Say you were stranded on an island, a very small one at that, only palm trees are around.
What do you do?
Contemplate my choices in life and await a slow death of dehydration. Perhaps take up emergency religion, impending doom has that effect on people.
Are there any traits of kitties that you don't like?
I don't like the fact that kitties don't enjoy being held (or at least, mine don't). I just want to hug ALL the kitties D:
That and how they eat their food so darn fast they get sick and throw up all over the floor, jeez, silly cats.
How have the forums impacted your life? Have you been in another close-knit online community before?
I have to say, this has been a very unique experience for me. The closest thing prior to this was when I was like 14 and playing runescape, I joined a "guild" with some other people basically out of the blue I guess, and we became pretty good friends. There were only like three people then. Anyway, we shared email addresses and organized (in-game) shenanigans and had a grand old time. I'm still friends with them after all these years and we try to keep in touch. Still, it was really nothing on the level of what goes on around here.
The forums have had a pretty large impact on many of the things I've done in the last two years and honestly I'd probably have a very different and far more lame life than I do now. I mean, the forums have basically led to me taking up drawing and programming and musicking and other creative pursuits that I may have completely disregarded otherwise.
Favorite windsofwinds quote?
1mm deep ultra-asshole. I forget the exact wording right now but I literally burst out laughing the first time I saw that post.
Is getting close to people and losing them a predominant fear or worry you have?

the fact that this has happened to me on a regular basis doesn't really help much.
What are your fears? I know quite a bit because of the phobias thread but are there any more?
ah jeez, I don't even remember what I put in that thread >.>
I'm guessing there probably isn't much I didn't already cover if I did post them. Insects, esp. flying ones, falling/heights, spiders, losing my memory/forgetting things, uhh.. that's all I can think of right now :s
What is your best subject in school?
So far I have been able to consistently ace every programming course I've taken without doing much more than sleeping in class and doing the assignments
Some things that offend you?
When people wear too little clothes in public
people who force their beliefs onto others, especially when others include myself. Or, when people are bigoted and judge someone for having different beliefs than them.
anything that disrespects Pixel
Are you prejudice against any certain groups of people?
I try my best not to be but I am aware that I have a lot of preconceptions and biases about certain groups of people. For example, 12 year olds all being undeveloped face-typers, poor people being crude and uncultured rednecks or bums, and black people being, uh, well, unsafe. But, as long as I can get to know somebody, it isn't a problem.
What brought you to the four hams?
I wanted to post my mod and, more importantly, post it so I could dibs the idea because I was shocked that nobody had done it yet. I started posting in other places because I have nothing better to do than read hundreds of backlogged threads all day.
Do you have any habits, behaviors, or rituals that would seem abnormal to others?
Hmm.. I dunno, they all seem normal to me 8V
I guess the staying up on the internet until 2 AM was something my parents and grandparents had a hard time with for a while until they figured out I wasn't going to stop any time soon. I also extend my pinkie when drinking because I'm just so dapper, and before I get out of the shower I always try to brush some of the water off myself with my hands because I don't want the towel to get too wet. Also I cross my legs closed "like a girl", which is something I just started doing when I was really young, then my family convinced me to cross them open "the right way" and when I left home to go to university I started crossing them closed again because honestly there is no room in those tiny desks to cross your legs any other way.
Did your guardians influence you with certain beliefs growing up? This could be religion, the belief that black people should be avoided, fat people are bad, etc.
Absolutely. I pretty much shaped my worldview around what my mom and grandparents considered "right". And being middle-class White Anglo-Saxon Protestants from small-town New Brunswick, they knew ALL the stereotypes. Of course they didn't like, go out of their way to teach them and I'm pretty sure they told me that stereotypes are bad but it's just this sort of undercurrent that's quite prevalent in the mindset of the people I grew up with. Interestingly I never really followed their beliefs in religion, and I think I more or less got my mom to give it up altogether. My family wasn't an especially religious one to begin with though, so it wasn't really hard. We more or less just went through the motions and it didn't play a big role in everyday life. And my mom really doesn't like fat people, probably because my grandma is overweight and it bothers her. Some of my best friends in high school were big though. I find they are usually nicer people in my experience.
Still, I certainly don't think obesity is good, it's important to try and live a healthy lifestyle for one's own benefit if possible.
Are there any forum members who your opinions of changed for the better?
I have grown to like Jake over the years despite a rather terrifying first impression from the forums. And Dunc has gotten so much better since he started, it's like he's actually learning how to not be awful. Very heartwarming. Most of the rest of you I already respected or simply didn't know from the get-go so there wasn't a whole lot of improvement or change of opinion necessary. Or I still don't have a good opinion of them!
How did you become a moderator?
A whole lot of drama and shenanigans, with most of the original staff either having left long ago or being somewhat unable to do their job well enough to please the forum members, led to some kind of revival of the forum staff and I just happened to be at the right places at the right times. I guess it also helped that people seem to like me here.
What would you do if you met Pixel?
I would probably look like

and otherwise be really shy and too flabbergasted to say much to him. But I'd definitely get an autograph or something.
What is your favourite flavour of crisps?
I enjoy many flavours, but barbecue and ketchup are ones I return to most often. Lays Sour Cream & Onion is another good one.
Do you play any instruments?
I took piano lessons for a few years and have attempted on and off ever since, but I was never able to get especially good at it. I just don't put enough time in I guess.
What is your earliest memory?
see above posts
What is your favourite place on earth?
I dunno, haven't been to that many 8V
Probably my grandparent's cottage on a island in a river. It's just like.. pretty much the best spot, and it's full of good memories for me.
Would you rather have a bath full of worms or a worm full of baths?
I want a worm full of baths because I have no idea what that would even look like
lace said:
What do you like and hate the most about mankind and canada?
How easily people are manipulated, and how their fears and prejudice can be used to propagate hate and selfish agendas. About Canada specifically, our somewhat broken welfare system that gives people no incentives to improve the situation when they could make more money staying home doing nothing (or maybe selling drugs) than they could at whatever job they'd be able to get in the workforce (assuming they can even find one)
lace said:
What is the coolest maths you know?
Probably statics and dynamics or fluid mechanics. Do those count?
I am not swell with the more pure mathematical things. A bit too abstract for my taste.