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The Carnage Clash

May 2, 2015 at 9:09 PM
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PolarStarGames said:
and two...this happened????
I've never seen that before... I'm not even sure how anything could cause such a bug.
SeasonsOfDestiny said:
I haven't been able to try Enthology, though, due to an error that prevents the mod from getting past the 2nd "cutscene" of sorts (the one with the silhouettes).
That should be a quick fix, but I would have to find a windows machine to test it now that my Crossover software broke.

And yeah, GIR's viewpoint is right. With my parents and myself wanting a more "Productive" lifestyle, something that can be somewhat profitable or work toward a resume or something, getting a job, completing all these standardized tests, Eagle Scout stuff and what not. Though I've worked on these a few times over the past four months, I just can't get into them anymore.

If I can I'll still try to make them at the very least functional... It's complicated though.
May 3, 2015 at 12:30 AM
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After 1 entire day trying to beat him...I DIED!
Is that supposed to happen? I beat him and then i die. Is there another ending?
May 3, 2015 at 6:13 AM
The TideWalker
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yay now everyone can see my final boss I took so long to code.

downloading now, I'll tell you everything soon.
May 8, 2015 at 3:04 AM
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SeasonsOfDestiny said:
I haven't been able to try Enthology, though, due to an error that prevents the mod from getting past the 2nd "cutscene" of sorts (the one with the silhouettes).
Found the problem.
The tileset is corrupt.
If you replace PrtOside with an original Cave Story version, it works fine.
(The elevator doesn't look correct but it's the quickest fix for now.)

E: Ending stuff so...
Am I supposed to be stuck in an infinite loop in hell or is there a way to not have the game break half way through hell3?
May 10, 2015 at 6:45 AM
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E: Ending stuff so...
Am I supposed to be stuck in an infinite loop in hell or is there a way to not have the game break half way through hell3?
That's the last thing I was on before I had to just release it, so yeah that's pretty much it. While technically the next and final part was imported in there, I never made the <TRA to go it nor tested it out to make sure it was working.
May 10, 2015 at 8:05 AM
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ok i have some questions, first of all:

does the mod contain files that can be considered virus ? because i never downloaded a mod and i don't know how my computer can react to them


are you going to release some kind of source code if somebody would like to continue deleoping carnage clash?
May 10, 2015 at 4:11 PM
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MasterQuote said:
does the mod contain files that can be considered virus ? because i never downloaded a mod and i don't know how my computer can react to them
Chrome and Norton Antivirus auto-remove every mod on here because they do not have "reputation" (they have not been downloaded often). While I vouch that there is nothing malicious with this bundle, really it is impossible to truly know whether or not.

But yeah Chrome and Norton hates all mods.

MasterQuote said:
are you going to release some kind of source code if somebody would like to continue deleoping carnage clash?
You shouldn't have to ask this. All mods are technically modifiable unless created in its own engine. if someone wants to attempt to even make any sense of this they have my will to reuse it if they really want to.
May 10, 2015 at 4:49 PM
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EnlightenedOne said:
Chrome and Norton Antivirus auto-remove every mod on here because they do not have "reputation" (they have not been downloaded often). While I vouch that there is nothing malicious with this bundle, really it is impossible to truly know whether or not.

But yeah Chrome and Norton hates all mods.
My Chrome downloads the mods no problem what so ever. Strange

I have to say, even tho unfinished i really liked the mods. CC is really fun and challenging. Enthology is really interesting little story with interesting mechanics. Truly a lot of effort got into them. Adding them in bundle was really good idea.
... um.. how do I put it!?
I just hope you will set up your life perfectly and I hope you find what's good for you. It's sad that you're quitting modding. Just look after you and i hope for your best. (I know I sounded too cheesy but I meant it.)
May 10, 2015 at 7:34 PM
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That's the last thing I was on before I had to just release it, so yeah that's pretty much it. While technically the next and final part was imported in there, I never made the <TRA to go it nor tested it out to make sure it was working.
What map/event would it need to <TRA to? If I know the event numbers, or an example of what the script should look like, I can probably re-implement it in one form or another...

... um.. how do I put it!?

I... What?

Can I quote you on that? :3

Are you talking about the tileset replacing for Enthology or something else?
May 10, 2015 at 8:42 PM
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Brayconn said:
I... What?
Can I quote you on that? :3
Are you talking about the tileset replacing for Enthology or something else?
I was talking about the text that followed. I wondered how to put it to sound … ok.
May 11, 2015 at 7:59 PM
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There were a few grammatical errors but you got your point across.
May 17, 2015 at 4:47 AM
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no more godly Enlightened mods

