The edit button is your friend.
I didn't play v2.0, so don't mind me if I go over old stuff.
-Nothing near the start seems to have changed much, except that the code has been cleaned up a bit and the Night Spirit now has the shiny behind it.
-I should have been more specific when I said "all the doors work"; the <TRA functions work properly, but some of them (like in the Sand Zone Residence) don't open when you use them. I'm not sure the animation with the Demon Crown is working right yet either.
-Hahahaha, nice moment with King there

-After getting the item from Kanpachi, the music doesn't restore, and then if you die and respawn in the reservoir the 'got item' music plays.
-Er, this might be a dumb question, but did you check to see if that jump in the Old Passage to reach the top of the lava hole is even
possible? >_>
*Hax tiem*
Even then, that's a lot of nasty jumps in a row, and if you miss on the ones leading up to the room when you get back outside you have to go through the lava room AGAIN

The music also sounds kinda out-of-place, especially for what is ultimately such a short area.
-The gunsmith could keep his workshop a bit cleaner and less deadly... I like this area though, it's reasonably challenging without being nasty like that last one was. Onwards!
-The doors in Mimiga Village don't open either.
-Those don't look like snakes... and I don't know how long you want this mod to be, but THAT music also seems a kinda out of place. The little croc-thingies will also jump out of the ceiling long before you reach them; if you want them to do it only when you get close then you'll need to spawn them into place with h- or v-triggers.
-If this is the boss you were meaning to test, then yes, he is most certainly too hard; mostly because he's impossible to damage :/ There's no music either.
The level design so far continues to be nice and tight, and I like the little tricks you add in to make parts trickier, but some parts of this feel like you haven't really tested them properly. I like a good challenge, but stuff like the Old Passage - even if it IS possible - would be better served further down the line, if at all. Ultimately, if a mod has a story, people will want to feel like they can progress, and if it's going to be hard overall then it's a good idea to make that clear at some point. Making areas challenging without relying on too many spikes is also greatly appreciated, mostly because they're already used a lot in many other mods. Anyway, despite a few difficulties, this mod seems to be progressing nicely. Maybe someday you'll even come up with a name for it
EDIT: Nah it's cool, I figured it out. Oh, and for the jump I meant, see the attached pic. The one across the lava is possible... by about 1 pixel <_<