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The "No Shitposting" Game

Aug 5, 2014 at 6:23 PM
plant girl
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Oh yes. Rubik's Cubes are great. I actually stole two (two!) from my teacher since she got fired and obviously wasn't coming back the next year. I personally take quite a long to solve any, but usually the fact that I can solve one is often times impressive.
I have three 3x3s, a 4x4, 5x5, and a 7x7. My average for the regular cube is a titch less that a minute, so not that impressive.
Personally, I find the puzzles more tedious than difficult, but that may just be the way my mind works. It's really just a series of algorithms you have to perform if you happen to run into a certain situation. In theory, it's not too difficult, but if you take into account all of the memorization needed to complete it, it can be pretty hard right away. For me though, after a while it's just as easy as riding a bicycle or something similar. Your brain just remembers how to do it.

Aaaand I suppose that was quite a good deal of nerdy shit whoops.
Aug 5, 2014 at 7:50 PM
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I solved a 2x2 once! :D

Aug 5, 2014 at 8:24 PM
The TideWalker
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Polaris said:
I solved a 2x2 once! :D

even numbered sided cubes are harder than odd numbered ones. (thus the lack of a center unturnable piece)

I did solve a 2x2 that my friend owned, it did phase me for a little while cause there was no center, but I got it in under 5 minutes the first time.

the 4x4 is a royal pain.

@Kuro, I was going to get a 7x7, but aren't they like $60 or something?

E: dameda, all these double posts.
Aug 5, 2014 at 10:11 PM
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get seriass

I saw that beast at Great White and recoiled in horror. What would drive someone to attempt this? An overwhelming hatred of the outdoors and social interaction? Why can't they just pay $15 a month for World of Warcraft like the rest of us?
Aug 5, 2014 at 11:45 PM
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BLink, I find it sad you're going through the weeaboo phase at such a late age. But I guess you're a growing boy. I'll save you the trouble though: you aren't Japanese, and the more you pretend to be, the more people will make fun of you.
Aug 6, 2014 at 12:32 AM
plant girl
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Uhm I got mine on amazon for like maybe $30 actually. I got the Shengshou brand which is good for like not popping and stuff and they're pretty good turning too (all of my cubes are shengshou).
And yeah in my opinion huuuge puzzles like the one Fab posted aren't really that fun at all. They're more party tricks than anything.
Aug 6, 2014 at 1:34 AM
The TideWalker
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@Capt.fab wah, I've seen one like that, but not that big.

It doesn't look to hard though, I could prolly crack it in under 20 hours.

@Desu *googles weeaboo* oh, uh, okay...
Aug 6, 2014 at 3:57 AM
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Ah yes, Rubik's Cubes are very fun. I have 4 3x3s (two of them are themed), 1 4x4, a "Rubik's World" that's basically a 2x2, a Rubik's Magic, and I kind of have a 5x5. I used to be able to always solve the 3x3 in under a minute when I was 11. My record was 44 seconds. Can't do it that fast anymore since I haven't practiced in a while, but I can still do it in under 2 minutes. Last time I checked I was able to solve my 4x4, but I haven't practiced in a while and I may have forgotten some of the more obscure algorithms. Unfortunately, my 5x5 collapsed into pieces at one point, and one of the center pieces broke off which made it broken beyond repair. I never did learn to solve the Rubik's Magic.
Aug 6, 2014 at 4:29 AM
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Ok how many of you actually had good toys instead of retarded useless colourful boxes? I'm still got two tubs of Lego, a tub of Bionicles, and a tub of K'Nex. Because I was a kid that got shit done and built stuff.

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I wonder what happened to that kid

I don't even know what I would have done without Lego. Drugs, maybe. Life wouldn't have been worth it without those bricks. Luckily, we have video games now. No, don't even think "Minecraft." I never built huge Minecraft-like buildings out of Lego, I was always more interested in making robots, spaceships, guns, you know, cool things. Spore rekindled that interest in construction more than Minecraft did. Too bad those games had to be such garbage.
Aug 6, 2014 at 3:17 PM
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I had a Game Boy Color with one game (Pokémon Gold), an endless stream of books, pretty rocks and "wooden swords" made out of good sticks I found. I was set.
Aug 9, 2014 at 7:05 PM
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Polaris said:
I had a Game Boy Color with one game (Pokémon Gold), an endless stream of books, pretty rocks and "wooden swords" made out of good sticks I found. I was set.
I got a atomic purple gameboy color from a neighbor when they were moving. I barely used it because for whatever reason would reset some of my games. I had beaten Super Mario bros deluxe using my GBA, then one day i put it in the gameboy color and it reset everything. :/
Aug 10, 2014 at 3:27 AM
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I never had a game boy. All I had was this.


