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The Well - Noxid

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Apr 24, 2012 at 11:46 PM
daughter of chivalry
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
Join Date: Jun 12, 2009
Location: Edge of the universe
Posts: 1562
I really wish I had Lace's skills in questioning.

1. What are some words you would use to describe yourself?

2. What things make you squeamish? Blood, vomit, etc

3. If you could change into a female for one day just out of curiosity, would you?

4. If you were an RPG character, what kind of character role would you play? Hero, silent badass, comic relief character, person who sacrifices their life, the chipper one that annoys everyone, whatever else you can think of. If I knew TVtrope terms I would use and link them.

5. And what actual role would you play fighting wise? Melee, magic, ranged, etc.

6. What is the most recent medium that has affected and touched you emotionally? This doesn't necessarily mean crying

7. Do you have any strange nicknames for your cat? (ie THE BIG MAN)

8. What was your favorite cartoon as a child?

9. What is the last thing that made you cry, and why?

10. Were people nice to you during your grade school years?

11. What's your favorite scent?
Apr 25, 2012 at 12:27 AM
In my body, in my head
Forum Moderator
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Location: The Purple Zone
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Pronouns: he/him
Mosaic said:
I have been lurking on the forums for several months before I joined. I can tell that you've put in a whole lot of work on the site, so I'll offer a word or two of thanks to you for everything you do here. Also, K:SS is awesome—very well done so far! Booster's Lab is, too, from what I can tell, but my computer throws a fit when I try to run it. Maybe if I figure out what the deal is with that I'll get to try out BL, too.

*on topic*
Mosaic said:
1. Can I ask questions even though I'm a n00b here?
It looks like you already are!

but really, I don't care if someone is new or been here since the dawn of time. As long as they don't act like they are posting from 7th grade remedial language arts class.
Mosaic said:
2. What kind(s) of music do you like? Bands? (other than or in addition to the fine fellows on you sig)
I like a lot of electronic and video game OSTs, and music that is kind of experimental. Not a big fan of lyrics, especially if I can understand what they're saying and it's dumb. However, Jamiroquai is a notable exception as I adore Jay Kay's voice. Current top five (not counting SMK) for artists would be Ratatat, Squarepusher, Agargara/AGF, Machinae Supremacy and George & Jonathan.
Mosaic said:
3. Do you have brothers and sisters? Older/younger?
I have one brother, one half brother, one step brother and one step sister, and I'm the oldest of the lot. Although the step-siblings probably don't count anymore since my mom divorced their father, I'm still pretty close with my step-bro.
It's a bit of a tangled web but probably not too unusual in the modern world of broken homes and failed families.
Mosaic said:
4. Do you have any hobbies or pastimes that you enjoy in addition to your modding and moderating escapades?
Well of course I like to play video games, but I hardly ever have time to do that. My current #1 diversion is probably drawing when I can, but in the past I have partook in piano, archery, amateur blacksmithing, curling, chainmaille making (i swear I'm going to finish this one some day) and competitive swimming to name a few. I am pretty open to new hobbies that I will then proceed to neglect and forget about a few months down the road.
Mosaic said:
5. What are your thoughts on poutine?
Possibly the greatest thing to come out of French Canadian cuisine. You can get it pretty much anywhere you go around here, it's like a staple food.

ShinyElectricBlueTiger said:
In your younger years, what was/were your misinterpretation(s) of sex.
I'm still not sure how it works.

also what fab said

DualHack said:
<p>Would you kill your heros thus?
Would you kill them with a stab?
Would you kill them with a slab?
Would you kill them with a bow, do it, DO IT.
Also would you watch this whole intire video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AA5DsLzSVrk
I could not, would not, on a boat.
I will not, will not, with a goat.
I will not eat them in the rain.
I will not eat them on a train.
Not in the dark! Not in a tree!
Not in a car! You let me be!
I do not like them in a box.
I do not like them with a fox.
I will not eat them in a house.
I do not like them with a mouse.
I do not like them here or there.
I do not like them ANYWHERE

