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Turnabout Story - an Episodic Series

Jan 18, 2010 at 5:17 AM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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DragonBoots said:
Eh, I'll help with TSC as I said.

My beef is that this is a catagory T mod: Transposition of a game onto an engine not designed for it (Catagory S is anything by Ryu, catagory U is pre/sequels to Cave Story).
Generally I've found that such an undertaking lacks the prestige of either source game, and is usually vaguely amusing at best and unplayable at worst.
I'm not saying don't do it, but you will face harsher critisism from me.
If you pull this off, though, I will be very impressed.

I see where you're coming from. I'm not even sure I can pull it off myself. However, if it comes along as well as I think it can then it SHOULD be good.

I hope I can at least come sort of close. I have the first 5-10 minutes of gameplay written. Not created in CE (Yeah, I'm not using SW anymore, because of the whole changing music problem. Some questions may just be about CE.), but written. Still need somebody to proofread it. Interested?

Harsher critique? Bring it.
Jan 18, 2010 at 5:22 AM
Cold Agony of Resolute Vacuum
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igotsthepower9000 said:
I see where you're coming from. I'm not even sure I can pull it off myself. However, if it comes along as well as I think it can then it SHOULD be good.

I hope I can at least come sort of close. I have the first 5-10 minutes of gameplay written. Not created in CE (Yeah, I'm not using SW anymore, because of the whole changing music problem. Some questions may just be about CE.), but written. Still need somebody to proofread it. Interested?

Harsher critique? Bring it.

Eh, Jackalope is a proofreader if you ever need one.
But I digress: For now, I sleep.
PM me with questions when they arise, I'll get back ASAP.
Jan 18, 2010 at 5:29 AM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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DragonBoots said:
But I digress: For now, I sleep.
PM me with questions when they arise, I'll get back ASAP.

Will finish storyline before anything is done otherwise, so you won't be hearing from me for a while.
Jan 18, 2010 at 2:19 PM
Cold Agony of Resolute Vacuum
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
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igotsthepower9000 said:
Will finish storyline before anything is done otherwise, so you won't be hearing from me for a while.

Well I gotta admit, you take things in stride.
And you're finishing the storyline; that's a rarity.
There might be promise here, afterall. :3

I assume you're familliar with this?
Jan 18, 2010 at 2:46 PM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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DragonBoots said:
Well I gotta admit, you take things in stride.
And you're finishing the storyline; that's a rarity.
There might be promise here, afterall. :
I assume you're familliar with this?

Remember this: I will be doing this sort of in an episodic fashion. One case per release, so the storyline isn't THAT long. The main reason is that I can only control one secondary character (without assembly hacking, don't bring me into that at all), and during court I want to have "flashbacks". Black and white tilesets + black and white victim/murderer as the "mimiga mask" sprite. Judge would say please shoe us where the victim/murderer was standing. You walk over to the crime scene and interact in the correct area. Then it fades back into the court. I'm not sure about fighting. Bosses really aren't fitting in, and feel forced. So I might scratch that part.

I wrote up until the first court session, and before going to sleep conjured up a way to partially recreate the court record! It'll use a whole bunch of flags and stuff.

I've read through that page, yes, as well as your other chart. (found that by searching the forums for a tsc list) and I hope I can make this all work. One thing I REALLY like about CE is the script editor :D unfortunatly I don't understand the tileset editor (to change
which tile does what) because like half of them are the same thing! They have a small triangle in the bottom left and the number 41 in the top-right! I wanted to make the "desks" in the foreground, but didn't know how.

Also, what's your (or anybody's for that matter) opinion on the cornered theme? I tried but I'm not that great at it...
Jan 18, 2010 at 3:01 PM
Cold Agony of Resolute Vacuum
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
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igotsthepower9000 said:
Remember this: I will be doing this sort of in an episodic fashion. One case per release, so the storyline isn't THAT long. The main reason is that I can only control one secondary character (without assembly hacking, don't bring me into that at all), and during court I want to have "flashbacks". Black and white tilesets + black and white victim/murderer as the "mimiga mask" sprite. Judge would say please shoe us where the victim/murderer was standing. You walk over to the crime scene and interact in the correct area. Then it fades back into the court. I'm not sure about fighting. Bosses really aren't fitting in, and feel forced. So I might scratch that part.

I wrote up until the first court session, and before going to sleep conjured up a way to partially recreate the court record! It'll use a whole bunch of flags and stuff.

I've read through that page, yes, as well as your other chart. (found that by searching the forums for a tsc list) and I hope I can make this all work. One thing I REALLY like about CE is the script editor :D unfortunatly I don't understand the tileset editor (to change
which tile does what) because like half of them are the same thing! They have a small triangle in the bottom left and the number 41 in the top-right! I wanted to make the "desks" in the foreground, but didn't know how.

