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Stealing other peoples work.

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Mar 12, 2007 at 3:26 AM
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ShInInG PhAnToM said:
XDD all runelancer post here is FREE! So u can use it, or he woudlnt explain that here, if he want you dont use that...
So don't ask, just use it ;)
U can use ALL of the things, people post here...


Is this you saying it's okay to use someone else's idea? I think so. :eek:

This topic disgusts me because Runelancer has a crapload of topics showing people all the stuff he figured out how to hack in Cave Story, sharing it with everyone so everyone could learn and have more options to make their mods/hacks even better. And people here are complaining that other people are using their ideas in a Cave Story mod? Cmon.
Mar 12, 2007 at 11:55 AM
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Chaddykins said:

Is this you saying it's okay to use someone else's idea? I think so. :eek:

Don't skew my words!
I like to share my hacking know-how and this wasn't about the ideas it was about information on how to hack ;)

As far as I seen you are going to search my posts to prove that I had a different opinion in the past in order to change my current one. (I can be wrong though ;))
But I won't, I maybe was naively in the past but I'm not anymore.
Mar 12, 2007 at 2:32 PM
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upthorn said:
People who are modding are already "stealing" someone else's work because they aren't making a game from scratch. But then many of them get upset when someone else makes use of something they did.
They need to learn to share.

Utmost truth. <3
Sharing FTW
Mar 12, 2007 at 3:15 PM
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Nator said:
Utmost truth. <3
Sharing FTW

So you're going to make a game and not a mod? Then don't post it in the mod section. :eek:
Mods are mods and games are games.
Mar 12, 2007 at 4:23 PM
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What if you come up with your own ideas based on what someone else has already done? Not a copy, but something similar. I don't think every roack and roll band needs to credit the person who created rock and roll. Or that a person who makes a new car needs to credit the person who invented the first car. I find it funny how ome people are fearful of their ideas being stolen, when in all honesty, the only way to stop your ideas from influencing other people is to keep them to yourself. And that doesn't really help anyone, does it?

I understand what it's like to have people copy your work and claim it as their own. It's not a nice feeling. But to claim a system or way of doing something is silly crazy, even if you were the one who came up with the basic idea. ( Otherwise Pixel needs to be scolded for not crediting Nintendo for the idea to make a side-scrolling game.. )

It's ridiculous to think that you can make something original and no one is going to try to be like you. Look at anime? Can you name one show that has a unique element? Not really. But they're all different and unique in their own right. And there's no need to beg for "credit where credit is due" in cases like this.
Mar 12, 2007 at 4:43 PM
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Some Members were posting in 'The Underside' thread, they said it isn't ok and said it's a clone or a Cave Story ripoff, only because someone used Pixel's style and enemy ideas! Now same members saying it's okay to using images and work from other mods even without crediting!?

Think about it!

But ok guys you got me, do whatever you want to do, I just stop arguing.
It gets annoying and I don't wanna be impolite to anyone I apologize to every member who things I personally attacked him / her.

Zeshiro said:
I understand what it's like to have people copy your work and claim it as their own. It's not a nice feeling.

Yep and that's the point, I really don't feel good if someone uses, my hard made work, that I made in couple of hours without asking.

Since everyone thinks its ok now to use someone other's work even without crediting, I don't wanna see anyone posting in 'nsignificant Studio's The Underside' thread that it's a ripoff...

So I think its okay now, and I don't think someone would mind if I close this thread. (If someone mind contact me with PM and/or instant messager.)

- closed -
Mar 14, 2007 at 1:41 AM
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Okay, re-opened now, but with rules.
1. Respect other peoples opinion, you can persuade people but don't overact.
2. Don't be rude. "Hey that what you're doing is dumb! Yes it is, very dumb!!"
3. Posts like: "SHUT UP! ITS ANNOYING!" aren't allowed.
4. Please don't repeat the same thing all the time.

I opened it again with restriction. It got annoyed by some people, now its here again. ;)
If I see someone here who post something which is against the rules the thread there will be the risk the thread will be closed forever.

Anyhow, someone posted I was abusing my mod power's...
Hey guys do you really think I will figure out that much for Cave Story hacking (which hasn't been used much and nearly never was credited but I never said something <_<) and became a mod just for destroying the community or a single thread or something!? Hey thats weird think about it again. :D

Well, it's also weird that some people who posted here was posting in the underside thread and said its a ripoff, or a clone or something...
I think thats not in the right ballpark. In other words: Hey, better rework your opinion before you posting something. ;)
Mar 14, 2007 at 1:51 AM
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Thanks SP for re-opening this. I believe that we are a community are mature enough to handle a thead like this, I was highly sad when it was closed. Please don't let this thread get locked again. If you can't stand arguments, or reading about peoples opinons that are different from your's then this thead isn't for you. At that point there are two options, make shitty posts and flame. Doing this will no bout get the thread locked up again. Or you can just ignore it and pretend it dosn't exist, which really is like putting your own personal lock on it again. If you hate this thead, please do the ladder, dont' ruin it for the people that are trying to have a conversation.

