Jul 14, 2009 at 4:39 AM
Join Date: Dec 24, 2006
Posts: 1926
Age: 32
Can someone upload on anything other than mediafire? Schoko's links don't work for me. 0.o
N ohai metal, me is back.
N ohai metal, me is back.
It used to work just fine for me until yesterday; so "anymore" is, liek, the right word.Fire1052 said:Oh, boy.
I guess Lowell's not alone anymore.
Roonil Wazlib said:Can someone upload on anything other than mediafire? Schoko's links don't work for me. 0.o
N ohai metal, me is back.
Gaajashin said:How do I get something like yours, no Cave Story maps just plain your own maps. Also, how do I edit the beginning.
Metalogz said:Edit the beginning? You mean the intro?
Well, map no. 72 is played as the map intro, so what ever events in the intro will be what ever happens in the intro. Same for what's on the map. That's where you do the editing of the intro.
And regarding the no-Cave-Story-mapz-and-my-own mapz-onleh thing, all I did was just delete the Cave Story maps (except maps no. 72 and 0) and create my own maps.
It was all done in Sue's Workshop btw. I haven't really had any experience with Cave Editor, so I guess i can't help you much there. Soz :/
Edit -
If you were referring to the first map you appear in when you select "Start Game", that's map no. 11, named "Start Point". Go read up the TSC.txt to get a headstart on how to write script, if you don't already know how. Btw, thar iz search functionz. Use it or die pl0x kthx 8D?
supermario566 said:So do you choose your future in this game?
I died 4 times on the Surface and I had to play from the cloning machine and redo the boss. >_>
Lace said:have fun with that.
is there any way to get around the evil ending btw.
I kept going rightwards and eventually fell off the map and was destroyed/never seen again.Metalogz said:LOlwut how did you die in The Surface D:
I wouldn't be surprised if you died in Metal Lines-
(haz save point thar)
-but The Surface?! D: There isn't even a single mob there
Fien then. I shall try to logically insert random clone thing somewhere. e.e...
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Skeleton Key?
Schokobecher said:YOU SHALL UPDATE THIS MOD!