i cri
Sep 16, 2016 at 3:12 AM
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From the Mod_Making Discord:
Talking about crazy amounts of H/V Triggers and TSC... uh... um... I kinda put it on hiatus but I dumped the files for a mod called "Carnage Clash" that... how do I put this?​
Let's just say it takes BL 10 seconds to load the TSC file, it's kinda doing random seed generation and retrieval as it loads up the potential 20 bosses that all fit in one room​
o lol​
there is a better way to do that now thank god​
Oh yeah even back then, I was just laughing at my own arcane binary flag masterpiece...​
I remember the day when BLink wrote me the <RNJ (Random Jump) command in ASM, and then the next week I sent him the map file that used it 500 times or something... all that work and 90% complete I should really suck it up and just finish the thing.​
I guess I'll just ask now but...​
You finishing cavern tale?​
No. But in a sense, Yes.​
The outer wall level I created before canceling it was put into the apparently broken "enthology" mod...​
...the idea I had back then for plantation is being reused for my minimod I might pay noxid to do some ASM for.​
...and the ending I had planned for Cavern is basically going into the ending for Carnage.. because fuck this I'm getting my shit together and finishing the 90% done masterpiece.
Litterally content-wise it's pretty much done except the ending fight. There's the argument that "making mods when you don't feel like it will ruin the mod itself", but when all there is to do is bug-fixing and minor polish, the important parts are already done and won't be compromised.​
Yeah. I'm doing this. I'm just pissing around right now, I need a purpose.​
Placeholder for now (TITAN):
What mod are you finishing? Cavern Tale?​
Carnage Clash, and apparently Enthology was broken so I'm going back to fix that.​
Placeholder for now (TITAN):
(you should finish Cavern Tale too)​
Cavern Tale is canceled, all the old ideas for it were used or going to be used in other mods anyways, so I'd rather have it all separated from the silly "story" and silly characters. I'm sorry but it was my first mod and while I still think it's pretty okay, I'm not that proud of it.​
Enthology has the cut outer wall level, I'm making a minimod that's very close to what plantation was going to be, the super secret custom boss fight that none of you even noticed was hidden in there (or maybe I deleted it from the released version?) will be posted separately or within Carnage as it kinda fits storywise, and any hints of the ending fight of Cavern Tale will be used in Carnage's ending fight.​
What this exactly means:
It's been over a year, I'm done being insecure and unsure of myself, The Carnage Clash (CC) is pretty much done content-wise except for the ending fight, so I'm going to suck it up and finish it, fix the bugs, and even add some of the polish I had planned. It will continue in this thread.

When I dumped the files for CC and Enthology, I literally dumped it without a thought, and apparently enthology was game-stopping broken in an opening cutscene [oh hey minutes before posting this I figured out why, because you guys fixed it despite my abandonment... that actually means a lot to me], so I'm going to for-sure bug-fix/polish what is there. It was a collection of old unused maps from mod ideas all compiled into one psuedo-story, with that story ending on a climatic new map. I'm not sure if I'll finish this "actually new and not a reused map" ending as I was always and still today more interested in CC. However, without giving too much away, there will be some deja vu going on, which means it actually won't be too hard to make that ending map. After I do a fix up or finish it I'll give it its own thread.

For now I'm deleting the broken file-dump off of the forums, don't know about the other two mods I threw in there, probably release them separately after a fix. If you want the dump you have to PM me (cause I don't like having knowingly buggy-as-heck mods available).

Oh, and because someone is inevitably going to ask about it. Cavern Tale is permanently canceled. Most of the ideas and prototypes for the last two episodes are being used in minimods/CC/Enthology. I'd rather separate my future exploits from the silly story and characters that live in that mod. It was kinda going all over the place to begin with, with just a bare fragment of an idea of where it was headed, and I have enthology now for just throwing random stuff in. I thank you guys for the support it had, heck I had two people ask in PM's if they could continue it themselves. Go ahead I geuss??? I might patch what's there but no new content.

I'm no longer the person I was over a year ago. The file dump from before is deleted but you can still get the buggy prototypes via sending me a Personal Message. The Carnage Clash will be completely finished. Enthology will be given it's own thread after either being completely fixed up or finished. CAVERN TALE IS DEAD but on the bright side most of this new stuff is buried from its remains. Expect minimods soon, because even with enthology there are still completed projects from me that I never released.

okay i love you goodbye.

EDIT (September 22nd 2021): Whoops, guess I never did this (lmao I don't even remember making this promise). There's a lot of things wrong with this mod and I've moved on. You can find an old buggy version if you dig around any of the links in my signature. It will remain that way.
Last edited:
Sep 16, 2016 at 3:28 AM
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Wow, Really looking forward to seeing both of these mods fixed up, I was blown away when I first played Carnage Clash, and I can't wait to see an already amazing mod get completed (even if it is just bug fixes). Good luck finishing up these 2 mods!
Sep 16, 2016 at 4:47 AM
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Wow, Really looking forward to seeing both of these mods fixed up, I was blown away when I first played Carnage Clash, and I can't wait to see an already amazing mod get completed (even if it is just bug fixes). Good luck finishing up these 2 mods!
In the OP under "How is it doing" is a to-do list that is still mostly accurate.
Not only is it bugs but also polish, as most of the dialogue is placeholder, the intermission holds little purpose, the map room that I don't think any of you found (because the hint for it has not been put in), etc. I'm not going to add more bosses to the arena, just work around all the other stuff that isn't all fleshed out yet but in some function there.

It however does not mention that I'm staying true to my word (and heart) that there will be tutorials for how to do all the TSC memory exploit stuff.
Oct 12, 2016 at 2:01 PM
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really looking forward to playing carnage clash when it comes out!