1. If a robot were to answer this question, do you think he would say "no"?
2. You are the winner of a TV quiz show. The presenter shows you three doors and says you can choose one. Behind one of the doors there is a $10,000 prize, while behind the other two there is nothing. After you choose a door, the presenter opens one of the remaining doors, and reveals that there is nothing inside. He finally asks you, "Do you want to change your choice?". Well, do you?
3. Have you really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
4. Do you think that a logical assertion that isn't true nor absurd is necessarily false?
5. Have you had enough of my stupid questions?
6. If not, does that mean you would like me to continue asking you that kind of questions?
7. Don't you feel a bit cold in that well?
1. He wouldn't. Interesting that this is a male robot.
2. This is probably some mathematical statistics shit, right? My answer is no because I don't see why I would. If I try to explain the math, all the smart kids will pick on me because it's wrong.
3. Well now. I could just say yes, but I think that answer deserves a little more backstory. You see, there was this girl I knew in high school. We became friends in grade 10, and I developed a crush on her shortly afterward.
In the beginning, it was very clear she wasn't interested in dating me, and being friends was fine. Better than getting pushy and wrecking our friendship. But the years passed and I still didn't have a girlfriend, so, uh... I guess you could say I was getting desperate. I was hanging out with her (and a group of friends) every day at lunch, buying her presents every birthday, we even spent Valentine's Day together, because you know what it's like spending it alone.
I never "put the moves" on her though, I was really worried about screwing up our friendship, and I'm not a confident ladies' man at all. I was waiting for her to show any kind of sign that we could be more than friends, but she never did. I kind of resented that, since she must have had an idea of how I felt. I asked her to spend Valentine's Day with me, ffs. But no, I went through high school in the friend zone. We don't talk anymore. Not because we hate each other or anything.
So that, Hiino, is why I say "yes." I hope you understand.
4. Yes. I don't get it.
5. I don't know, keep asking them if you like stupid answers.
6. Again, stupid questions will get stupid answers.
7. Yes, and these slaughterfish don't exactly make the place cozy.
1. Do you like pancakes?
2. Do you like trains?
3. Do you have a pet rock?
123. sorta sure no
1. Only if you bury those fuckers in whipped cream and strawberries. Waffles are just better in every way though, especially with whipped cream and strawberries.
2. HA HA I SAW THAT VIDEO TOO o/ (train seats are usually not easy to sleep on, but other than that I am alright with trains.
3. No I don't, never have. I have stuffed animals instead. Not that I consider them pets, or talk to them anymore, but I still own them. One does not simply throw out childhood friends.
1. Would you rather have sex with a smokin' hot male or ugly as shit female?
2. If you had the task of designing the ideal society - let's say you get to decide on all the cultural norms/ideas, laws, governmental/economic structure, and physical infrastructure - how would you go about it? Note you only get to make these decisions once. You don't have continuous control over them, you just set the starting conditions and let things unfold.
3. Do they have Arby's in this well you're in?
If you answer either "smokin' hot male" to #1 or "yes" to #3, then I'm coming right down into that well with you!
1. Does a handjob count as sex? I feel like I could chicken out of this question with that. Because if it's just a handy, it doesn't matter if she's ugly. Or a man. But if we're talking about real sex here, I might have to go with the man here, solely because I don't think I could keep it up if I was looking at some buttugly whale. A handsome enough guy would be aesthetic enough for me to possible enjoy myself. I'm not a fan of dicks in my butt though, so I'd be top.
2. Um, jesus christ that's kind of a big question. This is some Bruce Almighty shit here. I'm not capable of designing a society from the ground up, and I'm pretty sure I couldn't do a better job than what I'm living in. Well, okay, if I were to make changes to my society, I would design it so that the Conservative party isn't full of assholes, and it was socially acceptable to not wear a shirt and maybe pants. That's all I got for improvements. Call me uncreative, but an entire society isn't something I want to fuck around with.
3. No, just Starbucks man. These thing are fuckin' everywhere.
1. What is your favorite WindsofWinds quote?
2. If you could control any BASIC MAGIC element, what would it be? (Earth, Wind, Water, Fire)
3. Would you rather live in the sky or under water?
4. What's the weirdest name someone has called you?
5. Which one of these awful songs would you want to listen on repeat: Rebecca Black's "Friday", Jenna Rose's "My Jeans" or Nicki Minaj's "Stupid Hoe"? Also, your dad would be singing them, not the original artists.
6. What pokemon would you want to be?
7. Who was your favorite notoriously bad member on the forums?
8. If you have to scratch your crotch in public, do you just do it or do you wait for everyone to leave?
9. Which social standard do you generally disagree with?
10. What is one strange thing you thought or believed when you were little? And I'm not talking about stuff like Santa or the Easterd Bunny. Just strange little thoughts.
I'm bad at asking questions.
You really like to make fun of me when I go deep. You want me to be the polar opposite, a 1mm deep Ultra asshole?
2. I don't know why I can't think of more practical applications for these, but I want to say Water so that I don't miss the toilet bowl.
3. I've always thought the sky is beautiful. I love having window seats on plane rides, because I always get to see the Rockies from 30,000 feet. Basically, living in the sky has aesthetic appeal, not to mention I'd probably be living in a floating mansion which sounds like the hypest shit. But I imagine it would get lonely in the sky. Underwater, it's dark and wet, but at least there's animal and plant life. And I wouldn't get skin cancer from sun exposure. I think I would need more variables to decide.
4.Tits McGee, thanks sister-in-law.
5. "Stupid Ho" because it's the only song that would be improved if my dad was singing it. Also, I like how you refer to these singers as "artists."
6. Pikachu obviously, so I'd get all the bitches. Perhaps Abra, because sleeping 23 hours a day and not battling at all sounds pretty fun to me.
7. Royaltyler. I miss that guy. He'll never be notorious in my heart.
8. I think you would be amazed at how stealthily we learn to scratch our crotches. People do it around you all the time and you can't tell. If it had to be a big scratch though, I'd try to hide it any way I could. If that's unavoidable, I'd just have to do it and say "Yep, I was scratching my crotch. It gets itchy down there, grandma."
9. The one where people who play a lot of video games are obviously social outcasts. I am a social outcast, and I play a lot of video games, but that doesn't go for everyone and it prevents video games from being taken seriously as a medium. Instead they are murder-simulating time-wasters for basement-dwellers and other hyphens.
10. Sometimes I'd let myself believe that my entire life and everything I was capable of observing was an elaborate setup, which everyone else was in on, and someone was always watching me. This wasn't paranoia, as I often wondered what the motives for this would even be, and I didn't try to hide anything from whoever was doing this. It was just sort of a weird, existential mind game.