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Working on a Mod - Help Needed!

Apr 17, 2009 at 3:04 AM
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Ok the next demo should be up in a day or so, not a huge update though. I've been at a friends place for the last few days do I didn't get a lot of time to work on it. It's mainly just a few bug fixes and a couple extra rooms. Though it may take longer, I've hit a snag in one of the rooms and can't seem to fix it X_X I'll try a couple extra things and if I can't do it I'll have to ask you guys for help lol.

Also could someone post a little explanation about flags and the various commands that go with them? I know they're useful, but I haven't used them yet because I'm not 100% on what they do. Just an example or two of the coding and the effects that would have in-game would be good.
Apr 17, 2009 at 3:44 AM
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“Necessity is the mother of invention"

I will learn what flags do and how to use them because I -need- to know what they are and how to use them to make my mod.

Ok this is driving me insane. I can't figure out what the hell I've done wrong. I've set it so that the first time you get to the mimiga village there's a cutscene, but not only is the Jack NPC not showing up before it cuts to the cutscene but it's crashing when it goes into the cutscene.

I had this problem earlier, but fixed it bu changing the background tabs in settings. This time howeverI'm using the Assembly Hall so I'm assuming that it's right X_X

Knowing my luck it's gonna have something to do with flags >.< But if anyone knows what I've done wrong I'd love some advice.

Also if anyone knows why the MYB isn't knocking me back like it's meant to in the existing cutscene I'd love to know that too. Unless of course I read the description of that command wrong and it's not meant to knock me back...

Update: Fixed it. Seems if I don't put 'No Special Boss' on and instead leave it blank it screws everything up >.< Still need help with the MYB command though
Apr 17, 2009 at 12:33 PM
graters gonna grate
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Yes, the Sand Zone is too hard. Just make the Life Capsule reachable and add another savepoint closer to the beginning and then it would be much more reasonable.

No, the thing with the presses is not too hard, I did it on the first try and I'm not even that good at CS. The crossing the water with destroyable bricks was a bit too hard, I think, I was never able to do it "legitimately" (that is, without exploiting the bug that DT mentioned) no matter how many times I tried. You should add another brick and then space them out more evenly.

Good job with the boss fight, it was a nice challenge!
Apr 17, 2009 at 12:53 PM
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wedge of cheese said:
The crossing the water with destroyable bricks was a bit too hard, I think, I was never able to do it "legitimately" (that is, without exploiting the bug that DT mentioned) no matter how many times I tried.
You can just jump out of the water at the end you know...

Also: The Night Spirit Thingy will attack you while text box is still up, and your gun is pointing the other way for some reason. I'd say give it a moment to appear, then freeze the action using <PRI before it starts attacking you.
Apr 17, 2009 at 12:59 PM
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wedge of cheese said:
Yes, the Sand Zone is too hard. Just make the Life Capsule reachable and add another savepoint closer to the beginning and then it would be much more reasonable.

No, the thing with the presses is not too hard, I did it on the first try and I'm not even that good at CS. The crossing the water with destroyable bricks was a bit too hard, I think, I was never able to do it "legitimately" (that is, without exploiting the bug that DT mentioned) no matter how many times I tried. You should add another brick and then space them out more evenly.

Good job with the boss fight, it was a nice challenge!

I doubt I'll make the Life Capsule reachable, currently I have plans to go back to that area when you'll have something to make it reachable. I might put a second Healer later into it... I'll wait for some more opinions though.l

Sorry about that, I forgot to check if it was actually possible >.< I always go through the water lol. I'll update it then release the next Demo.


Demo V.02 is now up! Not a huge release, but a few bug fixes and a couple new rooms.

I'll fix the shooting with the next update, and probably the gun as well.
Both fixed~ Gun was caused by a typo in the code x3

Edit 2:
Quick little update to fix a major bug, and remove a couple things I left in to help me test things.

Ok, I'm wanting to add water to a Sand Zone stage, is there a way to do that without editing the sheet? And if I do have to edit it does anyone have one I could use?
Apr 30, 2009 at 9:19 AM
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Sorry for the double post but I need to know if anyone has actually tested the new demo yet? I also need to know whether water in the sand-zone is easy to do or not, it's a major part of my next area and I need to know whether or not to replan it.
Apr 30, 2009 at 9:55 AM
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* Reserved for future info-dump *
Apr 30, 2009 at 5:17 PM
graters gonna grate
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There was Sand Zone water in Curly Brace's Story, so it must not be too hard.
Apr 30, 2009 at 10:52 PM
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AHA! -That's- what it was from. Thankyou! I've been spending ages searching through Jenka's Nightmare trying to find water in the sand zone >.<

