A courteous bump because there's one huge, overarching matter that no one has discussed over the course of the last 23 pages.
From the outset, I'll state that I'm like 90% sure a Quote/Curly romantic relationship is canon and intentional. However, I am willing to bend to the "best friends/comrades who have been together through a lot" side of the argument, but in my eyes, that's still love -- albeit a different kind of love.
When assessing a work, it is usually helpful to assess the culture, mindset and personal experiences of the creator in attempting to ascertain meaning, context etc. What you guys have to understand is that you're viewing "love/romance" through a predominately Western lens. The Japanese -- and I'm sure GIR can come in to back me up on this if needed -- have very different ideas about how love is/should be expressed. Assuming you aren't playing H games/dating sims and you actually read other Japanese works/play games/watch films, you should realize this. There is a powerful emphasis on showing love through positive acts rather than physical contact or expressions of love (and in fact, outright saying "I love you" is usually considered obscene, even though as I understand it, it's slowly becoming more commonplace).
What this means in practical terms is that Curly saying nothing to definitively prove that a romantic love exists means literally nothing in the eyes of a Japanese onlooker, it has no bearing either way. And, similarly, there are plenty of those "positive acts" I mentioned -- Quote getting the pill, Curly's sacrifice, Quote saving her and spending a night (I assume) draining her out, and Ma Pignon to restore her memories. I'm sure that on their own, these things can be ascribed to a very strong and reciprocal friendship, but in conjunction with the Iron Bond item and it's description, it would
seem that Pixel's intention was to imply some form of coupledom.
A few other arguments I want to address.
1) They're robots, unless they're programmed to, they can't feel love!
There are plenty of counterarguments that have been addressed, but here's one that hasn't been mentioned.
Don't forget that Misery comments on the fact that you (Quote) seem to have a heart/soul.
This again is another very Japanese ideal, having crept into general consciousness from Shinto and Buddhist ideals. Bearing in mind what I said earlier about thinking about what the creator might have intended, it is highly likely that Pixel created the characters of Quote and Curly Brace with the capacity to feel love and form romantic feelings (whether or not they actually have is a separate issue).
2) They can't be in a romantic relationship because they're more like siblings and probably had the same creator/company create them, and incest is bad and wrong!!!1/// (you probably say whilst being neutral to/in support of same sex marriage, not even realizing the extreme hypocrisy)
I will have to go with WoC on this one... In the absence of blood parents, they can't really be called "siblings".
Wedge of Cheese said:
You could make the argument that the term "romance" doesn't really apply to robots either because they can't have sex (although that might be a false assumption in the case of Q and C because of how human-like they are). I would argue that that is flawed logic, and that, if a romantic relationship is strong enough, then it will transcend the physical, and the people involved will continue to love each other even without being able to have sex. In other words, a romantic relationship can occur between any two conscious, free-willed individuals.
Not directly related to the discussion, but as much as I fully endorse the idea of the two being a couple even if they aren't able to actually have sex, I think it's highly possible that they can because:
- Chaco (Take it or leave it, but the steam achievement for this being "ladies man" is pretty fucking suggestive)
- Curly's Panties (What would be the point of underwear without genitalia?)
- The fact that Curly swallowed the cure-all and Ma Pignon would suggest that they somehow have working digestive systems, which does naturally suggest genitals
- Japan