I don't know what you americans call it, but they were big here in Lithuania.
Aug 10, 2014 at 11:15 AM
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Those handheld things that came with one/a few games on them? I can remember having at least four of those. They might still be sitting in one of my drawers somewhere with long-dead batteries. One was a hangman game I got for my birthday which I figured out most of the words for in the first hour :orangebell:
Aug 10, 2014 at 7:05 PM
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They had many games, at least the ones I had. Actually like 10 games, and many versions of the same game (different levels, rules).
Aug 14, 2014 at 7:51 AM
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Captain Fabulous said:
1. Don't shitpost.
4. No swearing.
5. You are a hypocrite as soon as you try to win.

Uh oh, I'm getting nostialgic, get ready for a long damn post.

I vaguely remember when I was real small I had a little toy set with plastic cowboys and indians, and walls you could link together to make a cowboy fort. Then you could pretend they were having a horrible bloody war. Kinda like the green vs. brown army men.

For a little while I had these weird "Better Blox" that joined with single pegs so they could pivot. They were pretty decent. I also had Legos and K'Nex, and later I got a set that allowed me to connect the Legos to the K'Nex, which was pretty rad. I loved building mechanical things and cars and such. I also tried Tinker Toys and Lincoln Logs. The best thing about Lincoln logs was with my cousin, building forts and getting all the other toys and having a war. Then we got in trouble for catapulting logs into the ceiling light.

And even later we found an old, rather large Erector set in Grandma's garage which is pretty badass compared to K'Nex. The motor in that one plugged into the wall; none of those sissy double-A's.

I also made a lot of model planes and a very poorly painted plastic model of the Titanic. Some of those planes flew a really long way before gloriously crashing. You have to find a balance between not enough winding and winding it so tight that the plane implodes.

I like the GBA a lot, too. I think the first game I had for it was Pokemon Yellow. I didn't find many GBA games that were just outright bad.

I hate diet soda so I'd rather drink non-diet and just try to not drink it too often.

I kinda like Dr. Pepper, Root Beer, or Sierra Mist. But if you can find them, Jones sodas have real cane sugar and neat weird flavors like Pomegranate. Real sugar's always good. Also, there's a place in town that sells Coke in glass bottles which are somewhat of a rarity but I kind of like them.

My crowning achievement in Spore was when I found out that if you keep a certain eye which is only available if you start from the Cell Stage, you can make the eye really big and the body small enough that the eye completely hides it. I made a walking eye with tentacle arms and legs sticking out of it. And horns. Hell yeah. The eye also hides the mouth and other useful parts so it can be functional but still look cool.
Aug 14, 2014 at 8:02 AM
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Connorses said:
My crowning achievement in Spore was when I found out that if you keep a certain eye which is only available if you start from the Cell Stage, you can make the eye really big and the body small enough that the eye completely hides it. I made a walking eye with tentacle arms and legs sticking out of it. And horns. Hell yeah. The eye also hides the mouth and other useful parts so it can be functional but still look cool.
Dam bro, I remember doing that when I played the game.
Connorses said:
My crowning achievement in Spore was when I found out that if you keep a certain eye which is only available if you start from the Cell Stage, you can make the eye really big and the body small enough that the eye completely hides it. I made a walking eye with tentacle arms and legs sticking out of it. And horns. Hell yeah. The eye also hides the mouth and other useful parts so it can be functional but still look cool.
Dam bro, I remember doing that when I played the game.
Aug 14, 2014 at 11:40 PM
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Okay, you lose, and woodenrat also loses just for posting.

Connorses said:
My crowning achievement in Spore was when I found out that if you keep a certain eye which is only available if you start from the Cell Stage, you can make the eye really big and the body small enough that the eye completely hides it. I made a walking eye with tentacle arms and legs sticking out of it. And horns. Hell yeah. The eye also hides the mouth and other useful parts so it can be functional but still look cool.
All I'm reading is "I could have made a Beholder species but I wasn't cool enough."

So what did everyone think of this experimental thread? In my opinion, it turned into "Talk About Boring Shit General" because the conversation can't be spontaneous and organic if you're trying to write long, carefully worded posts. I mean, I can do that, because I'm great, but some of you are in the learning stages of greatness. But really, how do you think it turned out? I expected to see at least one other person call out a post for being shit, but all I got were EXTREMELY CLEVER people pointing out my paradoxical rules.
Aug 14, 2014 at 11:51 PM
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Oh, it went well enough. The intent was fair and it spawned some civil conversation that (for me, at least) was pretty fun.

8/10 would reply again -w-
Aug 15, 2014 at 12:00 AM
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Not shitposting is tough. A lot of the posts here were kind of shitty towards the end but I didn't want to say anything because I couldn't really do it without shitposting myself.

The main problem is that it's difficult to formulate an intelligent and entertaining post if you don't have an interesting topic to post about. Which is why I bowed out pretty quickly.

Ultimately a good thread benefits from a balance of shitposts and goodposts, as there's actual content to read as well as amusing quips on the side. But not enough of one or the other, and a thread can turn stale, or end up a steaming mountain of shit.
Aug 16, 2014 at 8:57 AM
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