Lace said:
A mystical genie/capfab will grant you four wishes on the condition that they are self-serving (no world peace etcetera). What do you wish for?
1) a yearly stipend of 67,000 tax free cash
2) The ability to breathe underwater
3) The ability to fly just by thinking about it without a great expenditure of energy on my part
4) An autographed sketch of Ame by Daisuke Amaya

Lace said:
A mystical genie decides to give you a silly superpower. You get the choice of 1) Mind control by licking things (you can only control one thing at a time. So, say you lick me, now you control my body and your normal Noxid body goes catatonic. Now, as me, you lick a Llama. I regain control of my body, but will not remember anything that happened while I was being controlled, and you now possess the Llama), 2) The ability to be invisible, but only when your eyes are closed, 3) The ability to swap suits of clothing with someone by snappointing at them with both hands (the clothes would be resized to fit you perfectly, and you'd be able to do this through TVs and the intorwebz and stuff), and 4) Super strength whenever you got a boner. What do you choose?
I think number 3 would offer the maximum amount of hilarity as I could dress myself up as a drag queen and then switch clothes with stuffy politicians in the middle of their speeches. And nobody would ever know it was meeeee >:]
1 could be interesting but I'm concerned what might become of my body while I'm off gallivanting about as the king of sweden. also licking people may be more difficult that it sounds, as illustrated by grape jelly lady from Prequel. 2 would be bad because I'm not good at doing things with my eyes closed and as soon as I opened them my ruse would be exposed. 4 would not be very useful as those things are unreliable and it probably wouldn't be good to have superhuman strength at an inappropriate time, nor to lose it when I'm in the middle of lifting something.
Lace said:
If you could insta-solve one of the millenium problems, which would it be?
I would solve P versus NP, because that's a really popular one and also the only millenium problem I really know anything about.
Lace said:
Answer a question asked to each of the previous persons?
I'm not supposed to be picking my own questions here!
If you want to reuse questions then you can go copy-paste them yourself.
Apr 25, 2012 at 1:28 AM
Been here way too long...
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Location: Lingerie, but also, like, fancy curtains
Posts: 3052
Which questions asked to each of the previous well-ees would you find most interesting to answer?
Apr 25, 2012 at 3:01 AM
In my body, in my head
Forum Moderator
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Location: The Purple Zone
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Wild Desu said:
I really wish I had Lace's skills in questioning.

