Mar 25, 2009 at 1:16 AM
Join Date: Mar 16, 2009
Location: Stasis
Posts: 501
Age: 46
Its just that you talking about mayonase is just...yeah.
JacobX891 said:I consider myself a low 14...
And what did they eat before they found Curly Brace? I mean, they surely can't kill the Sand Crocs on their own.MetaSeraphim said:Maybe they ate Sand Croc meat.
The Mimigas clearly eat fish.Celtic Minstrel said:The mimigas are clearly not carnivores.
MetaSeraphim said:The Korons, who knows.
You mean Curly, right? I think that wouldn't stop them (Metal and electronics! Yum!), but they realized that they could do better things with her.The Joker said:Consider it this way, the Korons are like Rambo mimigas. They eat what they find. They were probably going to eat Quote until they realized he was robot.
T-Jack said:You mean Curly, right? I think that wouldn't stop them (Metal and electronics! Yum!), but they realized that they could do better things with her.
MetaSeraphim said:If they could eat Quote they could also eat Curly.