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Show off your org music...

Feb 8, 2009 at 10:38 PM
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Decided to remake the track in Final Fantasy 7 that is played in the makou reactors (plan to use it in my mod as usual).
Here's the link:

And as usual, tell me what you think.
Feb 9, 2009 at 1:37 PM
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Feb 13, 2009 at 4:56 PM
graters gonna grate
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Wow, that reactor one is really good.
Feb 14, 2009 at 10:07 AM
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Decided to remake the track in Final Fantasy 7 that is played in the makou reactors (plan to use it in my mod as usual).
Here's the link:

And as usual, tell me what you think.
Oh, frick, how'd I not notice this?!

All I have to say is... Wow, just wow, absolutely amazing job with the reactor theme! I've even been helping my cousin on a recent FF7 playthrough so I've heard the actual tune earlier today. I applaud you for this one.
Decided to make a cover of Misirlou, might use it in the mod for "secret" areas.

Youtube link Misirlou Org

Tell me what you think of this cover. kthxbai
Awesome work on this one. It's funny how I knew what this tune was, but I didn't know what it was called until now, because I usually don't like to spoil music from video games I haven't played, especially title themes & endings... Ironically enough for me that this isn't technically even game music (Though I'm still looking forward to it in your mod)!
Feb 18, 2009 at 2:05 AM
graters gonna grate
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All right I have another mod that I will eventually be creating, though the first demo release won't be for a very long time (I'm planning on having this mod have a lot fewer installments than TWoR, probably only 2-3 demos as opposed to the 6-7 demos that TWoR has). I want this mod to have more independence from Cave Story, so no graphic/music in the entire mod will go unmodified (some might be very similar to their Cave Story counterparts though).

The mod is called "The Paradise Project" and will hopefully trump TWoR in awesomeness. I have done a fair amount of planning for the mod, but the only concrete files I have are a few of the organya songs, so I thought I'd post a link to them here.

Note that I didn't compose all of the songs; Xaser composed three of them, and I am using them with his permission. Those three songs are parenthetically (boom, I spelled it correctly on the first try xD) labeled "xaser" to indicate this.
Feb 18, 2009 at 4:26 AM
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wedge of cheese said:
The mod is called "The Paradise Project" and will hopefully trump TWoR in awesomeness. I have done a fair amount of planning for the mod, but the only concrete files I have are a few of the organya songs, so I thought I'd post a link to them here.

Note that I didn't compose all of the songs; Xaser composed three of them, and I am using them with his permission. Those three songs are parenthetically (boom, I spelled it correctly on the first try xD) labeled "xaser" to indicate this.
Oh cool. *listen time*
Pretty good stuff as usual, Space Battle, Virtual World 1, Death and Glory and Sneak In are all good stuff. Claws of Fire sounds a bit thin to me though, and in VWorld 2 you can barely hear the echoing part at all. As for this Project... I LIKE the sound of it! :o Both in name and current aural material. I'll be waitin' for it.

And damnit I wanted to ask Xaser if I could borrow Plumber Syndrome >_> OI, XASER!
Feb 18, 2009 at 7:08 AM
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Made another org, this one's based off of the opening to the anime "welcome to the nhk", which is one of my fav animes btw.

Puzzle youtube link

This is the org which resulted from the DEEP, INTENSE analysis of the song.


I was kinda proud when i finished this one, for I made this org completely by ear, no midis or sheet music, and that's something I haven't done in awhile. Most of the accompanying parts in the org were actually improvised on however, due to lack of being able to hear the accompanying parts at times and the lack of ways to emulate the piano chords and guitar chords.

Enjoy, and of course tell me what you think.
Feb 19, 2009 at 7:37 PM
graters gonna grate
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wedge of cheese said:
Wow, that reactor one is really good.

Wow, I must have been really tired when I posted that or something, because I went back and listened to reactor again, and realized that "really good" is a gross understatement. BB summed it up much better xP.

Anyway, about your newer song, I don't know how you plan on using it in your mod (if you do), so maybe I'm wrong about this, but it would fit with the original one from the anime if it were a bit more "active". Other than that, though, it's quite good, and like I said, if its context in the mod is in a calmer spot, then it's probably fine the way it is.
Feb 21, 2009 at 5:17 AM
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Hey look over here! Its a bird, its a plane. Its... a forget it its just an org. >.>

Been a while since I posted one. Though I feel this one seems familiar... Which is mostly why I'm posting. It sounded good on the piano (well I guess the only things so far that came from the piano was Tr 0 and 1) So I tried making it in Fl studio... Didn't go so well... then I started it in Org maker and it sounded really good!... Except now I can't shake the feeling that I Tr 0 and 1 had been used... Help me out:D

Feb 22, 2009 at 8:08 PM
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Heya kurokun. Glad to see your still composing.
But with this new one, I find that your songs lack the depth that other compositions have. But this one is better than others. Keep at it.

