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What did you dream about last night?

Jun 11, 2012 at 4:45 PM
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I dreamed that I was back at university where we went to some grocery store and ordered fried fish for lunch. Also I think we stole it because we left without paying.

Then one of my old friends came over and he said that the ratio of nerdy stories to non-nerdy ones was approaching 7.33. He also had two computers on his desk. I saw that his network only had space for 1600 hosts, so I said "you need to upgrade to 4 bytes, I don't want to subnet that". Apparently I was referring to IPv4. He then said, "do you know the power of 60 computers?". That's when he hooked up two monitors to the same computer and started controlling both using the mouse. This made no sense since he only connected a monitor, and therefore shouldn't have been able to control the second computer.
Jun 30, 2012 at 4:42 AM
"Wahoo! Upgrade!"
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i drempt i went to school and this guy said ill kick your ass then he ended up wussing out
Jun 30, 2012 at 4:50 AM
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I had a dream about your signature, it was a massive dream
Jul 13, 2012 at 8:54 AM
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A few nights ago I dreamed I was Quote(from Cavestory). Kazuma said that we were gonna destroy the island with a cruise missile or something. Then my dream fast-forwarded to the Doctor's room. I screamed "Doctor dumb can go screw himself!" for some reason.The doctor went :muscledoc: and a went after me. I jumped off the ledge and apparently, Booster made me a full-scale jetpack, and all the Mimigas were evacuated by the helicopter. Then the missile hit the island, and completely destroyed it.
Jul 14, 2012 at 11:01 AM
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I dreamed that each city had a helipad, and that helicopter travel was a viable means of transportation between cities.
Jul 14, 2012 at 5:25 PM
Only Love, Maximum Love, Forever
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What a reliable and safe future

How does a helicopter compare to a standard passenger plane in terms of efficiency? I'm assuming it gets better mileage per person?
Jul 30, 2012 at 5:02 PM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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I had a dream last night where my family and two other families I didn't know at all moved into a huge house in like a small suburb.Then the scene shifted and I was in a city talking to someone about something (I forget what) when all of a sudden this turquoise alien thing that resembled a Kabutops with wings jumps off of a building in the background and lands like 50 feet from where I was and so me and the other guy jump into this futuristic car and try running him over while beeping the horn, something about the sound immobilizes him or something. well it didn't work for some reason but this other sound did but the alien won anyway and said "this city is now conquered by us aliens (I forget the name of the race but it was something wierd). we will let you live in piece but you must give us all your electronics except what you need (so like telephones, laptops, etc). So I went back and it was on TV and we sat down and watched TV until the dream ended.

This is the second dream I've remembered in months, the other was about me going to a clothes store and met someone from another forum there.
Jul 30, 2012 at 6:56 PM
Only Love, Maximum Love, Forever
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I wish I could watch the artist drawing this.
"Yeah, his junk's about the right size now, perfect. But maybe if it stuck an extra 3 feet out of his pants... Yeah that's a good idea..."
Some people ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Man if I had Mario boxers, I'm fairly certain I'd be distract if I lost them too D:
At least you got that feeling when you wake up and it didn't actually happen.

Anyway I dreamed that I lived in a space colony with Yakkers, Noxid, Bobby, Hiino, and Landon, it was rad.
And also Minecraft.
But in Space
Jul 30, 2012 at 8:24 PM
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This but multiplayer.

I have more and more trouble remembering my dreams lately, I can't seem to recall any of them.
Jul 30, 2012 at 8:30 PM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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Don't know whether to click the link... or just go 0_0.
Jul 30, 2012 at 8:45 PM
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Well it's a blue alien thing that looks kind of like a kabutops. But it's very strange.
Jul 30, 2012 at 9:04 PM
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I had a dream that some friend of mine bred chipmunks, and they'd hatch out of these little pods in clusters and they had to put their eyes on that grew separately next to the pods.
It was pretty weird.
Jul 30, 2012 at 9:20 PM
In my body, in my head
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Speaking of dreams, this morning when I woke up I had a dream(??) that someone had replaced the alarm in my alarm clock with a prerecorded message, and subtly rearranged items in my room to make a secret phrase. Mind you, this alarm clock normally just beeps in the morning and I had only gotten like 2 hours of sleep so I was pretty freaked out when I (imagined????) something talking to me. Especially since I don't actually lock my doors.

And then I had a nap this afternoon and when I woke up for a moment I could swear things in my room looked different and the headphone wire hanging off my bedstand and the necklace on the floor and other things were twisted in just such a way as to make letters from the exact angle of where my pillow was

If this keeps happening I may need therapy
Jul 30, 2012 at 10:37 PM
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I had a dream that I broke my father's car by trying to modify it.

Also I gave a speech on how happiness is more important than hard work, but nobody liked it.
Jul 31, 2012 at 8:24 AM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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I don't usually remember my dreams, but I did last night. It was really odd and sort of awesome. As background, just last week I got back from staffing a music camp in the mountains that I have been going to for about 12 years.

