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What did you dream about last night?

Apr 19, 2012 at 4:20 PM
graters gonna grate
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As far as I know, he doesn't, though if he did, it would pretty much be the greatest thing ever.
Apr 20, 2012 at 12:33 AM
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I dreamt about Batman and Robin.

When these anime guys led by a sexually ambigious blonde dude come to Gotham City and basically get Batman looking like a villian in under a week.

So the statues of Batman are replaced with ones of the new group, who are about five or six guys and gals. And the blonde dude stroked his statues face, sorta thinking, "Man, I'm so good looking."

So Batman and Robin ran away to the Batcave, which was up in the mountains for some reason. There they met Mario. Who jumped around and used the winged cap to fly in and out of the batcave, occasionally stopping to punch Goombas.

My last thought in the dream was, "Oh, crap... Batman has rubber nipple grooves. I'm gonna stab the director with a plastic fork."
Apr 20, 2012 at 4:00 AM
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Last night, I had a dream that I met my former kindergarten teacher that I haven't seen in nine years. We said hi, and then I rode a school bus away from the location of the school at which she used to teach kindergarten. Except instead of sitting in a seat in the bus, I sat in a silver chair with wheels tethered to the back of the school bus. The seat was very small, and I kept getting swung around when the bus would turn, and thought I was either going to fly out of the seat or crash into a car at any second. I don't think I ever did though... Can't remember what happened after that...
Apr 20, 2012 at 4:29 PM
daughter of chivalry
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For some reason, a bunch of kids from my class and I were watching The Nightmare Before Christmas in my elementary school's library. I've actually never seen the movie, but I do know the general plot. What we watched was not TNBC at all. It did have Jack and Sally though but it was just...weird.

At one point, Sally died, and some kid watching the movie found it hilarious. I was greatly offended by his laughter, and proceeded to pick up his laptop charger that was there for some reason, and bludgeoned him to death. Nobody really noticed or cared, thankfully. I thought his body would make a good spot to sit, so I pulled out this giant cardboard circle and put it over his body, then sat on it and continued enjoying the film.

I beat people a lot in my dreams, I notice.
Apr 20, 2012 at 7:48 PM
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For some reason, a bunch of kids from my class and I were watching The Nightmare Before Christmas in my elementary school's library. I've actually never seen the movie, but I do know the general plot. What we watched was not TNBC at all. It did have Jack and Sally though but it was just...weird.

At one point, Sally died, and some kid watching the movie found it hilarious. I was greatly offended by his laughter, and proceeded to pick up his laptop charger that was there for some reason, and bludgeoned him to death. Nobody really noticed or cared, thankfully. I thought his body would make a good spot to sit, so I pulled out this giant cardboard circle and put it over his body, then sat on it and continued enjoying the film.

I beat people a lot in my dreams, I notice.

Oh wow halfway through that I forgot this was the dreams thread. It was a good thing that last sentence was there to remind me.
Apr 21, 2012 at 3:48 AM
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Off Topic: What if it wasnt there
On-Topic: My dream was pie Pie :3 Jk it was marraing GIR for some reason.
Probobly i think He/She is a girl.
Apr 23, 2012 at 7:40 PM
daughter of chivalry
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
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On-Topic: My dream was pie Pie :3 Jk it was marraing GIR for some reason.
Probobly i think He/She is a girl.
What am I reading

Last night/today I dreamt that my entire graduating class was taking a trip to South Korea for some reason. We were touring this huge school, but not really with the idea of maybe attending it. Pretty much nobody spoke English, and some parts of the school looked like my elementary school.

Then at the end, some dude gave us a packet full of questions, but they were all in Korean. The exit had a bunch of stairs going straight down and they went on for a real long time. Then, yes, all of us kept falling down the stairs and it KEPT HAPPENING. At the end of the stairs we launched across the parking lot and hit some chain fence. I was the first to hit it, and a bunch of other people followed and crashed into me.

When I came home about 20 minutes later, my dad got pissed at me because apparently the first 2 questions were in English and now I wouldn't get a good grade.

Then I was staying at a supermarket for a few days for some reason. Some fat chick worked there. You could easily tell she was an anime fan or whatever. One day she came in with horns like Aradia from Homestuck.

Yeah I don't know.
Apr 23, 2012 at 9:47 PM
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You'd never get in, your APM is abysmal
Apr 23, 2012 at 10:18 PM
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The exit had a bunch of stairs going straight down and they went on for a real long time. Then, yes, all of us kept falling down the stairs and it KEPT HAPPENING. At the end of the stairs we launched across the parking lot and hit some chain fence. I was the first to hit it, and a bunch of other people followed and crashed into me.
Apr 23, 2012 at 10:47 PM
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Apr 24, 2012 at 2:27 PM
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I dreamed that I cut off my finger and went to the hospital.

Meanwhile at home the finger started melting and bubbling, before turning into a cat.

After that my mother shot the cat with a knife (shot the knife out of a gun) and proceed to cook it in the oven.

When I came back from hospital I had a new finger and I took the cat and threw it out of the window.

Then people started complaining that it's raining, and when I went out it was snowing.

Then a snowman started talking to me and i punched it (him?) in the face.

Then suddenly I found myself at the beach and fell into the water, cue sudden scene change to me falling off a bridge.