Also, what's your (or anybody's for that matter) opinion on the cornered theme? I tried but I'm not that great at it...

Yeah, the tile type thing is a little confusing at first.
But what I can tell you is that any tile type with a triangle in the corner is foreground, and blue tiles (or tiles with blue on them) are water.
Red indicates a state of being 'solid'.
To make it foreground, select the first tile in the 5th row, starting from the left.
It should just be a white square with a triangle in the corner.

And just a little tip:
<PS+ (the teleporter event setting command) could be used to create a multiple choice menu able to be called by <SLP - Just use <PS+ to set a few of the teleporter menu slots to be various piece of evidence or whatever. I'm not totally sure, but I think <PS+XXXX:0000 will reset slot X.

So if you wanted to be able to present a menu like that, you can. :3

And boss fights could be a stapler vs. beauracracy. XD
Jan 18, 2010 at 3:44 PM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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DragonBoots said:
Yeah, the tile type thing is a little confusing at first.
But what I can tell you is that any tile type with a triangle in the corner is foreground, and blue tiles (or tiles with blue on them) are water.
Red indicates a state of being 'solid'.
To make it foreground, select the first tile in the 5th row, starting from the left.
It should just be a white square with a triangle in the corner.

And just a little tip:
<PS+ (the teleporter event setting command) could be used to create a multiple choice menu able to be called by <SLP - Just use <PS+ to set a few of the teleporter menu slots to be various piece of evidence or whatever. I'm not totally sure, but I think <PS+XXXX:0000 will reset slot X.

So if you wanted to be able to present a menu like that, you can. :3

And boss fights could be a stapler vs. beauracracy. XD

I will be referring to that info about the tilesets again, when I'm actually MAKING the mod.

I'm actually planning to simply use the item screen. You will obtain items, "adding them to the court record". At points where you are objecting, a flag gets set. When that flag is set, it allows every item to bring up a yes/no question (Do you want to present the =insert item here= as evidence?) box. If you say yes, it sets all other item flags to false. Then, you unpause, and the judge
asks "are you ready to present your evidence?" You say yes and which ever flag is set beings you to a specific event. If it's right, you move on. If it's wrong, you get damaged/die.

The black and white part shows that is a flashback, to make it seem like your reenacting the past. But the teleporter menu would like my life easier... The question is can you add unlimited spots, or are you limited to 5-6
or whatever the number was originally?
Jan 18, 2010 at 3:57 PM
Cold Agony of Resolute Vacuum
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
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igotsthepower9000 said:
I will be referring to that info about the tilesets again, when I'm actually MAKING the mod.

I'm actually planning to simply use the item screen. You will obtain items, "adding them to the court record". At points where you are objecting, a flag gets set. When that flag is set, it allows every item to bring up a yes/no question (Do you want to present the =insert item here= as evidence?) box. If you say yes, it sets all other item flags to false. Then, you unpause, and the judge
asks "are you ready to present your evidence?" You say yes and which ever flag is set beings you to a specific event. If it's right, you move on. If it's wrong, you get damaged/die.

The black and white part shows that is a flashback, to make it seem like your reenacting the past. But the teleporter menu would like my life easier... The question is can you add unlimited spots, or are you limited to 5-6
or whatever the number was originally?
AFAIK you are limited to 6 slots.
Though, generally it'd be enough, I'd think.
I'm sure you'll find a use for it.
Jan 18, 2010 at 4:08 PM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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DragonBoots said:
AFAIK you are limited to 6 slots.
Though, generally it'd be enough, I'd think.
I'm sure you'll find a use for it.

Hm...maybe for hold it/objection/keep going during cross examinations...not sure...I was thinking "insert one part of testimony here" "(should I press him for more info?) Yes/No"...

It's possible. Well, back to storyline writing.

What do you think if the name Azria? That's one of the more important character's current names.
Jan 18, 2010 at 4:45 PM
Cold Agony of Resolute Vacuum
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
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igotsthepower9000 said:
Hm...maybe for hold it/objection/keep going during cross examinations...not sure...I was thinking "insert one part of testimony here" "(should I press him for more info?) Yes/No"...

It's possible. Well, back to storyline writing.

What do you think if the name Azria? That's one of the more important character's current names.

That'd be an idea.
Then you could just use 3 of the slots (or four, if you wanted to add a Recess option).
Interesting name...
Just make sure the main villian's name has lots of harsh sounds and you're set.
Kraw or Zz'xaxs.
Jan 18, 2010 at 4:51 PM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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DragonBoots said:
That'd be an idea.
Then you could just use 3 of the slots (or four, if you wanted to add a Recess option).
Interesting name...
Just make sure the main villian's name has lots of harsh sounds and you're set.
Kraw or Zz'xaxs.

