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The CSTSF Comfy Compilation

Feb 22, 2022 at 8:03 AM
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Geetings fellow denizens :mahin:

It's been a while since there's been an extensive community event of any sort, and I've already been sitting on this idea for longer than I wanted to. The premise works thusly: We create an array of original ORGs and attempt to fill out an entire OrgView with one entry per person(s), in a way that encourages even those fairly new to music production to get involved, thereby offering a fairly clear/convenient goal uniquely suited to our fandom of choice. Desiring to achieve that end, but still keep the stylistic options very open, I happened upon something of a solution - whereby the intention is for each contributor to work with a style that they already find comfortable, and allow works to be completed with minimum stress but no loss of substantiality.

Hopefully it's fairly self-evident what I'm aiming at here; I'm not averse to anyone getting fancy if it's is your thing and you're used to it, just that the point is not to try to be as full-on intense with the production as possible. This won't be meant to be an "ultimate exhibition" type of showcase, everyone can use what they already know to get the most number of quality tracks together in good time. There's no other particular theme or condition for entry, outside of a few limitations which I will outline henceforth:

-As stated, the idea is to have brand new compositions, meaning avoidance of transcriptions/remixes/reworkings of old ORGs.

-My preference would be to have all submissions be Cave Story-compatible, i.e. base instruments and no custom org waves, again to keep things straightforward and also maintain that true classic feel (no need to have to use OrgMaker 1 though).

-Submissions should be a length appropriate for casual-ish listening (potentially on loop), mostly meaning very desirably nothing very short or very very long. Nothing partly-finished either.

-I'm firm about keeping it to one entry per person initially. Members are welcome to collaborate if they want to, particularly if they're less-experienced, but these will still count as their only entry. Filling out every slot this way might be a struggle, but I also think we could hit at least over half very easily and I want to keep my options open until then.

Additionally, those more artistically focussed on the visual side of things (or both) are welcome to submit art for the OrgView itself. The images I believe have to be 320x240 to fit, and also some sort of properly Cave Story-related, not necessarily directly about music but something nice to look at while listening (think more in the vein of say, this, as opposed to this). Don't worry if someone else has already submitted, there's no competition here and I've got plans for what to do with them.

There will be some minimum expected level of quality, for both the music and the artwork. Anyone with very little experience is welcome to practice elsewhere in our facilities before submitting, I doubt there'll be any rush. I'm assuming there's probably going to be some more conversation about how everything should be handled before operations are finalised, but it should be alright to get started now based on what's already here. With 36 to try to compile, there's probably not a whole lot of point trying to figure out how to put them together until we've got a good number already.

Preemptive answers for some FAQs that haven't been asked yet:

Where do I submit my file?
Here in the thread is the best spot (feel free to try out our ORG tags), or you can send it to me somewhere else on the forums or on Discord, basically just make sure that I see it or any updates to it so I can add it to the collection.

Where can I ask for help with it?
Again, here should work as there'll presumably be ongoing feedback. There's extra information and discussion here in the rest of the Music subforum, and all of our main Discord servers have a music discussion section, most notably the OrgMaker Discord itself.

Noooo I didn't make it in time and now there's no space left!!! *literally dies*
Don't worry!! It will be easy to continue building on the compilation. Honestly that could be part of the plan, this is something that anyone could make a submission for and it could more or less grow indefinitely. Then if it this goes well enough, we can try it again with a different focus or format. At the moment I mostly want to see how it's going to work out.

Can I change or update my submission?
Yes, but I'd prefer not to have to do it too many times. Remember that the intention is for participants to work within their comfort zones :debug:

Username                    Org Name
Infinityβ                   Crimson Fang
2DBro                       Fifteen Reasons
IdioticBaka1824             Log Cabin Etalon
StarlightChaos              A Mere Journey Through The Cosmos
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Feb 22, 2022 at 8:49 AM
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this sounds like it'd be fun! i still haven't got the hang of OrgMaker yet but i could try whip something up for art...
Feb 22, 2022 at 9:42 PM
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This sounds really fun! I don't know if I'll have a submission, but this will definitely make me FINALLY learn OrgMaker
Feb 23, 2022 at 12:26 AM
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I must say, this seems like a really neat project. For the first couple of paragraphs, I misunderstood this as a proposed project for us to collaborate on one single ORG composition, which would have been a huge mess. But then I realized that you meant each of us contributing ORGs that are made into an "album" of sorts that gets compiled into a customized "OrgView" file. This is really cool.

I will plan to contribute an ORG to this project. I've done my fair share of ORG remixes, although I must admit I've never made an original composition that was good enough to be worth sharing. I think I'll be taking advantage of the fact that there's no need to rush on this. I'll probably be slowly but surely producing something, and iterating over it a few times before I officially declare it as my completed submission.

So I'm interested to know more details about what your vision and intended audience is for this project. Is it meant to be a representation of the Cave Story modding community throughout the history? Or is it meant to represent the Cave Story modding community "here and now"? And is your intended audience meant to be anyone who's familiar with Cave Story, or more for people who are at least somewhat familiar with the Cave Story modding community? If anything about these questions is confusing, maybe the next 2 paragraphs will clarify what I'm getting at.

