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Stealing other peoples work.

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Mar 8, 2007 at 12:00 PM
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Has been discussed on other threads that became off topic, so i figured i'd start a thread about cave story moding piracy.

Originaly i had the title be "stealing" other peoples work, because I personaly don't see the problem. There hasn't been anyone claiming someone elses work as there own and making a big deal about how great they are for something they didn't do. And even if they did with my stuff, i'd just think they were an idiot for making a mod for fame, instead of for themselves and others enjoyments (which is rediculous because how much fame can you have on a 20 person forum?).

So my opinion on this matter is that its alright if done with the good intentions of making a mod thats fun for everyone. If someone wants to use "my" save anywhere system, or anything else i may have been the first to do, thats fine with me don't bother asking just go for it and good luck with your game. If your mod turns out good and lots of people play it, I may or may not ask to have credit, if it comes to that please don't be a jerk and everything is fine and dandy.

So.. talk about anything related to cave story hacking / mod piracy here.
Mar 8, 2007 at 1:04 PM
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SeriousFace said:
Has been discussed on other threads that became off topic, so i figured i'd start a thread about cave story moding piracy.

Originaly i had the title be "stealing" other peoples work, because I personaly don't see the problem. There hasn't been anyone claiming someone elses work as there own and making a big deal about how great they are for something they didn't do. And even if they did with my stuff, i'd just think they were an idiot for making a mod for fame, instead of for themselves and others enjoyments (which is rediculous because how much fame can you have on a 20 person forum?).

So my opinion on this matter is that its alright if done with the good intentions of making a mod thats fun for everyone. If someone wants to use "my" save anywhere system, or anything else i may have been the first to do, thats fine with me don't bother asking just go for it and good luck with your game. If your mod turns out good and lots of people play it, I may or may not ask to have credit, if it comes to that please don't be a jerk and everything is fine and dandy.

So.. talk about anything related to cave story hacking / mod piracy here.

You didn't understood me, the point was to use sprites or other work and DON'T ASK before, if you ASK and the author SAID YES you can USE IT.

I can't see anything wrong with using the authors work if you ask before.

lol becoming fame with it :D It's just the moral point, it isn't right to do that, you can't say it is (anyway it's illegal)

If someone says we're copying Pixel (Well surely it's undeniable) it is right but we're modders so the major credit goes to the original author, mods are mods games are games like I said.

Well surely mods are for fun, but it's hard work and my fun is over when someone is using my work and don't ask before.

Thats my opinion.

I have nothing against it if someone asked and the Author said yes.
Mar 8, 2007 at 4:28 PM
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"The Ultimate Sword of Extraordinary Magnitude"
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not to be a sticky pickle, but I think that blah blah blah i dont know

just ask me if you want to use stuff from my mods, i've got my email and AIm on my profile, don't just assume it's ok.
I mean, I asked Pixel before I started working on my mod, so I thought that I had free reign.
Mar 8, 2007 at 6:53 PM
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Nator said:
not to be a sticky pickle, but I think that blah blah blah i dont know

just ask me if you want to use stuff from other mods, i've got my email and AIm on my profile, don't just assume it's ok.
I mean, I asked Pixel before I started working on my mod, so I thought that I had free reign.

uhh other mods? You mean ur mods :D
Mar 8, 2007 at 9:01 PM
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Nator said:
you got what I meant.

Yeah but some "dumb" people maybe not ;P
Mar 8, 2007 at 9:51 PM
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Here is my whole thing... If someone asks "hey can I use something you made in my mod?" what are you going to say?

If you answere this question with NO, why do you say no?
Mar 8, 2007 at 10:39 PM
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SeriousFace said:
Here is my whole thing... If someone asks "hey can I use something you made in my mod?" what are you going to say?

If you answere this question with NO, why do you say no?