1. What are some words you would use to describe yourself?
Loyal, Stubborn, Amiable, clever, forgiving
also guarded, self-conscious, easily distracted, forgetful and snippy.
Wild Desu said:
2. What things make you squeamish? Blood, vomit, etc
Definitely blood, especially when still wet. Vomit is just kind of gross but it isn't really a big deal, I have to clean up cat vomit sometimes when zippy eats too fast and one time, this little girl (like, toddler) decided to just vomit all over her jacket without any warning on the bus just as we were pulling up to the stop. I felt sorry for the mother but I just sort of absconded from that whole situation because what am I supposed to do, I mean really.
I'm not sure where the line is drawn between squeamish and disgusted, but I would just rather not have to interact with other people's bodily fluids if it can ever be helped.
Wild Desu said:
3. If you could change into a female for one day just out of curiosity, would you?
For just one day? I don't see why not. Although I'd probably dress really butch because men's clothes are simply better in every way. Still, it would definitely be a unique experience and I can't think of any lasting downsides.
Wild Desu said:
4. If you were an RPG character, what kind of character role would you play? Hero, silent badass, comic relief character, person who sacrifices their life, the chipper one that annoys everyone, whatever else you can think of. If I knew TVtrope terms I would use and link them.
Silent badass is one of my favourites as I enjoy both being silent and badass, speaking only to throw cool one-liners around at opportune moments and such.
Wild Desu said:
5. And what actual role would you play fighting wise? Melee, magic, ranged, etc.
Magic, all the way. I have always been enthralled with the idea of magic and whenever given the option in a game that's usually my choice, even if it is more difficult. Because I can't think of anything better than being able to make something catch fire and explode just by *thinking* about it. But not necessarily an old wizard. you can be young and magical too nowadays.
Wild Desu said:
6. What is the most recent medium that has affected and touched you emotionally? This doesn't necessarily mean crying
The Jerry series. I find this deeply unsettling and depressing. I actually watched them all out of order the first time so it was interesting seeing the related parts pieced together. But it made me sad.
Wild Desu said:
7. Do you have any strange nicknames for your cat? (ie THE BIG MAN)
My cat's name is Zipper, but that is probably the thing I am least likely to call her. Depending on my disposition it may be either Zippy, Zee, <nonsense word starting with Z> or Zippy Mommy. If you're wondering how the last one came to be well, that makes two of us. But everyone in the family calls her that now so I don't even.
Wild Desu said:
8. What was your favorite cartoon as a child?
Rugrats. Hands down.
Rugrats coming on was an *event* in my house. Like literally, you would stop whatever the hell you were doing because everybody is going to watch rugrats right now.
Wild Desu said:
9. What is the last thing that made you cry, and why?
I am having a hard time remembering.. I don't cry very much. The last time I remember *really* crying was years ago, after an especially gruelling hour or two of emotional abuse from my then-step-father. He had a special talent for picking apart every way in which we and were going to be failures in life and relentlessly drilling at it until that was all you knew. All that said I managed to get through it pretty well for the most part because I don't really work like most people and one I calm down I remember that it doesn't really matter if other people think I'm amazing as long as I think I'm amazing. And so life goes on.
Wild Desu said:
10. Were people nice to you during your grade school years?
That's elementary school right?
I'm pretty sure I was a self-absorbed nutjob at the time and had no concept of other people's perception of me. Eventually I found a small group of close friends that I stuck with for most of elementary school until they either moved away or turned to a life of hard crime. One thing that I know for certain was that I didn't give a damn about what anybody thought of me. Still, I don't think people were ever mean to me, except for this one freddy kid, but I just teased him back until he threatened to hit me. He couldn't of course because teachers were around so I definitely won that conflict.
Wild Desu said:
11. What's your favorite scent?
It's a toss-up between sunscreen and the spring after-rain smell. Both are very relaxing

Lace said:
Which questions asked to each of the previous well-ees would you find most interesting to answer?
I'd have to go back and read them to figure that out, which is the major obstacle in this idea.
but, I guess hypothetical questions are fun to answer.
Apr 25, 2012 at 4:21 PM
graters gonna grate
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
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If, I mean when you finish that chainmail, will you bring it to me so I can put it on, find my high school computer programming teacher's classroom and, while he's in the middle of teaching, barge in and shout "SPARTANS!! TONIGHT WE DINE IN HELL!!!!"?
Apr 25, 2012 at 9:35 PM
daughter of chivalry
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
Join Date: Jun 12, 2009
Location: Edge of the universe
Posts: 1562
What are some pet peeves of yours?

What do you consider your flaws?

What position do you sleep in?

What is your earliest memory?

Why did you decide to name your kitty Zipper?

What are some things you dislike that everyone else seems to love?

Have any guilty pleasures?
Apr 25, 2012 at 11:02 PM
Only Love, Maximum Love, Forever
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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1. When was the last time you were completely at peace?

2. How do you unwind after a week of school/work/schoolwork?

3. Do you procrastinate often? How has it affected your life at school?

4. How did you find Cave Story and what struck you about it that made you enjoy it so much?

5. What's your favorite thing to do outdoors?

6. What's one rule or motto you try to live by?
Apr 26, 2012 at 4:13 AM
In my body, in my head
Forum Moderator
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Location: The Purple Zone
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If, I mean when you finish that chainmail, will you bring it to me so I can put it on, find my high school computer programming teacher's classroom and, while he's in the middle of teaching, barge in and shout "SPARTANS!! TONIGHT WE DINE IN HELL!!!!"?
If you'll pay for me to get there and back, absolutely. Why would I make a chainmaille suit if not for shenanigans?

