Sep 3, 2012 at 5:21 AM
Join Date: Jan 4, 2009
Posts: 317
Pronouns: he/him
Game Info & Purchasing
Steam Greenlight
Steam Store Page Base price: $14.99
Humble Store $14.99. Not DRM-FREE. Steam code only.
Music by Ashton Morris. Buy the soundtrack here.
RELEASED!! (November 28, 2014) Click to download the Demo version. No need for Steam. Try before you buy.
From the creator of "I Wanna Be the Boshy", "Quadrick" and "Blob's Adventure." Those who play Solgryn's games should look at this.
Check this out! For the first time ever, Solgryn wants to create something completely original (without ripping sprites and getting references from other games, however, inspired by some games, therefore classifying as an indie game) and challenging (like IWBTG, Boshy /!\, etc.). Check the creator's front page if you want to learn more.
I already beat Solgryn in Boshy, and again on TOTALLY AVERAGE MODE! I am actually going for even more higher difficulties now if I have the time.
Game Info & Purchasing
Steam Greenlight
Steam Store Page Base price: $14.99
Humble Store $14.99. Not DRM-FREE. Steam code only.
Music by Ashton Morris. Buy the soundtrack here.
RELEASED!! (November 28, 2014) Click to download the Demo version. No need for Steam. Try before you buy.
The demo ends after you fight the first boss, Myougi. After which you will transfer the 'Data' folder over to the Steam retail version to continue where you left off.
Check this out! For the first time ever, Solgryn wants to create something completely original (without ripping sprites and getting references from other games, however, inspired by some games, therefore classifying as an indie game) and challenging (like IWBTG, Boshy /!\, etc.). Check the creator's front page if you want to learn more.
I already beat Solgryn in Boshy, and again on TOTALLY AVERAGE MODE! I am actually going for even more higher difficulties now if I have the time.