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"What are you currently playing?" Screenshot thread

Aug 30, 2013 at 10:26 PM
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Sometimes I fire up the SNES emulator. xD


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Sep 12, 2013 at 1:29 AM
Melon Lord
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Starting to play Pokemon for the first time. Emulator of course.

Also naming my team after forum Members.

Team so far:
Combusken - Treko
Marill - Le Doktor
Magikarp - LOOK AT THE PICTURE (Metalsonic)
Sep 12, 2013 at 3:37 AM
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As well as the fact that Dunc's rival is Dunc's Mom, and Le Doktor refers to Attheshows.

...anyway, I haven't been playing much of anything recently, but have a screenshot of me encountering a shiny Ralts in Pokémon Prism! This was actually a while ago, but I just uploaded the picture and it's there, so...


(I let him go free because I was already training a Gardevoir...and I later learned that I had exactly 0 Pokeballs, anyway. At least I have the screenshot as a relic!)
Sep 12, 2013 at 4:04 AM
Melon Lord
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Dunc2403 said:
Oh come on jon you forgot to mention that I'm the trainer, god
Oi, my bad. Didn't think you were that important. Would've revealed who was the amazing trainer once I beat the game. Ah well.

Polaris said:
As well as the fact that Dunc's rival is Dunc's Mom, and Le Doktor refers to Attheshows.

...anyway, I haven't been playing much of anything recently, but have a screenshot of me encountering a shiny Ralts in Pokémon Prism! This was actually a while ago, but I just uploaded the picture and it's there, so...


(I let him go free because I was already training a Gardevoir...and I later learned that I had exactly 0 Pokeballs, anyway. At least I have the screenshot as a relic!)
Actually Emerald doesn't let me name my rival. So her name is May. Though, we can still call her Dunc's Mom. Le Doktor is fair enough.

Edit: Current Team:

Combusken - Treko
Azumarill - Le Muscle Doktor (Shows)
Magikarp - Metalsonic (Knows Tackle now)
Ralts - Polaris
Oct 12, 2013 at 9:17 PM
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Old Post :
I've been playing a lot of different games since I last posted in this thread...

Most recently, I've been playing Unepic.
Pretty good game. On Hard++, meeting the challenges, has made it entertaining... The story is a bit, off-beat; which helps and hurts it at the same time. About 50% through after 24 hours...
No screenshots available, but it's about a dungeons and dragons player, that goes to the bathroom, and ends up in a dungeon in a REAL DnD world lol Things continue to be amusing from there... LOTS of references.

Torchlight II.
Left 4 Dead 2.



MODS do some crazy things... like turn the Tank into the Hulk. And play the TROOLOLOLOL song when he appears...
Enjoying the game a lot more than I expected!

Thomas was Alone.
Sanctum 2.
Miner Wars 2081.
Saints Row 2.


VERY difficult place to land a plane...


Then as I turned to leave, I heard some crazy explosions...
whoops... D:

Hatsune Miku : Project Diva


Hatsune Miku : Project Diva was fun... Though I wish I had a PS3 so I could get Project Diva F (now in english apparently..)


Phonenix Wright : AA
And lots more ...

Not to mention I downloaded 38 RPGmaker games to take a look at last night!

New Post :

So I was playing Borderlands 2, and my friend noticed something was wrong with me...
He sent these screenshots :


Oct 12, 2013 at 11:18 PM
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Jeez, X-Calibar, you've been busy. =o

Also, that last picture looks a bit like a man's head photoshopped onto a woman's body. The dress tipped me off...how odd.

Anyway, I've been a recent addict of the Metroid series, now that I've started with the first canonical game, Metroid:Zero Mission. I tried the original Metroid someodd-someodd months ago, and somewhat hated it...(I couldn't even find the Long Beam, there was no way I would ever finish the game. And every moment spent in it was the opposite of fun.) Zero Mission has showed me why the games are so awesome. :3

...so yeah, that's how I finished the game yesterday.


I didn't want to play through the game chaotically on my first try, so I did it in a rather mundane manner. I still managed to be a little terrible at it, but it was still a better show than what I've done in Sonic the Hedgehog so far. Lord, I am TERRIBLE at that game. D:

But I digress. I still ended up doing a bit of minor sequence breaking because of my determination to figure the Bomb Jumps out. I also played on Normal with a hack that lets you turn upgrades on and off like in Super Metroid, and I've gotten a few more missiles and Power Bombs after the screenshot, so I think I have something like 80% now.

It was fun and I look forward to playing Super Metroid sometime. c:
Oct 14, 2013 at 1:43 AM
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I've been playing pokemon x for the past day and a half.
Oct 15, 2013 at 9:34 PM
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Been playing Don't Starve recently, pretty fun game but hard to figure out.