What are some pet peeves of yours?
People who are clearly too sick to be outside sitting near me in class and coughing/sneezing/dying in my presence.
12 year olds
uhh... Smoking I guess. I don't want to breathe that stank.
Macroeconomics and the time-value of money.
Attention-whoring on the internet (i.e. like if... comments, people on deviantart who run scripts to fav random things to get pageviews, people who put "like comment subscribe" on their youtube videos, etc).
People who use twitter and facebook as promotional platforms
the fact that facebook and twitter are really successful promotion platforms
people who pirate indie games
What do you consider your flaws?
My stubbornness is definitely one. If I'm decided for or against something, it takes a terrible amount of time and effort to get me to change. Such as with my chemical engineering degree, where I went through an entire year and a half of not really enjoying it before I finally decided to switch into something that I actually am interested in.
Another would be that I'm kind of detached sometimes and don't empathize well or know how to deal with other people being sad/depressed/angry or I guess any of the more extreme ends of the emotional spectrum. At least I have a pretty good idea of things *not* to say now...
What position do you sleep in?
*takes a nap*
I guess I'd call it a 3/4 position. Mostly on my front, but with one or more arms under the pillow. kind of like below but less hastily drawn. Usually facing left, but if I do sleep the other way the right arm is still the one under my head and the left arm may instead be at my side or under my chest maybe.
What is your earliest memory?
The earliest memories I have are of going to this daycare center when I was like 3-5 years old or whatever. I remember they had an awesome indoor jungle gym made out of PVC pipe, what was essentially a large log leaning on another large log with all the bark stripped off that was central to the outdoor playground, a mock clock tower that housed mysterious demons in the (inaccessible) top, and half the playground sequestered off for the "big kids" with various sheds full of fun kid-friendly activities like playing house or carpentry. Additional features include: mandatory naptime that I would regularly refuse to participate in, jars full of curiosities like porcupine quills and sea stars, tomato soup with shredded cheddar cheese (a delicacy!) and you had to put your head down on the table and not peek when they were serving dessert
it was a fantastic, magical place to be a child.
Why did you decide to name your kitty Zipper?
I'm pretty sure that's just the name she came with. I'm pretty sure all the cats I've ever had have come from shelters so they already had names. It's funny because the name doesn't fit her at all, she is possibly the least energetic/zippy cat I have ever met.
What are some things you dislike that everyone else seems to love?
popular music. obviously that is a sentiment shared by probably most of the people here but I guess it's popular for a reason and I don't like it. Also coffee, that stuff is just nasty man :S
Have any guilty pleasures?
Forum drama. This probably makes me sound like the worst moderator ever but back when the roarloan thing was going down I was pretty entertained by all the shenanigans.

1. When was the last time you were completely at peace?
This is probably kind of weird but, on the way home from work I need to get off the bus at the mall and sometimes there's a good 10-15 minutes before the next one I need to take shows up. There are some rather comfy chairs in an open area and sometimes I just sit in them and completely zone out. It's very relaxing even though there are people all around.
2. How do you unwind after a week of school/work/schoolwork?
by doing the same thing I do every day, going on IRC/drawing pictures/watching LPs. I try to keep my chill levels fairly stable throughout the week for the benefit of my health.
3. Do you procrastinate often? How has it affected your life at school?
*looks at mod that has been ongoing for three years or something*
yeah you could say that I procrastinate a bit. Usually on things that I consider too difficult, which tragically makes it all the worse. I have definitely spent some sleepless nights working on assignments due the next morning. This has lead to maybe some lesss than stellar performance in some courses I didn't really care to be in.
4. How did you find Cave Story and what struck you about it that made you enjoy it so much?
Well, I've probably told this story before, but let's see
To get back to the VERY Beginning of the beginning, I was trying to play my Legacy of the Wizard ROM because I had fond memories of it but I really didn't know what to do so rather than do the usual gameFAQs thing I decided to see if there were any video guides on that "youtube" thing everyone is talking about.
Anyway, I found Deceased Crab's LP of it and in the related videos this "Cave Story" thing kept popping up. I liked DC's other videos so I checked his CS playthrough and thought it looked cool enough to download and try for myself. Anyway, the more I read about it and learned about Pixel the more I came to respect him for his awesome dedication and skill and humility and all that great stuff. I'm really more of a fan of Pixel than any specific piece of work by him.
Also when I found out about the editors and played with Sue's Workshop (which tragically is what's packaged with the deluxe edition) I thought that was pretty cool beans because I always liked video games and WOW I could make my own maps and stuff how cool.
the next two years are kind of a haze but somehow I got elected moderator and other weird shenanigans.
5. What's your favorite thing to do outdoors?
I really like to go hiking or just chill out in the woods. Activities where I can just relax and enjoy the splendor that is nature.
6. What's one rule or motto you try to live by?
"Don't hurt people"
Another one would be "Don't be lame", but that comes secondary

