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Sonic In Cave Story

Dec 4, 2009 at 8:32 PM
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I love:
1) The whole Sonic in CS idea.
2) Sonic`s speed, and moving physics in general.
3) The beautiful tileset.
4) The look of the Tornado.
5) The nicely-drawn sprites.

Constructive criticism:

1) The blue robot "gives" you a life capsule and "a Tales". If you save and then reset, Tales will gone and you will have to talk with the blue robot to "give you" Tales again. The robot guy gives you as many life capsules as you want, at each capsule the "old" Tales disappears and he gives you a "new" Tales instead.

2) Tales stucks up here if you run too fast and leave him behind a little:

3) I suggest you disable going back from Outer Wall to Egg 00, because if someone goes back and checks the computer Tales will be back and says Kazuma`s lines from CS.

EDIT: A suggestion - Did you know about this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNakK4vAcJc&feature=related ?. This would be a nice custom music to Sonic Story!

I like the mod so far, keep up the good work!
Dec 4, 2009 at 9:37 PM
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Thank you ever so much for the feedback

Tails was just there so i could check if he works :rolleyes:

I didnt know about the outer wall thing ill make it say "Its Time To Leave"

Ye i really love the sprites too :D

I thought the tilesets were not all that good but everyone keeps saying there really good so thanks a lot for that guys :D

Ive gotta import music last sadly becaus eif i import music then edit the game in Sues workshop the game will crash so the final release will have sonic music

Ive added the song to my favoriets :D

Thanks a lot!
Dec 5, 2009 at 12:13 AM
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trickybilly said:
EDIT: A suggestion - Did you know about this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNakK4vAcJc&feature=related ?. This would be a nice custom music to Sonic Story!

I like the mod so far, keep up the good work!

That would be an okay org, if not for the fact that most/all of the notes in the bass line are horribly off. And if you put that in the mod well, that'd just be awful.
Dec 5, 2009 at 12:29 AM
graters gonna grate
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This should be moved out of the hacking/modding subforum, now that there's actually a demo.

And I haven't played it yet, but I probably will some time over the weekend.
Dec 5, 2009 at 9:09 AM
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I know that ORG is a bit off

Well i sent you an email on youtube asking if i could use one of your orgs so reply please when you get a chance

And wedge
please :D

I might have a new demo release out soon aswell :D
Dec 6, 2009 at 2:08 PM
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Can anyone hack this so the booster (v2.0) never runs out? And so its super super fast?

Just that in my sonic mod he turns super sonic and this is the best i can do...

I got supersonic Sprite as mimigma mask
Whismical star

just need this

heres the EXE

Dec 7, 2009 at 5:54 PM
graters gonna grate
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Okay, there doesn't seem to be much new content since the previous release, but here's a few things:

Sonic's head doesn't move up and down when he walks which looks kinda unrealistic.

You should really make sure it's not possible for the player to reach parts of the mod that are unfinished. 'Cause you made it possible to return from the outer wall to egg 00 which makes bad stuff happen.

Adding Tails is a nice touch, but the way he's introduced doesn't make much sense, so I'm hoping that the robot guy is just a temporary thing.

It kinda annoys me that all the original "Egg Corridor" level design still exists below the floor, but you can't get to it. I would either eliminate all those enemies down there, or make it possible to go there. It might actually be really cool if you later in the mod returned to that place, but this time had to navigate the area below the floor. Just a thought.

I really like the aircraft sprite (which replaces the Sky Dragon) so good job there.
Dec 7, 2009 at 6:29 PM
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Thanks a lot

well i worked on the game for a good 18 hours non stop and got it all nearlu finsihed.

got one more area to create
Do the credits

Insert ORGS


So just hold on :(
Dec 14, 2009 at 4:57 PM
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JetHawk95 you draw "Tornado"? If that so you make really good pixel art.
And can you make Egg corridor longer?
Dec 14, 2009 at 6:29 PM
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Thanks For The ideas.
Nothings For Definete Though
I am still doing this no worries :).

Just this release is near the end of the game so i might aswell wait then release it

Btw if you wanna be a tester and run through the game and tidy it up a lil bit then i would be very happy

It will say
JetHawk95 and ----- Presents
at the start if you do :)

Thanks a lot

Dec 19, 2009 at 9:22 AM
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Hey Kurai
are you still up for making them Sarah Boobskwi Sprites?
Would Really Aprreciate it! :p

& Cyowolf is doing the facepics wich is very nice of him :p
Dec 22, 2009 at 2:56 PM
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Think it's Time For Some Screenys!!

Ok First Up
New Sonic Sprite And New "Egg Base"
New Health Bar

Knuckles Is in The Blade At Lvl 3

Did Someone Say Starlight Zone?

The Death Egg Has Fallen

Peacefull Times...

He Has Returned...

Ok Dont worry this is only about 70% complete
i was sick of seeing mods where they ended on the Balloss fight
So its juts another boss in the game :D
After Robotnick theres some more areas to explore :)

Any Requests On What I Should Do To The Game?
Dec 22, 2009 at 4:23 PM
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Awesome looking screenshots
Dec 22, 2009 at 4:41 PM
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Hey Thanks A Lot :D
Mar 23, 2010 at 9:18 PM
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Mar 23, 2010 at 9:24 PM
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Apologies for not being able to do those facepics. A whole lotta crap came up. And I'm still sorting through it all.

Again apologies. :(

You could put it on indefinite haitus though, you did get a fairly large amount of it done after all.
Mar 23, 2010 at 10:19 PM
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See how it goes :/
Mar 24, 2010 at 1:21 PM
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Nice one!

You should use the a sprite of Death Egg. instead of Egg Utopia.
And Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik? you will use the Adventure style or Classic?
Apr 14, 2010 at 1:45 PM
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Right so i decided to sit down and get this son of a bitch finished lol :p
Here is the Final Demo : http://www.mediafire.com/?r0jzyyomtjn

Soon enough the final game will be released, I'm adding a little it more length into the game cus i know its pretty short

I know there's some bugs but please tell me which ones you find cus i might of missed some. Everyones input is on the credits, so if you participated in this there you'r in there :)

Heres Some Screenys :D

Its Over...


Friends Allways Stick Together


Hes Returned...


Sonic And Tails, Venturing Into The Unkown
Apr 14, 2010 at 2:03 PM
graters gonna grate
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Sweet! I'll have a playthrough later.

And i REALLY don't understand why this thread is in the Hacking/Modding subforum. Should be moved to the main Hack/Mod Showcase forum methinks.