Mar 31, 2012 at 10:50 PM
Join Date: Apr 19, 2009
Posts: 3785
Age: 18
Pronouns: he/him
Ambient Malice, asking the tough, hard-hitting questions.Which do you prefer: Showering or bathing?
Showering because I don't have to wait for the bathtub to fill, or clean it as often. And it's easier to wash my hair.
I don't have crushes on any celebrities, as I do not know any of them personally. So I guess the smart answer is the President of the United States.If you could have sex with one global celebrity, who would it be?
And yes, you can grow a vagina if you wish.
1. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. I've yet to read one peer-reviewed holy scripture.Do you have any religious beliefs? If so, what are they?
What do you value?
Favorite play/musical?
If you were forced to have sex with another forum member, who would it be?
How tall is this well?
2. That's a big question, isn't it? I'll just throw stuff out there: honesty, punctuality, my family, spare time, education, answering questions on forums. I don't abide by my own values all the time unfortunately, but I appreciate it when other people do.
3. The Actor's Nightmare of course, since I'm going to be performing it in about seven hours. Even if I wasn't, it's still a very good one-act play. I don't actually go to see a lot of plays, and the ones I do are pretty mediacore.
4. This well is 12 feet tall and 4.5 feet wide. Sounds comfy, doesn't it.
And I'm pretty sure that's all the questions you asked.
1. As a door is closing, it's moving away from you, so it takes more effort to open it. I hold the door open if it wouldn't close by the time they got there, unless it's a slow door. Generally, I hold doors open for people for up to three seconds.1. If you're going through a door and someone's behind you, what's the maximum distance they could be behind you where you'd still hold the door for them?
2. Say you're in love with someone, to the extent that you believe she is your one true soulmate, but, due to circumstances mostly outside of your control, the chances of you being with her are very slim, but not quite zero. Do you think "It's worthwhile to pursue her anyway, despite the slim odds" or "It's not worth pursuing her, I can just settle for someone else" or "It's not worth pursuing her, I just won't have a relationship because nobody else could compare to her" or something else entirely?
3. What is the best way to respond to a loud fart in public? Consider both the situation where you are the farter and the one where someone near you is.
4. Suppose you own a device which you can seal yourself in for any period of time as often as you want, and which continuously activates the pleasure center in your brain. How often and for how long would you use this device? Assume no physical harm other than aging (and possibly death if you age too much - this device doesn't make you immortal) can befall you while you're sealed in this device.
5. How many dead babies does it take to give you a boner?
6. What is your opinion on the relationship between composer and performer in music? To what extent do you approve of performers "interpreting" and taking liberties with what the composer has written?
7. Do you see the pattern in this set of questions?
Also, I love how we're all just blatantly disregarding this:
2. Try to forget about her and move on, but fail entirely and remain friends until a miracle happens.
3. If it's me, just try to act cool about it and maybe no one will realize it's you. Works best if you can gtfo before the weird stonk hits them. If it's someone else, a raised eyebrow is sufficient, unless it was a real thunderous rip. Then I usually applaud.
4. Sounds better than wasting time playing terrible online games. I thought it might be better than Reddit, but at least on Reddit I learn stuff and have things to share with people. I probably wouldn't use it too much, just when I really needed to wind down. I don't like the idea of being dead to world with no lasting benefits.
5. Four and a half.
6. I think the composer should have the opportunity to have his or her music played exactly how they want it, and the performer can take creative liberties with it after everyone has heard the original. If you want to be a show-off, write your own music. If it's only going to be performed once, then tough cookies Mr. Master Pianist.
7. Um... argyle?
And I never said you couldn't ask about my sex life. I also didn't say I'd answer any and all questions, however, so just ask and see which ones are okay.
1. When do I get to pick? Now? It's impossible to say when a good time to die would be, so I'd just say 90 years because I'm pretty sure all my friends will be dead by then. If I could add on years when I was 70, I'd have a better idea of how long I wanted to stay on this earth. But immortality is a bad, bad idea for so many reasons, even if I keep a healthy body and mind.1. Say you could extend your lifespan by any amount of years. If you pick zero, you will die at the age of 70. If you chose more than zero, your body would remain that of a healthy 70 year old for as long as you chose. Do you extend your life? If so, for how long?