wow that took a long time
Apr 26, 2012 at 12:41 PM
Pirate Member
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What are the people you made sketches of in your signature?
Apr 26, 2012 at 2:17 PM
The Preacher
Join Date: Feb 20, 2011
Location: lost in translation
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People who use twitter and facebook as promotional platforms
people who pirate indie games
oh no D: Noxid won't like me anymoooore
will you forgive me for being a pet peeve?

How would you picture your personal Hell? I'd like a serious answer for this one if possible.

Same question for your personal Heaven.

I don't have any more questions for now.
Apr 26, 2012 at 3:07 PM
graters gonna grate
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
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What are some ways you act differently, or people perceive you differently on the netz vs. IRL?

Myers-Briggs type? I'm usually pretty good at figuring people out, but you're a tough one. You seem pretty close to the middle on all 4 dimensions. I have a guess though - we'll see how close I am.

What are some of the biggest ways you feel you have improved as a human being over the past 5-10 years?

How far do you think artificial intelligence will advance over the next 50 years? In what ways will computers surpass humans, and in what ways will humans still have the upper hand?
Apr 26, 2012 at 5:54 PM
In my body, in my head
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"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Location: The Purple Zone
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What are the people you made sketches of in your signature?
Slagsmalsklubben, swedish synthpop/electronic band. A++ would listen forever

oh no D: Noxid won't like me anymoooore
will you forgive me for being a pet peeve?
I don't mind as long as you aren't up in my grillz
but if you start telling me/us to 'like' you on facebook then I'm going to be very :droll:
How would you picture your personal Hell? I'd like a serious answer for this one if possible.
This is kind of a tough question. It seems that anything I could think of, there'd always be worse things. So, what defines a "hell"? I guess whatever would make me the most miserable in every way possible. For me, incapacitation might be one of the worst things - being unable to see, unable to speak, unable to act, unable to understand. I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream.
Same question for your personal Heaven.
Heaven for me would simply be the time and energy to pursue all my activities without having to worry about the future or providing for myself or others, or other negative repercussions like aging. Maybe I feel like playing video games and sleeping for a month? Sure, sounds great, I'll grab my N64. Maybe I want to learn how to be a master pastry chef? Go for it man, we love your blueberry pies.
Oh also everybody loves me and wants to be my friend.
I don't have any more questions for now.
ok bye