Something huh? If someone ask he wants to use something I would say no because I wish to know which image he/she wants to use :D
If someone ask me to want to use a specific image I could say yes or I could say no, some of the following could be reasons I usually would say no:
  1. It's something special what only should be in my mod. (Anyhow not much, could be charakters but charakters could be in fanfics too :D)
  2. I haven't released it yet. lol
  3. Someone abusing it in a special way.
  4. Someone used it before and asking me after he already released it...
Just ask me anyhow I could get weak and say yes ._."
I would help people with spriting, so in general there is absolutly no reason to use my images (That DOESN'T means I would say no if someone asks)

Anyhow I might overacted a bit but it's really annoying for me someone used other peoples hard work without asking, since its illegal D:
Mar 8, 2007 at 11:30 PM
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The only reason I'd I woudln't want someone using my work is (like i already told you SP) if they are going to mock or abuse it in some way. Of if they claim to have designed it thereself.

What SP and I didn't talk about was taking credit for ideas. Like the life capsule fragments. Its an idea thats been in so many games, I personaly woudlnt' have thought to give anyone credit for the idea. I mean, if i make a cave story 2 mod, do i have to give credit to the first person to say they had that idea? Some things like this are just basic... (btw, my save anywhere function falls into this category too, i feel special for being the first person (only person?) to do it, but its not like it never would have happend if i didn't jump on it.)
Mar 9, 2007 at 12:05 AM
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SeriousFace said:
What SP and I didn't talk about was taking credit for ideas. Like the life capsule fragments. Its an idea thats been in so many games, I personaly woudlnt' have thought to give anyone credit for the idea. I mean, if i make a cave story 2 mod, do i have to give credit to the first person to say they had that idea? Some things like this are just basic... (btw, my save anywhere function falls into this category too, i feel special for being the first person (only person?) to do it, but its not like it never would have happend if i didn't jump on it.)

There are 2 Categories for this:

  1. You see a good idea and you will use it in your mod...
  2. You have a good idea at your own and build it in your mod.

For the reason of Point 1 you need to credit the author in my opinion because the idea didn't came from your own mind. :D
Mar 10, 2007 at 9:54 AM
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ShInInG PhAnToM said:
There are 2 Categories for this:

  1. You see a good idea and you will use it in your mod...
  2. You have a good idea at your own and build it in your mod.

For the reason of Point 1 you need to credit the author in my opinion because the idea didn't came from your own mind. :p
Actually there are several categories for this
  1. You have your own ideas and you build them into your mod
  2. You have the same idea that someone else before you had, and you put it into your mod, giving them credit for the idea
  3. You see a good idea that someone else had, but isn't putting to use, and do all the work to put it in your mod, but still credit them for the idea
  4. You see a good idea that someone else has used, and it inspires you to do it in your mod, in a different/better way and give the first person credit
  5. You see a good idea that someone else has used, and you copy it into your mod without changing it at all, and give the first person credit
  6. Your entire mod is made of other people's ideas that you have improved, or made your own somehow, and all original ideas are credited to their creators
  7. Your entire mod is made of other people's ideas that you have copied, but all original ideas are credited to their creators
  8. You have the same idea that someone else before you had, and you put it into your mod, and claim full credit for the idea
  9. You see a good idea that someone else had, but isn't putting to use, and do all the work to put it in your mod, and claim full credit
  10. You see a good idea that someone else has used, and it inspires you to do it in your mod, in a different/better way and take credit for it
  11. You see a good idea that someone else has used, and you copy it into your mod without changing it at all, and take credit for it
  12. Your entire mod is made of other people's ideas that you have improved, or made your own somehow, and you don't give any of them credit
  13. Your entire mod is made of other people's ideas that you have copied, but you don't give any of them credit

In my opinion, none of these situations should warrant complaint except for these two:
You see a good idea that someone else has used, and you copy it into your mod without changing it at all, and take credit for it
and Your entire mod is made of other people's ideas that you have copied, but you don't give any of them credit.
Mar 10, 2007 at 10:38 AM
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lol Well actually it's the same I said...
If its your own idea you don't need to credit.
If its a idea of another person you need to credit it.
Yea, ideas the point is you can use without asking aslong as you credit the author BUT using a idea from a unreleased mod isn't nice.
Mar 11, 2007 at 9:25 AM
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ShInInG PhAnToM said:
If its your own idea you don't need to credit.
If its a idea of another person you need to credit it.
There's where I feel differently.
If it's your own work, you don't need to credit anyone else. But it's still polite to give credit for ideas that weren't yours to begin with.

