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Why does Quote wake up in the Start Point?

Feb 12, 2013 at 11:45 AM
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Crystalwarrior said:
Honestly, I think by the end of the game (Misery battle) she realises that robot is, in fact, the same robot from 10 years ago, explaining the pre-battle dialogue if I remember it correctly. (quotes of said dialogue plox?)
Misery in the AGTP translation said:
So it's you. You really are a tenacious one, I'll grant you that. I suppose you're here to destroy the core? I used to consider you merely an out-of-control robot, but I see I misjudged you. ..... You should know that I carry no affection for this island. It is simply my fate that I must obey the one who wields the Crown. Prepare yourself!!
Misery in the NICALiS translation said:
It's you again! You really are tenacious. To destroy the core... Is that why you're here? Before I thought you were just a reckless little robot, but I underestimated you. ..... You should know, I have no regrets about this island. It is my fate to obey the one who wears the crown. Prepare yourself!!
Not likely, but I suppose possible. I always thought the "So it's you"/"It's you again!" was just referring to when you've seen her earlier in the game, but she may have by that point remembered Quote from ten years ago and not made it obvious. We can only speculate.
Mar 4, 2013 at 2:32 AM
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in the end, its all really Miza's fault, she told him to make the crown, causeing all this. :/
Mar 4, 2013 at 2:43 AM
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Not necessarily. No one knows what reasons Misery had for getting Ballos to make the crown.
Mar 4, 2013 at 2:56 AM
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Actually, the NICALiS translation quite plainly says that it was Misery's fault. The AGTP translation may be ambiguous,
The AGTP Translation said:
It was Jenka's daughter Misery who made Ballos create the =Demon Crown=. She was subsequently cursed by the crown, forced to do the bidding of all who wear it.
but the NICALiS translation does not leave a shard of doubt in the player's mind:
The NICALiS Translation said:
Jenka's witch daughter, Misery, is to blame for the Demon Crown... She forced Ballos to create it. Because of this offense, she was cursed by the Crown, compelled to obey whoever possesses it.
Misery is to blame for the Demon crown. I felt this was implied by the AGTP translation, but the NICALiS translation confirms it for anyone challenging this assumption.
Mar 4, 2013 at 3:14 AM
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MagicDoors said:
Not necessarily. No one knows what reasons Misery had for getting Ballos to make the crown.
I never said she didn't force Ballos to make the crown. I'm just saying that we don't know her reasoning, or the situation she was in at the time.
Mar 4, 2013 at 4:10 AM
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My belief that Misery had him do it out of greed or other such evil desire may only be a guess, but a somewhat educated one at that.
Sometimes the wording of a sentence can imply things that are not explicitly stated. I'm doubtful that Misery had any pure intentions, as it says "Because of this offense,". By describing it as an offense, I'm guessing that she was up to something less than innocent. I don't know to what extent, but I think she wanted him to make it to serve herself. If she was desperate, or intended to use it to help others, I'm doubtful that the game would have referred to Misery's forcing Ballos to create the crown as an "offense".

I know that this was a bit of speculation, but surely you see at least some basis to this.
Mar 4, 2013 at 4:24 AM
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If you stab someone because they're about to hurt your friend, that's still an offense. No matter what your intentions are, you're going to jail.
Mar 4, 2013 at 4:46 AM
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From what I've been taught in the USA about how the law works, killing another person is condoned if the person who killed the other person can prove that the person they killed was threatening one's self, allies, or company, and that it was a clear act of defense. Said person would not be going to jail from what I've been taught. On the contrary, he or she would in some cases be considered a hero.

I think the game was acting in accordance with a part of nature that consequences were suffered as a result of acts of greed or desire of power, and that those done with good intentions are seldom considered offenses.
Mar 4, 2013 at 4:56 AM
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Alright, you got me. I can't think of anything to combat that.

So, uh...How did this relate to the start point again?
Mar 4, 2013 at 4:44 PM
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MagicDoors said:
So, uh...How did this relate to the start point again?
If that was not a rhetorical question:

Misery's actions lead to the creation of the Demon Crown.
The existence of the Demon Crown lead to the war.
The events of the war (whether it be Miakid, the army of robots, or maybe even something else) caused Quote to be knocked unconscious.
Quote being knocked unconscious led to him eventually waking up ten years later.
And when he woke up, he was in the start point.
Mar 5, 2013 at 12:13 AM
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close to death, Makid decided to mock him by teleporting him there, then died hoping no one will find him.
Mar 5, 2013 at 8:42 PM
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HaydenStudios said:
My belief that Misery had him do it out of greed or other such evil desire may only be a guess, but a somewhat educated one at that.
Sometimes the wording of a sentence can imply things that are not explicitly stated. I'm doubtful that Misery had any pure intentions, as it says "Because of this offense,". By describing it as an offense, I'm guessing that she was up to something less than innocent. I don't know to what extent, but I think she wanted him to make it to serve herself. If she was desperate, or intended to use it to help others, I'm doubtful that the game would have referred to Misery's forcing Ballos to create the crown as an "offense".