What are some ways you act differently, or people perceive you differently on the netz vs. IRL?
Hmm, I guess in real life most people probably think I'm very quiet and studious / hard working, if they think of me at all. I generally make my presence as unobtrusive as possible without being creepily antisocial and looking busy is a good way to avoid questions.
On the internet I guess I'm a fair bit more open to contact and interaction. The web is a much more open and level playing field, and the consequences of failure (in a social setting at least) are far less severe as at the very least, if things don't go your way, there is always the option to abscond. As well, it's also easier to gather people who share common interests and ideals with you.
Oh, I went on a tangent. Anyway, yeah. Something else to consider is that people's perception of me would also differ by what I think they want to see of me, because I tend to tailor my behaviour a bit depending on the audience.
Myers-Briggs type? I'm usually pretty good at figuring people out, but you're a tough one. You seem pretty close to the middle on all 4 dimensions. I have a guess though - we'll see how close I am.
jeez, the last time I did something for this was like four years ago. Let's see.. I took a quick online test and it gave me INTJ, which seems accurate enough.
The one I can vouch most strongly for would be Introverted, since I am definitely most happy either with solitude or a small cadre of close friends. That said, recognition from my peers is pretty important to me, and it's probably the driving force behind most things I do.
For Sensing versus iNtuition, I can't really say I put too much weight one way or the other. Emperical information is really important in making decisions, but I try to combine that with theoretical / intuitive knowledge to get the best picture. I think the most accurate way to describe it would be to say that I follow hunches and intuition and then try to gather empirical sensing data to back them up.
On the test I actually got the strongest preference for Thinking versus Feeling. I like to rely on rules and consistency when making decisions, and this was probably my most defining point when I was very young. There was a point when I literally could not comprehend people being illogical or not following rules because rules were immutable and perfect constructs meant to guide our lives to harmony and mutual happiness. It also made me very angry when things didn't happen as expected or the rules were changed. Since then, I've grown to be more understanding of "the other side" and place value in tact, understanding that other people's feelings can have a strong influence on their actions.
For Judging/Percieving, the description on the wikipedia is confusing at best, but I'm just going to go ahead and say I guess I would agree with whatever it might be trying to say. Wikipedia has never led me astray before..!
What are some of the biggest ways you feel you have improved as a human being over the past 5-10 years?
it definitely would be my ability to deal with other people. That includes stuff like communication skills, empathy, recognizing and accepting other's differences, reaffirming myself that other humans are unique, cognizant agents with real feelings and beliefs that may be different from my own but not necessarily wrong, that sort of stuff.
How far do you think artificial intelligence will advance over the next 50 years? In what ways will computers surpass humans, and in what ways will humans still have the upper hand?
Assuming nothing... "unpredictable" happens, I think artificial intelligence may eventually surpass our own. Computers are already far more powerful when it comes to raw computation, and if someone can develop an elastic and adaptable means of them learning, assimilating and using arbitrary information then there may be nothing they cant' do. They are already working on building some kind of brain-simulation in a computer (I think they already did rat brains), so who knows!

Still, human brains will probably always require far fewer rare earth metals to produce.
Apr 26, 2012 at 6:06 PM
Pirate Member
"Wahoo! Upgrade!"
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Location: A cave, duh
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Say you were stranded on an island, a very small one at that, only palm trees are around.

What do you do?
Apr 26, 2012 at 7:17 PM
daughter of chivalry
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
Join Date: Jun 12, 2009
Location: Edge of the universe
Posts: 1562
Are there any traits of kitties that you don't like?

How have the forums impacted your life? Have you been in another close-knit online community before?

Favorite windsofwinds quote?

Is getting close to people and losing them a predominant fear or worry you have?

What are your fears? I know quite a bit because of the phobias thread but are there any more?

What is your best subject in school?

Some things that offend you?

Are you prejudice against any certain groups of people?

What brought you to the four hams?

Do you have any habits, behaviors, or rituals that would seem abnormal to others?

Did your guardians influence you with certain beliefs growing up? This could be religion, the belief that black people should be avoided, fat people are bad, etc.

Are there any forum members who your opinions of changed for the better?
Apr 26, 2012 at 8:04 PM
Senior Member
"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
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How did you become a moderator?

What would you do if you met Pixel?

What is your favourite flavour of crisps?

Do you play any instruments?

What is your earliest memory?

What is your favourite place on earth?

Would you rather have a bath full of worms or a worm full of baths?
Apr 26, 2012 at 10:50 PM
"In Soviet Russia, graves keep YOU!"
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Apr 26, 2012 at 11:28 PM
Been here way too long...
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
Join Date: Jan 4, 2008
Location: Lingerie, but also, like, fancy curtains
Posts: 3052
What is your favourite flavour of crisps?
You're so British!