The end :p

-no drugs/alcohol were taken before, or during this dream- (not that I take drugs or drink in the first place)
Apr 25, 2012 at 4:31 PM
graters gonna grate
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Holy shit. Newlines??? In the dream thread!?!? WHAT HAS THE WORLD COME TO!!!!!

Anyways, I had this dream last night which creeped me the fuck out. I was a single mother of 5 very young children, and they were staying at their father's house for the day. I was very nervous about this, as he was a raging alcoholic. When I came to pick them up, they were all sitting around the table, but they had all transformed into big jelly-like blobs of alcohol, roughly shaped like my kids, and wearing a few of their articles of clothing.
Apr 25, 2012 at 5:37 PM
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that's even worse then my dream.

Tell me, alcohol bottles, or just the fluid?
Apr 25, 2012 at 7:40 PM
graters gonna grate
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Just the fluid, though as I said, it was more jelly-like than liquid.
Apr 30, 2012 at 6:35 PM
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Last night, I had a dream that there were some things in our yard that, if eaten, would transform your pet into something different. Most of these effects were temporary, but the things it turned your pet into were not pleasing, like a large turantula. In my dream, this happened to my dog. For some reason, the idea had been planted in my mind that this frequently happened with our previous dog, and that it was a miracle that she was in dog form by the time that she passed away. But since our newer dog is younger and can't control herself as well, she sorta lost her grip on who her friends were when she became a large, poisonous turantula, and became very dangerous. When she became a turantula, for some reason we wanted to start calling her Aragog... For some reason, I kept being able to go back in time to try and stop this, but failed every time. However, some old woman that looked nothing like either my grandmom, or my grandma (there's a difference between the two) who was implied to be my grandma showed me and my sister some antidote that would return her to her original form. Before we reached her with the antidote, however, my dream ended. The thing about that dream was that it was so convincing, that even after I woke up, it was almost making me think it might be possible to transform your pet like that. Almost took me a whole minute to convince myself that it's impossible. That was the very first scary dream I've had in a looooooooooooooong time.
Apr 30, 2012 at 11:04 PM
In my body, in my head
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Last night, I had a dream that there were some things in our yard that, if eaten, would transform your pet into something different.

first thing that came to mind
May 1, 2012 at 5:17 AM
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That is a picture of A Boy and His Blob, for everyone else who got 403'd.
Last night I remembered a couple dreams, actually, but there's one moment I want to share.

I had become trapped in some madman's basement. He was a wizard, so that's probably why I was unable to resist being kidnapped. It wasn't a bad basement at all, it was finished and heated properly and had a bed and things. The problem was, I wasn't allowed out except when he was training me for something or other. I don't remember that part very well, but luckily my subconscious doesn't usually get dark and rapey.

I remember being lured into his house. I remember where it was, in my city. I remember what it looked like. It didn't look like any house I know, don't worry. I knew the way back home, all I had to do was run and run until I arrived there, safe.

That's what I was thinking as I ran out his front door. My big chance had come and I had taken it. I wasn't being followed, no one had seen me do it. I bolted out onto the soaking wet street, which was covered with melting ice and about six inches of water. Like an exaggeration of what happens during spring. My feet were soaked and frozen to the bone immediately, but I kept running, putting as much space between me and that house as possible.

Then I happened to look around. I became disoriented, because it wasn't where I remembered his house being. Then the familiarity set in. I had seen this place almost every day of my life.

I stopped and looked back. Sitting right where my house should be was the one I had just escaped from. My home had disappeared. Reality had changed, and left me behind. I had nowhere to run to.

I headed back.
Jun 4, 2012 at 5:51 AM
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I think this is my first dream to feature a forum member.

Anyways so I'm sitting on a wooden picnic bench with what I guess was my laptop. There are trees and I can see squirrels in them, hanging out or whatever. I'm on the IRC and Noxid is on the IRC too, but noxid is also a cat that is sitting beside me on the bench. He looks like this cat:

I remember wondering how Noxid was on the IRC and also a cat beside me, since it didn't make any sense. Also Noxid had 2 kittens with him, they were very small and young. But then 2 dogs come out of nowhere and decide to eat the kittens. Noxid and I try to stop them but they're pretty tough. One of the dogs is a pitbull, and I try to break its neck or something but fail. Despite our best efforts the dogs leave with the kittens, and then Noxid runs away.
Jun 8, 2012 at 3:51 AM
Bonds that separate us
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I dreamt several things last night, but the most important one was the one where I saved a cat from drowning and then spent several minutes running around looking for high ground, including asking a guy for help who was driving out to shoot a documentary on a hill that had a golf course on it
Jun 8, 2012 at 12:14 PM
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This wasn't last night, but a few days ago I dreamt that I was at Yamaku Academy, complete with arrhythmia and everything. Oddly enough there were forum people there, though I only specifically remember seeing S. P., which is even odder because I only know of him from reading through old threads.

A couple of weeks ago or so I had a dream that involved a friend of mine and I at a beach when a tsunami came by and washed us through some cracks in the mountain, even though she was fastened to my back Curly-style. I think we ended up in a cave of some sort. Go figure.

I dreamt something interesting last night, too. When I woke up, I even thought to myself, "Self, that would be an interesting thing to post about." But then I went back to sleep and now I don't remember what it was. True story.