I know that this was a bit of speculation, but surely you see at least some basis to this.
I used to imagine that Misery had been tricked into making the crown, by the first crown bearer, Halda. Maybe Misery was just at a rebellious age, and the wrong guy manipulated her, without her realizing it; maybe even tricking her into the curse. Maybe Misery found Halda charming, and fell in love (perhaps he took a different form, I always thought of him as a demon, rather than a cat... [Demon Crown...]) And then she was betrayed.

I even once thought, what if that demon Halda was behind what happened to Ballos? A king becomes jealous of a great hero to the people, so he tortures him suddenly? Maybe if he was an evil king... But, if someone was manipulating the King into distrust, jealousy, and finally hate. This could all be part of the Demon's work. Such powerful wizards/witches, Ballos and Jenka's bloodline undoubtably did great things in their long lives... it wouldn't be much of a stretch to think that something evil might have been holding a grudge against them.

We don't know anything of their past, or of the earlier crown bearers... but that's one tall tale that came to mind to explain it...

As for Quote being in First Cave... maybe the Hermit Gunsmith goes on walks and picks up junk to make guns with. He uses First Cave as a Closet to keep all the junk he collects (... maybe he's low on junk, or we can't see it in the 2nd dimension/it's dark and unimportant to the story). Maybe he discovered Quote and dug him out of whatever hole he was in, and dragged him to the Cave for sprare parts.
But, thanks to that Quote woke up... or something. lol

Since he was in such good shape though, it would be a shame to break such craftmanship, perhaps he kept him around for a rainy day or decoration.
Sep 16, 2013 at 11:10 PM
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Crystalwarrior said:
Honestly, I think by the end of the game (Misery battle) she realises that robot is, in fact, the same robot from 10 years ago, explaining the pre-battle dialogue if I remember it correctly. (quotes of said dialogue plox?)
This proves one point: Quote and Misery met, and probably fought.
But I disagree with the theory that Misery simply teleported Quote and Curly. Miakid would probably have ordered her to destroy them for good, seeing as he was fatally wounded.
Instead, I think that Quote and Curly wounded up in waterways after unsuccesful battle with Miakid, where they got seperated.
Both of them fell unconcious, curly possibly wounded up in Sand Zone, Quote wounded up in Start Point.
Like I said before, this also can be proven by the fact that there's a pool of water and dripping ceiling in Start Point.
What if they fought miakid in the core room because that is where the robots is that talks about team 6 and not completing their mission which would be getting the crown. Miakid defeats the other robots and quote and curly enter. They fight, loose, and end up in the waterway (as said above). However, I think that curly tried to use the tow rope (standard robot item i guess) before they were separated. So quote would have been damaged more than curly and she tried to save him. curly failed and they got seperated. she ends up in the sand zone and because of not being so heavily damaged she does not go offline but loses her memory. Quote ends up in the first cave which is close to the waterway like Crystalwarrior said with the pool of water. The reason he turns on is because of

1. His circuits are fixed (maybe emergency auto repair?)
2. water drains out
3. Kazuma has recently fixed the computer in grassland and the electronic signal caused quotes circuts to turn on and activate him
Sep 20, 2013 at 1:56 AM
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Are you guys seriously on this? Let me solve this for you,

Pixel needed an area that was separate from the large intimidating main caves, so he made the First Cave, which is a relatively simple, straight forward map.


Sep 20, 2013 at 1:59 AM
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half-life213 said:
Are you guys seriously on this? Let me solve this for you,

Pixel needed an area that was separate from the large intimidating main caves, so he made the First Cave, which is a relatively simple, straight forward map.


Have you been drinking too much of that "magical beverage"
Oct 7, 2013 at 7:27 PM
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I believe (not counting purely gameplay-based reasons) that while Quote and Curly were fighting Miakid, both sides were injured a lot. So Misery and Balrog, being slaves to Miakid, had to help him by throwing Quote and Curly into First Cave and Sand Zone respectively.
As for about the Hermit Gunsmith, who he is/why he's there... I'll have to think about it. And it belongs to a separate thread.
Oct 22, 2013 at 1:48 AM
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Similar to how Quote and Booster were teleported to the Labyrinth, Quote was likely teleported to First Cave and drowned. Ten years later the water levels would have receded and Quote would have dried out and reactivated as a result. Simple as that.
Apr 15, 2014 at 12:44 PM
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Well, looks like we forgot about old man Booster. If we talk to good ol' Booster if we jump down to him (save before you do that, that leads to the normal ending...) he says that "you were teleported to near the heart of the island" before expiring and giving you his Booster 0.8.
Apr 15, 2014 at 12:48 PM
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is he not talking about the Labyrinth itself in that situation
Apr 15, 2014 at 11:01 PM
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The heart of the island is literally the Core, as it kind of keeps the rest of the island from dying, kinda like a heart. The Labyrinth is near the Core, so it makes sense that he'd be talking about the Labyrinth rather than the Start Point.