2. Favorite season?
3. You can add or subtract one feature/problem in the human body and mind. Why do you change?
4. What's a book you would recommend to basically anyone who you get along with?
5. Favorite genre of movie?
6. Is it better to have a long relationship that ends tragically, but is perfect until its end, or a short relationship with few deep emotions at all?
7. If you owned a castle, what would be on your coat of arms? This should say something about you, not just be like "flaming snakes because they're cool."
2. Spring, before there's shitloads of bugs everywhere and after all the green things have come out. It's not hot out, and I can get away with wearing jeans, and I can still do lots of stuff outside, and spring is just pretty good all around. Summer Lite®.
3. Give people extraordinary memory. The human mind is an extremely complex thing that I grown somewhat accustomed to, and changing our behaviour would throw a lot of philosophies out the window. We should work with what we've got. I said memory because it's one thing that would help make everyone smarter and more educated.
4. It's A Magical World, the last collection of Calvin and Hobbes comics, is technically a book and also one of my favourite things to read. C&H is the best comic I've ever read, and I'd recommend it to anyone.
5. Science fiction I think, maybe comedy. Movie genres don't matter to me as much as, say, music genres. Science fiction with humour (Serenity!) is great.
6. A long one. A short and shallow relationship would hardly matter. You would hardly notice. It would be a tiny blip in your lifeline. There's no point in such an inconsequential endeavour. I can handle a long, loving relationship ending tragically. The two extremes of emotions don't cancel each other out, they uh... I dunno, I was going to say something super corny.
7. But... but flaming snakes are cool ;~;
I dunno, coats of arms always seemed a little silly to me. And I can't think of enough things to symbolically describe myself. What are you, my high-school English teacher? Jeez. How about the Canadian coat of arms, but with less friggin' lions. Put something cool, like lightsabers in there.
I'd make a pretty shitty graphic designer.
1. One time, when I was eleven, my cousins and I were dicking around with a video camera. Our sketches were obviously of the finest quality, and during one of them I stuck the camera down my pants for some reason (was wearing underwear, at least). Then my parents watched the footage.1. Do you have a "most embarrassing moment"?
2. If you had wings, what kind would you want? ie feathers vs webbed
3. Your ship crashes onto a deserted island. There is not a single sign of life. Then one day you go to the shore and come across 2 sister mermaids. One of them has a fish tail and a human's upper half, while the other is the opposite with a fish head and human legs. You haven't fapped in ages and have to fulfill your disgusting manly needs. Which one would you have sex with? Also, no 3-somes allowed.
4. Typical question: If you could go back in the past and change one decision you made, what would it be? Also I'd appreciate it if you didn't say "NONE, I HAVE NO REGRETS. HURUGHAGN", despite it being true. I'd like an answer, even if it's really insignificant like "That one time when I went to the restaurant I would have chosen soup instead of salada".
Note how I said "decision". And with that in mind, if you could go back in the past and change the circumstances of a situation, or eliminate something that happened to you or stood in your way, what would it be?
5. If you could put yourself into one of your favorite video games, which would it be?
6. Would you rather be: deaf, blind, armless, legless, or have half of your body covered in disfiguring, severe burns?
3. ಠ_ಠ You must not be aware of blowjobs.
4. Of course I have regrets, I just have to think of a big, life-changing one.
Yeah the biggest thing I can think of is going to prom. Remember that chick I was friendzoned by in high school? She was my prom date. I don't like dances. We didn't have a lot of fun. I certainly didn't get any action, and I didn't go to any afterparties. I could have been hanging out with my bros that didn't go. The entire affair was horribly awkward for both of us.
5. Immediate dumb answer: The Elder Scrolls. It's a cool game, but living there would suck. Every town is either corrupt or dirty and small, and people are always getting killed. Escape Velocity Nova has another universe that's always fascinated me, but living there is even worse, unless you have the fortune to live on one of the core worlds. I think the world of Pokemon would be the best place to live, if you can ignore how retarded everyone is.
6. UGUU~