What do you like and hate the most about mankind and canada?
What is the coolest maths you know?
Apr 27, 2012 at 12:47 AM
In my body, in my head
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"Life begins and ends with Nu."
Join Date: Aug 28, 2009
Location: The Purple Zone
Posts: 5998
Pronouns: he/him
Say you were stranded on an island, a very small one at that, only palm trees are around.

What do you do?
Contemplate my choices in life and await a slow death of dehydration. Perhaps take up emergency religion, impending doom has that effect on people.

Are there any traits of kitties that you don't like?
I don't like the fact that kitties don't enjoy being held (or at least, mine don't). I just want to hug ALL the kitties D:
That and how they eat their food so darn fast they get sick and throw up all over the floor, jeez, silly cats.
How have the forums impacted your life? Have you been in another close-knit online community before?
I have to say, this has been a very unique experience for me. The closest thing prior to this was when I was like 14 and playing runescape, I joined a "guild" with some other people basically out of the blue I guess, and we became pretty good friends. There were only like three people then. Anyway, we shared email addresses and organized (in-game) shenanigans and had a grand old time. I'm still friends with them after all these years and we try to keep in touch. Still, it was really nothing on the level of what goes on around here.
The forums have had a pretty large impact on many of the things I've done in the last two years and honestly I'd probably have a very different and far more lame life than I do now. I mean, the forums have basically led to me taking up drawing and programming and musicking and other creative pursuits that I may have completely disregarded otherwise.
Favorite windsofwinds quote?
1mm deep ultra-asshole. I forget the exact wording right now but I literally burst out laughing the first time I saw that post.
Is getting close to people and losing them a predominant fear or worry you have?
yes :toroko2:
the fact that this has happened to me on a regular basis doesn't really help much.
What are your fears? I know quite a bit because of the phobias thread but are there any more?
ah jeez, I don't even remember what I put in that thread >.>
I'm guessing there probably isn't much I didn't already cover if I did post them. Insects, esp. flying ones, falling/heights, spiders, losing my memory/forgetting things, uhh.. that's all I can think of right now :s
What is your best subject in school?
So far I have been able to consistently ace every programming course I've taken without doing much more than sleeping in class and doing the assignments
Some things that offend you?
When people wear too little clothes in public
people who force their beliefs onto others, especially when others include myself. Or, when people are bigoted and judge someone for having different beliefs than them.
anything that disrespects Pixel
Are you prejudice against any certain groups of people?
I try my best not to be but I am aware that I have a lot of preconceptions and biases about certain groups of people. For example, 12 year olds all being undeveloped face-typers, poor people being crude and uncultured rednecks or bums, and black people being, uh, well, unsafe. But, as long as I can get to know somebody, it isn't a problem.
What brought you to the four hams?
I wanted to post my mod and, more importantly, post it so I could dibs the idea because I was shocked that nobody had done it yet. I started posting in other places because I have nothing better to do than read hundreds of backlogged threads all day.
Do you have any habits, behaviors, or rituals that would seem abnormal to others?
Hmm.. I dunno, they all seem normal to me 8V
I guess the staying up on the internet until 2 AM was something my parents and grandparents had a hard time with for a while until they figured out I wasn't going to stop any time soon. I also extend my pinkie when drinking because I'm just so dapper, and before I get out of the shower I always try to brush some of the water off myself with my hands because I don't want the towel to get too wet. Also I cross my legs closed "like a girl", which is something I just started doing when I was really young, then my family convinced me to cross them open "the right way" and when I left home to go to university I started crossing them closed again because honestly there is no room in those tiny desks to cross your legs any other way.
Did your guardians influence you with certain beliefs growing up? This could be religion, the belief that black people should be avoided, fat people are bad, etc.
Absolutely. I pretty much shaped my worldview around what my mom and grandparents considered "right". And being middle-class White Anglo-Saxon Protestants from small-town New Brunswick, they knew ALL the stereotypes. Of course they didn't like, go out of their way to teach them and I'm pretty sure they told me that stereotypes are bad but it's just this sort of undercurrent that's quite prevalent in the mindset of the people I grew up with. Interestingly I never really followed their beliefs in religion, and I think I more or less got my mom to give it up altogether. My family wasn't an especially religious one to begin with though, so it wasn't really hard. We more or less just went through the motions and it didn't play a big role in everyday life. And my mom really doesn't like fat people, probably because my grandma is overweight and it bothers her. Some of my best friends in high school were big though. I find they are usually nicer people in my experience.
Still, I certainly don't think obesity is good, it's important to try and live a healthy lifestyle for one's own benefit if possible.
Are there any forum members who your opinions of changed for the better?
I have grown to like Jake over the years despite a rather terrifying first impression from the forums. And Dunc has gotten so much better since he started, it's like he's actually learning how to not be awful. Very heartwarming. Most of the rest of you I already respected or simply didn't know from the get-go so there wasn't a whole lot of improvement or change of opinion necessary. Or I still don't have a good opinion of them!