I for once am posting an original composition(no stealing plz) that I was planning to keep for some other project, but seeing as I now am planning to use it in my mod I'd figured it was at risk of being stolen there anyways so I might as well post it here. If you EVER want to use it, ask permission first please.

Anyways enough talk, here's the org:

Note: when I posted this the mediafire servers were down, or something. If the problem persists I will post a mirror. Mirror posted.
Feb 28, 2009 at 7:48 AM
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Its interesting but I feel no connection to it:( It might just be me though.

Im almost done with that last piece I posted just need to add the drums in the section I just added.

Also I have, I think, a remastered (no remixed) version of Plant xP (ta da...)
The only second thoughts I have mostly of it is the drums...


xD peace xD
Mar 2, 2009 at 12:45 AM
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An ORG of Guxt Extra Boss

Do you know what Pixel did for the music in the extra boss for Guxt Score Attack? The music was taken from original Zombie from Cave Story but he added an extra variation and a new verse that loops around. Use the PxTone player to play a file called Boss2.ptcop in your Guxt directory.

This ORG that I give out is only just for show-off in the forums and I do not authorize anyone to distribute. Credit if you are using it.

I simply resized the Zombie.org by double (to correctly match the ptcop), added notes and one new istrument for the new verse. The drums that were looped originally had been copied ahead for the new verse part. Also, note the volume edits.

Once again, this is only a show-off. If you are using this for a game or other program or in a Cave Story MOD, don't just credit me, but credit Pixel as well.

Mar 3, 2009 at 6:57 AM
He who lurks beneath the posts.
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Mar 13, 2009 at 1:54 AM
He who lurks beneath the posts.
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@ Wedge Of Cheese:

Town: Has an feeling of an ghost town of some sort

Mystery: Is nice, I like it.

Robotz: I didn't like to much until near the end, but it might sound better when I play it with the game.

Death: sounds more like something that would be played if you got a keyword to use or something of that sort.


Ideal: It sounds like it could be used for a lively town if you ask me :D
Mar 13, 2009 at 11:19 PM
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An unexpected surprise- I'm back with reviews & something new!

Newdata2 [By Kurokun]- I like it a lot. It's almost sounds like a reattempt of test4.org, which I thought went well with a Balcony-esque Maze Garden kind of area, but this one sounds a bit more suitable for that kind of role, now.[/vaguemodinfoleak]

Ideal [By GIRakaCHEEZER]- Really great job with this. Almost has a feel of some of the tunes from the original Spyro the Dragon trilogy games.

Death [By wedge of cheese]- Nice, but doesn't really sound like a death theme to me. Still, if The Paradise Project is going for a lighthearted type of story or something, it could work.

Town [By wedge of cheese]- Very interesting, it sounds like it could be used for more than just an underground/abandoned town, but also later stealth areas that could've been made in Metal Gear Story.

Robotz [By wedge of cheese]- Pretty good, Also sounds like it could double as both a mass group boss theme (For example, the Assassins on Kaeso's Curly Brace's Story mod) & a hectic invasion of rampant bots in a nearby area. It'd be funny if Dimenofff (Or any other infamous spambot) appeared when this theme kicked in on TPP.

Mystery [By wedge of cheese]- Has a familiar sound to it, but I don't know why... Really short & simple, yet amazing, nevertheless.

Finally, something no one would expect- I made an (Incomplete at the time) org & posted it here! It's not original, though... It's one of the tunes that comes with a bonus folder on SimTunes. I've been using Vista to run the game in windowed mode (Since it runs in fullscreen on any other Windows computer) and, through trial & error, I believe I've made considerable progress, even though not all 4 of the instruments are used, yet. Here's the file- http://www.mediafire.com/?ttotdnli7x1
Mar 14, 2009 at 12:23 AM
graters gonna grate
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About the death tune for TPP, I think I'm going to make it the "got item" tune rather than the "game over" tune and scrap the original "got item" tune, partly because, as BB and KK pointed out, it's not very "death-like", and also because I wasn't too pleased with the first "got item" tune I made. I might make a new org to use as the "game over" tune, or I might use mystery.org; I haven't decided yet.

Bad Beholder said:
Still, if The Paradise Project is going for a lighthearted type of story or something, it could work.
Well... no. I already have a pretty solid idea in my mind of how the plot of TPP is going to be, and "lighthearted" is definitely not the first word that comes to mind to describe it.
Mar 14, 2009 at 5:40 AM
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The other day, I was listening to Paper Mario songs, when inspiration randomly hit me. So I made this song, which I've titled "This is the End."
I'm quite proud of it. Pretty sure it's the best song I've ever made using Org Maker. :B
Mar 15, 2009 at 7:36 AM
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Made a new org for the mod, a song from Kirby 64. Did quite a bit more than I planned to with this org, and working with org maker is actually teaching me alot about sound synthesizing. Here's the org.


And of course, the source song that was interpreted:
Kirby 64 Miracle Matter youtube link
Mar 16, 2009 at 3:56 PM
graters gonna grate
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@Luigi: nice job, the effect you made by alternating the melody between tracks 0 and 1 was quite cool.