I need a name for the Prosecution. I plan on using Igor's sprite, but not necessarily the name...but other than that, is there ever really a MAIN villain in a Phoenix Wright game?

NO. NO RECESS FOR U. I'm not sure the idea will work, because I would need EVERY SINGLE piece of testimony to call a different event from the same menu. i think Yes/No events would be easier. In storyline terms:

The victim's name is Maxwell.
He was a partner of Azria and Misery.
Azria is being blamed for his death.

I am almost to the actual court proceeding. I don't think it will be a multiple day sorta thing, because It's the first one.

EDIT: What is the place a courtroom is in called? Like: I guess it's time we got to the ___________, court is almost in session.

I have no idea...courthouse?
Jan 18, 2010 at 5:01 PM
Cold Agony of Resolute Vacuum
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
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igotsthepower9000 said:
I need a name for the Prosecution. I plan on using Igor's sprite, but not necessarily the name...but other than that, is there ever really a MAIN villain in a Phoenix Wright game?

NO. NO RECESS FOR U. I'm not sure the idea will work, because I would need EVERY SINGLE piece of testimony to call a different event from the same menu. i think Yes/No events would be easier. In storyline terms:

The victim's name is Maxwell.
He was a partner of Azria and Misery.
Azria is being blamed for his death.

I am almost to the actual court proceeding. I don't think it will be a multiple day sorta thing, because It's the first one.

EDIT: What is the place a courtroom is in called? Like: I guess it's time we got to the ___________, court is almost in session.

I have no idea...courthouse?

Item/flag jumps can be added to the menu events, so if you have Exhibit A, it'll run a different event from Exhibit B. Or sumfin.
And yeah, courthouse works.

Though, I'd say "I guess it's time we got to the courthouse, the trial is about to start."
Jan 18, 2010 at 5:06 PM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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DragonBoots said:
Item/flag jumps can be added to the menu events, so if you have Exhibit A, it'll run a different event from Exhibit B. Or sumfin.
And yeah, courthouse works.

Though, I'd say "I guess it's time we got to the courthouse, the trial is about to start."

Misery said:
It's 11:45. We should head for the Courthouse now.

That's what Misery says. But I could change it.

Oh boy, if I can commit myself to make everything I say in this storyline into a real mod I THINK it'll be REALLY AWESOME.
Jan 18, 2010 at 5:16 PM
Cold Agony of Resolute Vacuum
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
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igotsthepower9000 said:
That's what Misery says. But I could change it.

Oh boy, if I can commit myself to make everything I say in this storyline into a real mod I THINK it'll be REALLY AWESOME.

Indeed it will.
It'll be a tough road, but I'm sure you'll make it.
-Goes back to work on F.U.C.K.-
Jan 18, 2010 at 5:31 PM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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DragonBoots said:
Indeed it will.
It'll be a tough road, but I'm sure you'll make it.
-Goes back to work on F.U.C.K.-

For Unity, Country, and King. A finished-on-released mod.

Yes, I remember your other sig. lol.

FINALLY starting writing the actual court segment, and you'll NEVER guess who
the judge is.
Jan 18, 2010 at 5:34 PM
Cold Agony of Resolute Vacuum
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
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igotsthepower9000 said:
For Unity, Country, and King. A finished-on-released mod.

Yes, I remember your other sig. lol.

FINALLY starting writing the actual court segment, and you'll NEVER guess who
the judge is.

I'd cast Booster into the role...
But since you said I'd never guess...
Jan 18, 2010 at 5:42 PM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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DragonBoots said:
I'd cast Booster into the role...
But since you said I'd never guess...

Both wrong.

(oh, check your inbox. I sent you a PM)

I'll say this much, the judge has RETURNED FROM THE GRAVE!!!

(It's never explained, but I thought what the hell...In actuality, balrog would be cool too.)
Jan 18, 2010 at 5:49 PM
This Troper
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Quick info: In the games, the building is called "District Court".
Jan 18, 2010 at 5:59 PM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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T-Jack said:
Quick info: In the games, the building is called "District Court".

Thanks. Not sure of that's what I'll call it though.

I still need what the first post asks for! 4 pages of posts and NO ONE who is even INTERESTED has shown up :/

Music makers pls!

Also need someone toread what I've got so far -_-
Jan 18, 2010 at 6:23 PM
This Troper
"Man, if only I had an apple..."
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Ah well, I can do the reading. I've played 2 1/2 of the games, so I know what's it all about. Just PM me.