It's a shame that some of the most talented and prolific musicians in the Cave Story modding community's history aren't here to contribute to this project, namely Wedge of Cheese and GIRakaCHEEZER. I propose that this project not only accept submissions from currently active users, but that we also include ORGs from past users who had a big influence on the music scene in the Cave Story modding community. Like for example, maybe I could nominate GIR, and propose that his ORG "WTF?" from WTF Story be included in this OrgView, so that this project represents the work of the community over the course of its history.

The other thing that I'm getting at with my question about your intended audience, is what kind of flexibility there can be with the image in the OrgView. You mentioned that it should be a Cave Story-related image. Would it be too much of a stretch to include something like a cropped and scaled-down version of that amazing picture that ElecMaw made 8 years ago? Obviously, that image is pretty outdated at this point, but it's still a pretty awesome image that represents the CSTSF. The main thing that gives that image its charm is the way that each of those character designs and expressions are uniquely modeled after our personalities, and that the image makes subtle allusions to notable events throughout the CSTSF's history. If your intended audience is niche enough to get some or most of such references, then either this image or something like it would be an ideal candidate for the OrgView image. Otherwise, if your intent is not to have an image with such niche references, then that's fine, I just thought I'd float the idea.
Feb 23, 2022 at 12:27 AM
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I might actually make something for this!
Feb 23, 2022 at 2:29 AM
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It's a shame that some of the most talented and prolific musicians in the Cave Story modding community's history aren't here to contribute to this project, namely Wedge of Cheese and GIRakaCHEEZER.
You haven't been active enough in the discords to know that we have a full dedicated Orgmaker community chock full of talented musicians waiting for something like this
Feb 23, 2022 at 2:49 AM
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So I'm interested to know more details about what your vision and intended audience is for this project. Is it meant to be a representation of the Cave Story modding community throughout the history? Or is it meant to represent the Cave Story modding community "here and now"?
It's intended as a current day project, and not really modding as such, we have plenty of composers who don't mod. Like I suggested, it can stay an open project and anybody who decides to show up in the next forever can add something to it if they want.

And is your intended audience meant to be anyone who's familiar with Cave Story, or more for people who are at least somewhat familiar with the Cave Story modding community?
It's something I'd want anyone to be able to find appealing, even though I doubt it would ever catch as much interest as a full on remix album or whatever. Also, to be more clear about this, I meant the artwork should be related to CS itself, not the forum/chat community in this case.

Again, this undertaking is primarily about generating fresh content, not a historical or professional showcase.
Feb 23, 2022 at 3:28 AM
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Here's my submission
That was fast.

You haven't been active enough in the discords to know that we have a full dedicated Orgmaker community chock full of talented musicians waiting for something like this
Ah, I guess I wasn't in tune to that, but that doesn't surprise me. I guess that's what I get for not paying much attention to what's going on in the Discord servers.

It's intended as a current day project, and not really modding as such, we have plenty of composers who don't mod.
Again, this undertaking is primarily about generating fresh content, not a historical or professional showcase.
Understood. In that case, I probably won't make it as high of a priority to make my submission as I otherwise would have, but I'll probably still cook something up at some point.
Feb 23, 2022 at 3:58 AM
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Feb 23, 2022 at 8:47 PM
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Oh wow! This slipped right under my nose; I've been so busy with Modfest 29 that I didn't notice this. I'm also a lot more active on the CSMC than I am here, but in any case I'll try to motivate myself to make something for this project.
(Don't get me wrong, I'm interested to see where this goes, I'm just a little lazy and I'm also going away to help with family affairs... in like 2 hours.)
Feb 24, 2022 at 4:01 AM
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Updated the first post with an extra question and the first two participants. I'll just list the tracks for now, links and downloads and so on can be worried about at a later stage.
Feb 26, 2022 at 5:31 PM
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Here's my ORG submission: "Log Cabin Etalon"

Also submission for the art here (.png) (version 2: here)
(and here as .sai in case someone wants to mess around with it)

Thank you for the initiative! I wish this project success.
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Feb 26, 2022 at 8:32 PM
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Also submission for the art here (.png)
Not bad. The texturing is simple but really good, and I'm impressed that you were able to bring out the green in Quote's scarf and Kazuma's hair without it blending in with the grass. Most of the characters' personalities seem pretty well represented, except for maybe Quote. Why does he have such a stunned, uncomfortable look on his face? Unless there was some extreme pressing matter, I would expect Quote's expression to be more laid back.
Feb 27, 2022 at 5:13 AM
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Why does he have such a stunned, uncomfortable look on his face?
Whoops -- that was not my intention. The expression was meant to be along the lines of dreamy wonder, or something like that. Let's see if I can fix this up to look more natural...
Mar 4, 2022 at 10:43 PM
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My submission for this: "A mere journey through the cosmos"

I'm not really well versed in making my own stuff, but I thought I'd give it a shot for this compilation. My thought behind the title was due to the repeating segments making it feel like a trip that's been done numerous times, slowly building on each part as if passing by different, but similar things. Drive link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ql0YBg3p25OT-18bJYHWCTzANtXU1zUL/view?usp=sharing
Mar 4, 2022 at 11:59 PM
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Not bad, Starlight. It has a nice, echo-y effect that gives off a feeling of taking a smooth and graceful journey through space.

Oh, and I only just noticed that @IdioticBaka1824 edited his post with another version of that image. That one looks a lot better.