Switched to C++, GLEW and GLFW.
Also, hooray for OpenGL 2.0.
Writing an engine first and building a game on it, is much easier for me at the moment.
It will be helpful in the future to speed up project development. Also, don't be tricked! This might look like a stupid window only able to draw cubes as a test but it does much more than that. The program contains a list of things it needs to draw and sorts them automaticly (QuickSort), so the that the things which are in the background are drawn first and the ones in the foreground last. I have to do this manually, since OpenGL is not able to do it automaticly when you use alphablending.
Next thing coming is sound and music, I'll use OpenAL for that.
Also, it was a shitload of work to make it work correctly. OpenGL support is horrible on windows and there is a extension library chaos when it comes to this stuff. Also, linking is horrible too, especially if you need to link both static and dynamic.
I'll probably need some people who could do some tests. (Windows only at the moment, sorry.)
The engine loads BES files, these files contain all information about the game: Maps, Image locations, Entities (NPCs), Scripts, Soundeffects and Music and are made with the
System Editor.
An SW-esque interface makes it easy to handle. The engine can be loaded in the BES Editor as a window, so you can preview maps while editing them and testing them whenever you want.
The only thing BES can't do is all the specific player stuff, ingame menu behavoir and such stuff. But the world itself will be made with BES.
Haha and you fucktards thought I'm dead!