ShInInG PhAnToM said:
using a idea from a unreleased mod isn't nice.
Suppose the author is working very very slowly (ie: mod may take several months before a demo is released), but an idea the author said he's using in it works very well with all of the ideas in your mod. Are you saying that in that case: (1)you should delay work on your mod for several months, or (2)you should release your mod without everything you planned to be in it?
Mar 11, 2007 at 2:38 PM
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upthorn said:
Suppose the author is working very very slowly (ie: mod may take several months before a demo is released), but an idea the author said he's using in it works very well with all of the ideas in your mod. Are you saying that in that case: (1)you should delay work on your mod for several months, or (2)you should release your mod without everything you planned to be in it?

This is like telling people: Don't show your fans your ideas if they want to hear them because someone could steal the ideas. It's dumbish, because one idoit wants to abuse your ideas the whole fans are hurt ;)
Mar 11, 2007 at 6:26 PM
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This is annoying, just shut up about this, there's no ethics in modding.
just give credit where credit is due.
Mar 11, 2007 at 6:44 PM
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Nator said:
This is annoying, just shut up about this,

Hey srsly, thats a discusion board, and the task of it, is to discuss things.
You should learn to respect other peoples opinion Nator. ;)

Nator said:
just give credit where credit is due.

Yeah and thats the problem, everyone has an other opinion of this. :p
Mar 11, 2007 at 9:03 PM
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ShInInG PhAnToM said:
This is like telling people: Don't show your fans your ideas if they want to hear them because someone could steal the ideas. It's dumbish, because one idoit wants to abuse your ideas the whole fans are hurt ;)
No, the dumb thing is that people actually DO refrain from making demos and and talking about their ideas because they're afraid someone else will use them.

People who are modding are already "stealing" someone else's work because they aren't making a game from scratch. But then many of them get upset when someone else makes use of something they did.
They need to learn to share.
Mar 11, 2007 at 9:11 PM
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upthorn said:
No, the dumb thing is that people actually DO refrain from making demos and and talking about their ideas because they're afraid someone else will use them.

Happened to me I don't shared an idea and the result was someone else had the same and used it for his mod, so I don't want to be "the copier" I didn't used that idea anymore. So it isn't dumb to tell ideas, anyhow could be interresting for your fans! ;)

upthorn said:
People who are modding are already "stealing" someone else's work because they aren't making a game from scratch. But then many of them get upset when someone else makes use of something they did.
They need to learn to share.

Hey, its a mod not a game and I never said the game was done by me. :D
It's really hard work to mod, and this work should be respected, if you don't credit someone for his work it isn't respected. I credited Pixel.
Man, games are games and mods are mods, thats what you should learn, I've already learned to share :p
Mar 11, 2007 at 11:57 PM
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ShInInG PhAnToM said:
Happened to me I don't shared an idea and the result was someone else had the same and used it for his mod, so I don't want to be "the copier" I didn't used that idea anymore.
I find that very silly you had plans for your game, but didn't use them just because someone else did first? Just because you weren't the first to produce whatever it is your talking about is not a good reason not to use it. If something will make your mod better, use it. To me thats the bottom line, we are making these games for the collective entertainment of people who love cave story.
Mar 12, 2007 at 12:09 AM
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SeriousFace said:
I find that very silly you had plans for your game, but didn't use them just because someone else did first? Just because you weren't the first to produce whatever it is your talking about is not a good reason not to use it. If something will make your mod better, use it. To me thats the bottom line, we are making these games for the collective entertainment of people who love cave story.

You're right but I want to make a outstanding mod, not something everyone makes ;)
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