How did you become a moderator?
A whole lot of drama and shenanigans, with most of the original staff either having left long ago or being somewhat unable to do their job well enough to please the forum members, led to some kind of revival of the forum staff and I just happened to be at the right places at the right times. I guess it also helped that people seem to like me here.
What would you do if you met Pixel?
I would probably look like :mrgreen: and otherwise be really shy and too flabbergasted to say much to him. But I'd definitely get an autograph or something.
What is your favourite flavour of crisps?
I enjoy many flavours, but barbecue and ketchup are ones I return to most often. Lays Sour Cream & Onion is another good one.
Do you play any instruments?
I took piano lessons for a few years and have attempted on and off ever since, but I was never able to get especially good at it. I just don't put enough time in I guess.
What is your earliest memory?
see above posts
What is your favourite place on earth?
I dunno, haven't been to that many 8V
Probably my grandparent's cottage on a island in a river. It's just like.. pretty much the best spot, and it's full of good memories for me.
Would you rather have a bath full of worms or a worm full of baths?
I want a worm full of baths because I have no idea what that would even look like

lace said:
What do you like and hate the most about mankind and canada?
How easily people are manipulated, and how their fears and prejudice can be used to propagate hate and selfish agendas. About Canada specifically, our somewhat broken welfare system that gives people no incentives to improve the situation when they could make more money staying home doing nothing (or maybe selling drugs) than they could at whatever job they'd be able to get in the workforce (assuming they can even find one)
lace said:
What is the coolest maths you know?
Probably statics and dynamics or fluid mechanics. Do those count?
I am not swell with the more pure mathematical things. A bit too abstract for my taste.
Apr 27, 2012 at 12:58 AM
Only Love, Maximum Love, Forever
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
Join Date: May 6, 2009
Location: somewhere new
Posts: 2135
Age: 30
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Noxid said:
Hmm.. I dunno, they all seem normal to me 8V
I guess the staying up on the internet until 2 AM was something my parents and grandparents had a hard time with for a while until they figured out I wasn't going to stop any time soon. I also extend my pinkie when drinking because I'm just so dapper, and before I get out of the shower I always try to brush some of the water off myself with my hands because I don't want the towel to get too wet. Also I cross my legs closed "like a girl", which is something I just started doing when I was really young, then my family convinced me to cross them open "the right way" and when I left home to go to university I started crossing them closed again because honestly there is no room in those tiny desks to cross your legs any other way.

I do literally every single one of these things. Except maybe the 2 AM bit, but rest assured my parents find midnight just as appalling :p
Just thought you should know.

Uh, questions.
1. Better to have loved and lost, or have never loved at all?
2. If your partner aske for an "open relationship," what would you say?
3. What's your second favorite game (forgive me for assuming your favorite is cave story). No other pixel games, nice try though >:T
4. Do you like driving?
5. You can have one food in your snack cabinet for the rest of your college life. What would it be?
6. What's one talent you wish you had that you currently don't?
Apr 27, 2012 at 1:59 AM
Been here way too long...
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
Join Date: Jan 4, 2008
Location: Lingerie, but also, like, fancy curtains
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Do you like Majora's Mask better than Cave Story?
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