The dream took place at this camp, but there was a new building there which included a restaurant that served all kinds of food, including meat (the camp facility is vegetarian), and there was a full bar there, too (it's also a dry facility since it's a camp that serves mostly kids). I talked with the guy who runs the campsite, and they apparently had a space in there that's sort of like a club; they rented it out to groups on weekends when it wasn't being used for a camp, and it usually operated like a club anywhere else with loud music and such, but it was well-insulated enough to not bother the rest of the camp. Apparently it provided a great source of revenue for the camp. I wondered to myself whether or not we could use the space for the Friday night dance that we throw for our campers.

After leaving this new building, one of the other staff members and I started walking toward the fire bowl. We were talking about something, when we turned to head back up to the lodge (where the staff quarters are) and my friend's dog, which had been there the whole time, started barking. When he realized that we weren't paying much attention to his barking, the dog said, "Guys, I'm serious! Fire!" So we turned around and sure enough it was dark and there was an ominous red glow growing on the horizon just past the fire bowl

The fire bowl then burst into flames and was violently ripped apart as a vast fissure opened in the earth, swallowing up the side of the mountain and sending my friend, his dog, and I running for our lives trying to escape the oncoming inferno. Just before we turned to run, I said to my friend, "I know what this is. It's demons!" He says, "Nope. Dragzeloids." (Hat tip to Wedge of Cheese, I guess). Or something like that. I had this "aw crap" feeling because apparently dragzeloids are worse than demons. Anyway, we're running away as the mountain is collapsing around us, and so we are necessarily diving over jagged rocks and onto falling pieces of rubble as we are trying to escape. I even did some parkour-type rolls as we were making our escape, and felt pretty awesome about it.

Sadly, I woke up in the middle of our escape so I don't know whether or not we made it or if we defeated the monster or not. Maybe I'll have part two of this dream tonight.
Aug 3, 2012 at 9:16 PM
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<JazzJackalope> Okay, in my dream my family was in a truck
<JazzJackalope> It was around Halloween and we were trying to scare each other
<JazzJackalope> Then a caterpillar was on my seat and I pretended to wig out
<JazzJackalope> Everybody rolled their eyes.
<JazzJackalope> Well, while I wasn't that scared, didn't want to be near the spiky caterpillar
<JazzJackalope> so we all got out of the car
<JazzJackalope> *truck, derp
<JazzJackalope> There's a guy staring at me as we shoo the caterpillar
<JazzJackalope> I scoot behind my door because I don't like that, though it didn't seem lecherous
<JazzJackalope> Looked like he wanted to ask me for a date or something
<JazzJackalope> We get back in, now he's talking with his dad (I think)
<JazzJackalope> Who proceeds to try to open my door
<JazzJackalope> Now, dream-wise, I knew it was for his son to ask me this thing, which remains the case later
<JazzJackalope> But WTF
<JazzJackalope> I say "Help", but it was too calm, also like "crying wolf" after the caterpillar
<JazzJackalope> So no one notices until he tries to open my *mom's* door
<JazzJackalope> She shuts it, locks it, and takes a fighting stance like "GTFO"
<JazzJackalope> and that fiasco is over and the dream moves on to other dream things
<JazzJackalope> THEN
<JazzJackalope> We get home at another point in the dream, or maybe after I woke up and fell back asleep
<JazzJackalope> I'm in bed and hear someone trying to break into my window
<JazzJackalope> Then they give up and I hear breaking into the *front door*
<JazzJackalope> My parents are sleeping on the couch and I'm terrified they'll be shot
<JazzJackalope> No, it's that guy and his dad, sitting there in front of the couch, talking to each other like they're waiting for me
<JazzJackalope> I try to scream, but my throat is too dry
<JazzJackalope> But I wake my parents up somehow slipping behind the couch, and they catch these two while I call 911
<JazzJackalope> And get this
<JazzJackalope> The operator is really distracted
<JazzJackalope> Because he was using rule34 when I called
<JazzJackalope> ...And that's pretty much it.
Aug 3, 2012 at 10:16 PM
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I had a dream that I was in a long hallway with many white rooms. None of these rooms had anything in them except for the one at the end, in this room was a dead man with his arms bleeding. I crept away from him, and then another room appeared. There were two areas in this room. In one area there was a stack of dead animals, and in the other there were many paintings of dead animals. For some reason I realized that they were painted by the dead man. At that second I felt him running into the room, I imagined his face to be very bloody but it wasn't. Instead it was a perfectly white mask with eyes, a mouth, and a nose. This thing that scared me most is that one of his eyes was looking at a dead animal. Only it wasn't a dead animal... it was me, after seeing me I woke up.
Aug 3, 2012 at 11:48 PM
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I had a dream where a bunch of people were stuck in a place that looked like a weird version of hell, (not the cave story hell, just hell)
Some of the people were from lost, I don't remember who in particular, and they were running from something, they were in some kind of woods, and although the woods were creepy, they weren't dead or twisted or alive, they were just creepy, I can't remember much more then that currently.