I...um...haven’t made any reference to it, but I did start a little entry. I meant at first to pay homage to the style of Astronot, but the simple tiles I drew to get the area I had in mind down are
so bad that I don’t want to post a screenshot, not that the area is finalized anyway. (They’re much worse than the game I was thinking of, and that one wasn’t exactly aiming for beauty.) I might just make use of Hate's tiles and abandon the style altogether, or maybe GraphicsGale will make it a little easier to see whether they’re garbage at creation.
I’ve also been preoccupied with tweaking the physics: because you play as a human, I wanted the way you move (and especially the way you interact with water) to reflect that more. Designing levels isn’t really a smart move until I have the physics finalized (they’re mostly there), but I do have a good idea of the environment's layout and what progression will look like.
Given my history, I’m loathe to say that I’ll make anything good. Or make anything at all. And I think I’ll leave that there, so as not to repeat past concerns.
Oh! As for the contest itself, it’s the first one to really jive with me. The tropical theme is pleasant, the focus on short, complete, polished mods is...daunting but a great idea, and the entry time limit is a lifesaver. I hope others are inspired to try their hands at this, because we’re not done yet!