding off her shirt sue was really grossed out because kazuma was her brother AND SHE YELLED REALLY HARD AT HIM THAT IT WAS GROSS AND SHE DIDNT WANT TO SEX HER BROTHER (artours note i put it in caps locks and am lazy not want to do backspace sorry), but zazuma simply laughed and he said that he did not know who kazuma was and he was zazuma and he was ready to fuck her because his dick was big and also erect this turned sue on because she secretly loved her brother but not his personality and also the fact that he was her brother turned her off but zazuma was sexy so they started macking out really hard and zazumas tong was hard down sues lips and then he put his tong in sues lips (get it xP) and it made sue scream in pleasure but she was not turned on because zazuma still had the body of kazuma so when zazuma put his penis in her it hurt and also she was a virgin so it hurt alot when he trusted his penis in. Sue endured thougha nd when she finally came it was huge and she orgasmed because of zazumas big cock. zazuma was finally content with sue after an hour of hard fucking and then left her, and went to other parts of the islnad to tame his lust for sex
Jan 9, 2011 at 7:33 AM
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Noxid said:
quote's sister period
I know this is a little late to pick up on, but is this a menstruation joke?

Also explosive you disgust me
Jan 9, 2011 at 4:37 PM
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Explosive please use punctuation
Jan 9, 2011 at 4:55 PM
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Jan 9, 2011 at 4:56 PM
"In Soviet Russia, graves keep YOU!"
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Jan 9, 2011 at 5:08 PM
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then ill never love you
Jan 9, 2011 at 5:14 PM
Only Love, Maximum Love, Forever
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So explosive and woodyrat wur walkn in grasstown rite and woody was like oh hi thar explosive how are u man? and explosive was like hey there and then woodenrat was sad because he really liked exosive but he needs to have punctuation for true love and so woodenrat was sad but its okay because explosive wasnt doen talking yet and he really said hey there woodenrat, I'm doing super. and woodey saw the period and he was so happy gave explosive a kiss and it was super hot then they went to zazumas house and locked the door
(Hint: No.)
Jan 9, 2011 at 5:30 PM
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Another beautiful story from the masterful author Cultr1.
Mar 10, 2011 at 10:52 PM
Only Love, Maximum Love, Forever
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Okay guise this is my first real cave stories so be nice :)

Storee of Caiv Stury
By Ellis H-P aka Cultr1 dun steel this!!!!! >.<

Chapter 1: GUN
First there was darkness and then there was a transmission, it was Kazuma and he was typing on his computer and he sed Sue i am stuk in this house and I ran away from the doctor and i escaped. Helloooo??? and then the trasnsmission was over. Quote herd the transmission and so he woke up and he looked around. He saw a save point and he went over to it and he saved and then he left through a door in the cave. When he was outside there was spickes and batts and blobs. One way was a dead end and so he went the other way and he almost fell in to some spikes and he said whoa that was close! and he kept going and then he found a life capsule and he said yes now i can hit the spickes and not be ded and he was happy because now quote has six healths so he could survive spickes. Then he jumped over some water but he didnt jump far enuf so he fell into the water but it was okay but his air was running out and so he got out of the water but he got hit by a bat and he said ouch but he kept trying until yes! he maid it but he fell into some other water but he was oK. there was some water and a big door that was a lionhed and stone so he went to the headd. There was a house inside and there was an old man and he was asleep Helloo? Quote said but the old man was asleep so he didnt answer. Now quote was really angry! He saw a treasure chest and he opened it and he found a gun and it was the polar star! It was a blue gun and it had a star that was white on it but it was only level 1 >:( but quote was still happy because he can kill the bats and the blobs but not the spickes. But then there was another transmission! It was Kazuma again and he said sue i am still stuck and hellp me! but quote was not sue so he is confused. oh well. So then quote left and he was shooting the bats! and the blobs and he was getting golden triangles crystals and level up! and now he was shooting better shots and the blobs died faster. Quote went inside the first room and then he saved again and he went to the ded end and he shot the blocks with the stars on them and then Quote could get through! he went up to the door and was gonna open it but he took some damage!!! and the door had an eye on it and so he shot the door and it died and he gott more triangles crystals and he went thru the dorr.

Yes it will be continued, I have the first 4 chapters written but typing them takes a while :(

thanks :L
Mar 10, 2011 at 11:02 PM
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Such a refined piece of fan-made literature.
Mar 10, 2011 at 11:07 PM
Only Love, Maximum Love, Forever
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Chapter 2: the villiage with the mimigas inside of it and then the problem in the town!
Quote walked outside but he wasn’t looking so he tripped and he fell off of a cliff and he said no! really loud. And he fell in front of two mimigas (who are like bunnies and humans) and one fell and one ran away. Quote was talking too the mimiga who fell down and said who are you? and he said I am King and eye’m the number one and i am the strongest ever in this town except Arthur and he was strong and Quote said whoa and King said i don’t like sue she is different and i dont her very much at all. Quote said okay and he went over to the big resivoir and he saw a mimiga called Kanpachi and he was cool. He said oh hai I am kanpachi and i saw sue fell in to the water. Quote looked in the water and he saw something sparkling in the water at the bottom so he went down there and he found a necklace that was silver and looked like a fish and he took it just in case. When he got out of the water he saw the mimiga who ran away named toroko but she ran away and Quote was sad. But anyway Quote left the pool of water and then he saw a fat mimiga and he said to mahin “hey” and the mimiga said hi i am Mahin and you want to know about Sue? she is not from around here and she is cute so yeah and then quote jumped up higher and fell on to a platform and go the Map System! which showed quote the map and then he jumped down and opened the door that was on a little shack, When he was inside he walked around a bit until sumone said “why you!’ and Toroko snuck up on Quote and then she hit him with a leek and that hurt and he said ow jeez dude! and he shot her but only he shot her once and she said eek and fell. Quote said sorry and is was okay toroko said wait you’re not with doctor? and quote then he sed no. But then the grounded start shaking and something was close to dorr. They both looked at the door and then…

Chapter 3: quote and the mimiga who is toroko find a lunchbocks?
And then a big robot guy broke thru the door way! And he said hey i found you finally! I am Balrog and you are going dooownn! And quote said no i don’t thinks so! but then a girl came down and from the skyand said oh wow you found her! you are still dum and Ballrog said i found her first you are dumb! and the girl who is misery went and said oh you must be sue she said to toroko but she said no I am toroko but to late! and the misery put a bubble around toroko and she floated away and so did misery who the girl and balrag said aw man i have to clean the mess! and quote said not so fast, you will be going down soon! and balrog said no!! you have met your match! but then quote said i don’t wanna fight you you are dumb and them balrog said oh okay bye and then he left.
Mar 10, 2011 at 11:18 PM
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This is great. Moar or no cookie.
Mar 11, 2011 at 12:10 AM
Only Love, Maximum Love, Forever
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I'll have a few more chapters by the end of this weekend.

EDIT: oh wow when did i get this new post image?