Chaddykins said:

Is this you (Shining Phantom) saying it's okay to use someone else's idea? I think so.
This dosn't support your case Chaddy. The context of what he said is so different then this thead. Rune had JUST posted step by step instructions for how to do something, of course he ment for other people to use it. SP was talking about that instance, not about the concept of stealing as a whole which this thread is really about.
Mar 14, 2007 at 7:02 AM
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SeriousFace said:
This dosn't support your case Chaddy. The context of what he said is so different then this thead. Rune had JUST posted step by step instructions for how to do something, of course he ment for other people to use it. SP was talking about that instance, not about the concept of stealing as a whole which this thread is really about.

The thing is, this quote:

U can use ALL of the things, people post here...

seems to apply to everything here, as stated...
Mar 14, 2007 at 10:37 AM
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Alot of people are talking about there own opinions and supporting them with why they think them. My opinion is X, i believe in it because X. Chaddy found something sp said in the past that seemed to contradict the opinion he's been supporting in this thead. But it dosn't work because the situation sp was refering too is dramaticaly different. Please do not generalize everything into groups. Im sure what i said can be applied to other things in this thead, but not everything.
Mar 14, 2007 at 1:14 PM
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Hitoshura said:
The thing is, this quote:

U can use ALL of the things, people post here...

seems to apply to everything here, as stated...

Ok, enough!
1. Respect other peoples opinion, you can persuade people but don't overact.

It seems you don't respect my opinion because you still wanting to change it, allthough I said I mean it in a different way.
Srsly its my and I should know how I meant it. Not you!
And stealing (call it whatever you want) don't happened there anyhow. :D

And this isn't a "Thats now the rule here" thread, its a discusion thread!
Everyone has his/her own opinion and there aren't special rules here for stealing. ;)
In rl it's illegal and it's to my own which I make public and which not.

Mar 14, 2007 at 4:47 PM
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Chaddykins said:
Who's telling you to? (whomg calm down)

Again you contrue it wrong.
It was just a sentence you don't even see my mimic so don't tell me I should "calm down".
It was just a to make it clear. :D

You was going to construe my post, just because you wanted to say: "Hey c'mon you said in the past that we can use all things now, so don't change that!" Am I rite?
I think thats like you're telling me I have to change it.

Also; you know what I mean, people being intolerant or don't respect other opinions, or even just being rude saying it's dumb, thats like you say "I only will be tolerant if you change your opinion!"

And/or posting trash.
I don't think that's ok.

Almost abusing my words against me and my opinion isn't ok and you started that not me. Read the thread and ask me about this don't construe it like you want. :D

And your opinion is kinda paradoxical, you saying ideas is ok but you say 'The Underside' is a clone or a ripoff?!

Kinda weird. But well I can interpret too ;)

Chaddykins said:
That was my first thought upon hearing it.

They talked: the Underside is being a "ripoff" or a "clone".

Chaddykins said:
White on Grey = WTF were they thinking.

Yeah I can construe too: It looks like you don't like the game so you're saying the colour thing is bad. ;)

Edit: I don't wanna discuss about my posts all the day, its annoying guys!
Mar 14, 2007 at 9:18 PM
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ShInInG PhAnToM said:
The information on hacking here, people post is free ;)
So don't ask, just use it ;)

Now stop using my post to confirm your own opinions.
I'm sorry if I may sounded rude, but it was annoying :D
The post is changed and has a different meaning now, so stop talking about the past, its my post not yours you don't have to discuss over it.
Mar 14, 2007 at 9:55 PM
Starbound sucked sadly
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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this thread is supposed to be a debate one right
so......every has a right to their opinion
and no one should be agressive

also Lay off the caps-lock key....lol :D
Mar 14, 2007 at 10:08 PM
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xristosx said:
this thread is supposed to be a debate one right
so......every has a right to their opinion
and no one should be agressive

also Lay off the caps-lock key....lol ;)

I'm not agressive (I always try to be all nice but, sometimes its over with the nice guy for example if I read unfriendly posts.), you should read the whole thread: Member's were being impolite or posting trash. Also people used a old post of mine, to make it comfirm their own opinions but it has a different meaning. :D

Some members doesn't seem to respect other opinions. (I always will no worries, even if it doesn't look like ;P)

Caps-lock can be usefull to make things clear. ;)
Mar 14, 2007 at 10:14 PM
Starbound sucked sadly
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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yeah your right with taking your own posts and
OBSCURING it to benifit their own opinion
yeah thats correct that its not right to do that

lol capslock has had better days :D
Mar 14, 2007 at 10:27 PM
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xristosx said:
lol capslock has had better days :D

LOOK IAMA LAME CUZ IM TYPING IN CAPS HAHA LOL LOL LOL <--- a example for a trash post ;)

Anyhow, I hope it stops now, I'm here to have fun not to discuss about annoying things ;)
Mar 14, 2007 at 10:53 PM
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Before this thead becomes too messed up. Lets all individualy talk about how we want people to deal with the things we create.

I do not care if you use my ideas / sprites / characters /worlds / anything i could possibly come up with and fit into a mod. If you follow these 2 rules.

Don't mock my work*
Dont' claim that you created them.

I don't require credit, but if you want to put it, thats on you.

*If you wish to mock my stuff, lemme know first, and give me a taste of what its like, if i think its funny / playful i'll probably be cool with it anyway.
Mar 14, 2007 at 11:04 PM
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My personal deal is:

1. Just ask me!
2. Credit me.

Simple as pie.

My answer depends on which image/music/whatever you want to use and how you ask.
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