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Wings of Vi

Sep 3, 2012 at 5:21 AM
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Game Info & Purchasing
Steam Greenlight
Steam Store Page Base price: $14.99
Humble Store $14.99. Not DRM-FREE. Steam code only.
Music by Ashton Morris. Buy the soundtrack here.

RELEASED!! (November 28, 2014) Click to download the Demo version. No need for Steam. Try before you buy.
The demo ends after you fight the first boss, Myougi. After which you will transfer the 'Data' folder over to the Steam retail version to continue where you left off.
From the creator of "I Wanna Be the Boshy", "Quadrick" and "Blob's Adventure." Those who play Solgryn's games should look at this.

Check this out! For the first time ever, Solgryn wants to create something completely original (without ripping sprites and getting references from other games, however, inspired by some games, therefore classifying as an indie game) and challenging (like IWBTG, Boshy /!\, etc.). Check the creator's front page if you want to learn more.

I already beat Solgryn in Boshy, and again on TOTALLY AVERAGE MODE! I am actually going for even more higher difficulties now if I have the time.

Sep 3, 2012 at 7:30 AM
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Looks really good.
Sep 3, 2012 at 5:17 PM
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Can't tell if it's annoying or awesome D:
Depends on how damage/dying works outside of boss fights...

Will have to try it sometime~as well as the other Solgryn titles!
Aug 8, 2013 at 7:51 PM
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Just noticed a new alpha was released last month... Up to alpha 4 now.
Would like to see this game streamed sometime~

•Hearts replaced with a health bar. This allows for finer tuning of attacks/obstacles.
•Display attack data option available. Shows numbers when you get hit/do damage.
•New screens in The Floating Keep (world 1).
•New area: Terrestrial Vale! Includes a miniboss and a boss. Also a sneak peek at the cave area, Sinister Grotto.
•Tons of boss and enemy balance changes.
•New customize character items.
Oct 14, 2013 at 7:13 AM
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Solgryn worked on the area in the middle of Terrestrial Vale. He just confirmed the Alpha 5 release date which is October 15th. See the first post for the new video under "UPDATE AREA"
Dec 13, 2013 at 6:54 AM
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Solgryn is going to make his big move. If you want to have a chance to try out the Alpha 5 version of the game, unfortunately time is running out. See the UPDATE AREA on the first post highlighted in orange in ALL-CAPS. For more details, check Solgryn's site.

I believe this game could go commercial and that is why all the Alphas could be locked-out. Just a guess.
Jul 11, 2014 at 2:22 AM
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His new website has been launched now called "Grynsoft". You can find the game discussion at www.grynsoft.com/wov. All future alphas and betas are now private, but expect a demo version that differs from all the public alphas which are no longer available and no longer playable.

The game, as well as many older games he published were created with Clickteam's Multimedia Fusion.

Please delete all the public alphas of the game off your hard drive now, they no longer serve purpose.

EDIT 1/3/2014: According to the FAQ, Solgryn (developer) would hopefully release the final product in late Q3 2014. The full version game is commercial and you would have to pay around $9.99 to download and get a Steam key, but the price the developer is asking is not yet final.

● ● ●​


Solgryn announced the game's release and had released the promotional trailer on YouTube. It is now for early Q4 which will be October. See the first post located under UPDATE AREA.
Jul 12, 2014 at 5:42 PM
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Wow! This looks really fluid and cool. Even if it's really, really hard, at least it's interesting since it has various moves and an actual storyline. I wouldn't mind playing this someday. :3
Nov 1, 2014 at 4:37 PM
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Thread title updated to note the upcoming release. Check the first post.

Great idea for Solgryn to put out on Black Friday. November 28.

Steam Store Page - Follow or wishlist to get updates from the developer.
Nov 2, 2014 at 5:23 PM
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Thanks for the update~ Probably going to get this... eventually.
Wonder what the pricing will be...
Nov 14, 2014 at 5:17 AM
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The recent blog post (#23) mentions the Humble Store. It will be released on the Humble Store the same day as Steam.

Non-Steam users, myself included... don't lose hope.
Please let me know if Steam really is required even when you buy it on the Humble Store on the day of release (or after). It would be terrible if it were not marked "DRM-free" on it.


The game is made with Multimedia Fusion 2.5 by Clickteam.
Nov 15, 2014 at 6:44 AM
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Oh! This game is being made with Multimedia Fusion? whyiseverythingmadewiththat
It looks really great, all things considered. Can't wait for it to come out!
Nov 28, 2014 at 6:16 PM
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Attention! The game has been released! Go ahead and buy the game if you and your money are up for it. See first post.

Game Info and Purchasing | Demo version

It is not DRM-FREE. Steam code only, so Steam is required. However, not for the demo.

Share your experiences beyond this post.
Jan 5, 2015 at 11:21 AM
Starbound sucked sadly
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I just logged on to post this lol
I can confirm atleast for me, this game was amazing and awesome. I've beaten it multiple times now.

I wrote a "review" of it on my steam but ill put it here as well

1 of 2 people (50%) found this review helpful
12.0 hrs last two weeks / 52.3 hrs on record
Posted: 21 Dec, 2014 @ 8:16pm
Updated: 21 Dec, 2014 @ 8:18pm

Wings of Vi is a fantastic well constructed platformer. It is very difficult right from the start but isn't really unfair, the use of movement abilities is thought out and the levels are designed accordingly. It has a decent variety of levels, mechanics and enemies that follow with them. Boss fights are intense and difficult in that you actually have to understand and learn the patterns to win. Also the ability to revist earlier parts of the game to pick up missed items is definitely a plus. The game also has three difficulty levels as well as modifiers that can effect how the game is played, A easy mode is available for people who might not want some frustrations of the difficult platforming and bosses. The soundtrack and artwork is pretty awesome as well.

I would definitely recommend this as a fan of difficult platformers.
I also have some videos posted on my channel, their videos of me beating some bosses. I only linked the second boss video, the rest might be more spoilery.
Jan 5, 2015 at 4:25 PM
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Oh yea i remember this game. Most people are sending mixed reviews some saying its difficulty is reasonable to others saying its broken. But tbh I don't ever really listen to reviews because I find its best to just play and form my own opinion.

Might get this game one day but I've never been one for rage games in which I have to keep playing the same area over and over just to win that level and move on to the next.
Jan 5, 2015 at 10:01 PM
Starbound sucked sadly
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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TekNerd said:
Oh yea i remember this game. Most people are sending mixed reviews some saying its difficulty is reasonable to others saying its broken. But tbh I don't ever really listen to reviews because I find its best to just play and form my own opinion.

Might get this game one day but I've never been one for rage games in which I have to keep playing the same area over and over just to win that level and move on to the next.

If your not one for playing something repeatedly from a lot of deaths then i'd say avoid it, It takes a lot of deaths to learn how to traverse the levels and beat the bosses.