Looks like an edited tileset. Does anyone know if the maker of it is still active? I'd like to ask before I go and use the tileset >.<
Apr 30, 2009 at 11:12 PM
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Zephryl said:
AHA! -That's- what it was from. Thankyou! I've been spending ages searching through Jenka's Nightmare trying to find water in the sand zone >.<

Looks like an edited tileset. Does anyone know if the maker of it is still active? I'd like to ask before I go and use the tileset >.<



LOLOLOLOLOL, you would ask to borrow a tileset like that? First off, adding some water to any tileset is not hard in THE SLIGHTEST, as long as you know how tilesets work. Normally what I do is just copy/paste the water that's used in the first cave tileset over the tile that I want to be water-ified. I don't know if Kaeso still frequents the forum, but I'm sure he'd be fine with you using his. And if you needed one that bad I could easily make one for you.

I daresay it is the simplest of tileset edits.
Apr 30, 2009 at 11:36 PM
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JacobX891 said:
inb4 this guy should fucking kill himself.

jacob should fucking kill himself.
May 1, 2009 at 6:17 AM
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LOLOLOLOLOL, you would ask to borrow a tileset like that? First off, adding some water to any tileset is not hard in THE SLIGHTEST, as long as you know how tilesets work. Normally what I do is just copy/paste the water that's used in the first cave tileset over the tile that I want to be water-ified. I don't know if Kaeso still frequents the forum, but I'm sure he'd be fine with you using his. And if you needed one that bad I could easily make one for you.

I daresay it is the simplest of tileset edits.

Well I wasn't sure if Sue's Workshop likes you adding extra tiles to tilesets, which is what I'd have to do as I don't want to lose out on any tiles for the water, I'm also assuming that to edit a tileset I would need something more sophisticated than paint?

If you don't mind making one then that would be great! I just need the regular blue water in the Sandzone tileset <3

And Jacob, it's not 'laziness' it's the fact that I have no idea how. I'd rather ask for help and get it done -right- than do it by myself, fuck it up, and have to ask for help anyway. Also if you're going to flame then either do it in PM or STFU.
May 1, 2009 at 12:28 PM
graters gonna grate
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I agree, everyone has to start somewhere.

Now, to get blue water in sand zone tileset, you'll need to either edit the bitmap's color palette with a hex editor, or save the SZ tileset as a 256-color bitmap in Paint, add the blue water, save it again, and then append "(C)Pixel" to the end using a hex editor (don't do it using notepad because notepad will change all 0x00 bytes to 0x20, that's what I originally tried doing, resulting in epic fail)
May 7, 2009 at 6:58 AM
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Hey people, I need your opinion on something.

I've been going through and I've started to implement a 'Trading Tree' of a number of things you have to trade in a certain order so that you can eventually get the Spur.

What do people think of this? If you don't mind spoilers you can help me come up with ideas for it as well, just send me a PM or something.
May 7, 2009 at 10:18 AM
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You do know how to do something like this right?

I think it involves the use of many, MANY flags.

JacobX891 said:
Listen, bitch (You're my bitch) You could have LOOKED AROUND. INVESTIGATE A LITTLE, FAGGOT.

Listen you little shit (You came from my ass). You could have SHUT THE FUCK UP. GO FAP TO LUGIA'S INSIDES, FAGGOT.
May 7, 2009 at 10:47 AM
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Well currently I just plan to use <ITJ to do it since I've only planned on using items I have no other plans for.
May 8, 2009 at 6:15 AM
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Jacob, maybe if you didn't run around insulting people that don't already know everything about Modding Cave Story we'd have a lot more finished, decent mods. Seriously. Constructive, useful posts or GTFO.
May 8, 2009 at 6:24 AM
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And thats the reason why I never provided my old version of my Mod a year ago. Something like this would happen, I wanted to wait until my skill with modifying Cave Story would be decent enough to handle shit like this. lol

Good job on your mod, your doing good, I liked it. :D
May 8, 2009 at 9:53 AM
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Jacob in this thread said:
I'm just saying, if new members would learn things in the first place, we would have half as many threads in this forum and the Hack/Mod FAQ subforum.

Jacob in another thread said:
I just figured out what's wrong. Sue's Workshop and CaveEditor don't like to work together.
Let us not forgot that even veteran members have this problem, Jacob.

CaveEditor thread said:
Edit (2007-11-25):

* Cleaned up some of the code a bit.
* Add map, delete map, and copy map now work!
* Now reads Sue's Workshop file format
* Sue's Workshop cannot read this CE file format. The format had to be changed to allow for resource importing without exe corruption on re-edit.
CaveEditor thread