Oct 19, 2013 at 9:32 PM
tem go to colleg and make u prouds!!!
"Big Joe Tire and Battery Restaurant! Opening Soon! Eat at Big Joes!"
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While I'm sure everyone else is playing Pokemon X and/or Y, I've actually started a new playthrough of Emerald! I recently got the game from one of my friends who has no way of playing it anymore and I've been completely hooked. I personally am not a huge fan of Pokemon (in fact, this is my first time playing Pokemon in years) but I loved Emerald. I've been catching pretty much every Pokemon I find and so far have a pretty damn terrible team consisting of a Grovyle named ............- (it's obvious I'm not good with names) a Ralts by the name of Aurora, a Poochyena named Depression because face it, that thing looks like someone killed its mother, a nameless Sableye, a nameless Abra, and a Taillow which I believe I named ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!. I'm at the second gym and my highest leveled Pokemon is my Grovyle which is level 18. All my other pokemon are around level 10.
Oct 19, 2013 at 11:51 PM
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I was playing Incredipede because I just bought the Humble Bundle with Android 7. Cuz all the games are supposed to work on my Mac. Incredipede is wierd.

I'm gonna have to install Worms Armageddon now.
Nov 3, 2013 at 7:57 PM
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I've recently been on a Vlambeer binge and have been playing tonnes of their games for the past week. (The screenshots aren't my own because I can't take them as I'm posting from my broken old laptop.)

Super Crate Box
An awesome arcade-style hghscore game where you have to collect as many crates as possible until you die, each crate gives you a different weapon forcing you to mix up your play-style.

A game inspired by old school FPS and hip hop, it plays a lot like Wolfenstein 3D with secrets hidden in the walls, gameplay entirely around the shooting and combat and only horizontal aiming. The soundtrack is pretty cool and unique, all of the music is rap but it is done in Venusian (the made up language that people on Venus speak.)

Nuclear Throne (Previously known as Wasteland Kings)

A mix of both roguelikes and top-down twin-stick shooters. It is a really awesome action-orientated game with lots of weapons and replayability with all the mutations and characters to pick from, as well as randomly generated levels.
Nov 4, 2013 at 1:18 AM
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So… I found a game on steam sale for $2.00 and thought "why not?"

Thirty Flights of Loving - A very short "game".

And it's (Free) Prequel: Gravity Bone - Also, a VERY short game.

If I had to say a few things:
- They're short.
- You most likely won't reach even an hour of playtime with these.
- After the feeling of being ripped-off subsides (lucky that I got it on sale), there's a chance you will see the message that they're trying to convey. It's a very thought-provoking one as well.
Nov 6, 2013 at 11:48 AM
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I haven't laughed like that in ... can't remember how long.
Was playing Scribblenauts Unlimited. (the new humblebundle has it)

It's pretty awesome, in ways. Lots of imagination, and reasonably fun.

I ended up doing my own thing, and cracked up.

Insane Mini Owl EATS sleeping man.
INSANE MINI OWL EATS SLEEPING MAN (about the size of a carrot)

And the guy. Well the Ebola Virus fell out of the sky and landed on his head... and he decided to sit down next to the insane mini owl. B AD MOVE.

The plot of scribblenauts is to do as many good deeds as you can to unlock stars to save your sister.
Though, after a while I started summoning BLACK HOLES, ANTI MATTER, THE FOUR HORSEMEN, ......
Killer CLOWNS, COLOSSAL OBESE NUKES, also used a time machine and summoned a

Sadly I only took a few random screenshots :

Tourists on top of the building were unhappy that they couldn't see the view because of the clouds. So, of course I summon a gigantic dragon and blast the clouds away. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED, STAR PIECE GET! (they also jumped off the roof though)


This was a loving deed to bring the guy and the girl together. (for a star piece.) I attached rope to him and pulled him to the girl.

This was the mad experiment mission. Using Plutonium, Alien Relics, and Water, I began to assemble a new creature for the Student Science Fair. I think it helped when I summoned the zombie alien professor to help out.

THIS MUST BE HALLOWEEN EVENT RELATED... Because otherwise, why are the guests cannibals, vampires, robots, and random kids. Oh, well I was able to figure something out for them.




Kids playing with ... birds in the city under my caring watch.

It's actually a really cute and lovely game... <3

...I guess I just lost it for a bit after the mini insane owl...
(and those "mini insane mental crazy laughing clowns" I was carrying around)
Nov 9, 2013 at 1:53 PM
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Nov 9, 2013 at 5:29 PM
Sincerity will always triumph over irony.
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Nov 9, 2013 at 9:52 PM
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Im playing Pokemon x.
I used to have scribblenauts unlimited, but my mom sold it.
Nov 10, 2013 at 2:48 AM
tem go to colleg and make u prouds!!!
"Big Joe Tire and Battery Restaurant! Opening Soon! Eat at Big Joes!"
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I've been playing VVVVVV quite a bit on my 3DS and I have to say, it's probably my favorite game. It also holds what is probably my favorite video game soundtrack. The reason I say probably though, is because I haven't finished it, due to the fact that it's pretty damn hard. And if you try to go for all the game's "trinkets" like I am, pretty damn hard is a huge understatement. I've also been playing Symphony of the Night and Metal Gear Solid, which are the only games I have on my PS3. I'm terrible at both.
Nov 10, 2013 at 3:04 AM
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Thatnamelessguy said:
And if you try to go for all the game's "trinkets" like I am, pretty damn hard is a huge understatement.
Just wait until you get to the Secret Lab!
Nov 28, 2013 at 12:55 AM
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Garrett then proceeded to Xenobiology to defeat the giant horde of slimes
He is trying his best but I fear he may not make it out safely
I pray for his victory, for the good of mankind