RTD: Netland II

Nov 12, 2010 at 10:43 PM
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JakeXanth said:
Does this mean you're done taking characters?

Yes, but according to my databanks, by which I mean this little notepad window open here, you're in the game as an AFGNCAP.
Nov 13, 2010 at 2:16 AM
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Pick up RPG with a 10 missile pack from the corner of the room.
Nov 13, 2010 at 2:20 AM
In my body, in my head
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I cast magic missile arent i so witty
Nov 13, 2010 at 2:26 AM
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Noxid said:
I cast magic missile arent i so witty

Ummm.... not to act all Schilcote and all, but on what?
Nov 13, 2010 at 2:34 AM
In my body, in my head
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I was being facetious.
Nov 13, 2010 at 3:44 AM
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Oh, sorry.
Nov 13, 2010 at 9:39 AM
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Sounds interesting
Nov 13, 2010 at 11:50 AM
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Explosive: Offer porn magazine as bribe to do whatever we want
QuoteXCurly: Pick up RPG with a 10 missile pack from the corner of the room.
EVERYONE(GM'd): Look in the armory and find WEPON.

Explosive: 5

You approach the encampment and offer the PlayBot to the nearest person who looks like he'd read it.

"... Is that Tasha Yar? ... Tell you what, I'm the quartermaster around here. Gimme that and I'll let you help yourself to the armory. Just try not to get caught, okay?"

You give the armory bot the pr0n.

QxC: 5


You pick up a healthy compliment of ammunition as well.


Jake picks up a shotgun and four boxes of ammo.
Cyn picks up a 45. magnum and five clips.
Cheese picks up an assault riffle and ten magazines. He also picks up five grenades for the attatched launcher.


You are approached by a tall middle-aged man wearing a highly-decorated uniform bearing the logo of the TOAST Industries Millitary.
"So you're the party they sent. Hmm. I'm Colnel Peterson."
Peterson: "MC&D have holed up in a cave they dug about a mile north of here. From what we understand they've got an entity in there with them. It's not supposed to be dangerous on its own, it's just a big brain or something. The thing is they've got it heavily guarded with well-armed mercernaries. They've got a hell of a psionic forcefield projected around that place, we can barely crack it. We can open up a hole in it long enough for the five of you to get in there and get rid of their protection. After that you can just set up a few detpacks near the brain, that ought to get rid of the field."
He hands Explosive four blocks of C-4 and a detonator.
Peterson: "Whenever you're ready we can zap the field and let you through."
He wanders off.

RPG: 15 HE 15 I


Shotgun: 48

45. Mag: 25

Assault Rifle: 100 KN 5 HE
Nov 13, 2010 at 4:33 PM
graters gonna grate
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
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Wait, don't our characters have names?

And I just realized I'm missing my wand. Ask the dudes where I can find a nice magic wand.
Nov 13, 2010 at 9:15 PM
"In Soviet Russia, graves keep YOU!"
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>ask what MC&D is
>go towards the force field or whatever
Nov 13, 2010 at 9:22 PM
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explosive said:
>ask what MC&D is

"Marshall Carter & Dark. Ltd are a company dealing in supernatural artifacts. Not exactly the most ethical bunch. They're a threat to our security and plenty of folks want them out of business, so here we are."
Nov 13, 2010 at 11:25 PM
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Pick up large hex nut (hardware) (that suspiciously looks like Marisa's from Touhou) from the center of the room and examine it.
Nov 16, 2010 at 6:12 PM
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QuoteXCurly said:
Pick up large hex nut (hardware) (that suspiciously looks like Marisa's from Touhou) from the center of the room and examine it.

The thohu wiki has absolutely no idea what you're talking about, nor do I. I'd just give you a big hex nut, but you rolled a six...

I forgot to describe how the rolls work. 2 is a plain failure, 1 is an extreme failure (made things worse), 3,4, and 5 are increasing levels of success, and 6 is an overshoot, where you succeed to an extreme degree (a 6 to kick down a door results in you leveling the building). So your hex nut would end up having some special attributes related to its in-story purpose, except I can't find what you're talking about.

Perhaps a quick browse of the Foundation's files will prove fruitful (and it DOES make some sense)...


Aha! Got it.
Nov 16, 2010 at 6:39 PM
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Cheese: Ask the dudes where I can find a nice magic wand.
Explosive: go towards the force field or whatever
QXC: Pick up large hex nut from the center of the room and examine it.

Cheese: 6 (Hmm... I know what I can do. Heheheh.)

You pick up a rod composed of some sort of metal. Well, it's about the right size, and it certianly feels magical...

Explosive: [FREE ACTION]

You lead the party to the boundary of the forcefield. Up close, you can see and feel the effect of the force field repelling the air around it.

The long-range psionic interference generator is switched on and directed right in front of you. You feel a strange sensation and a small hole large enough for you to walk through appears in the force field. It shuts behind the party as they walk in.

QXC: 6

You go to pick up what appears to be a hex nut or washer, but on closer examination is actually a pair of copper bracelets. You put them on.


After walking a while, you find a large pit in the ground. You enter. It is somewhat dark, but you can still barely see (-2 to spot, aim). There are various large digging machines stored here. The actual tunnels appear to be further down. There is no-one here, or if there is anyone you can't see them.


RPG: 15 HE 15 I
?Copper Bracelets? (worn)

SCOWTER, C4+Detonator

Shotgun: 48

45. Mag: 25

Assault Rifle: 100 KN 5 HE (-2 unfamilarty bonus)
?Metal Wand?
Nov 16, 2010 at 11:47 PM
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Find a note with a bottle attached to it. Drink whats in the bottle, since I can't I can't read the note due to the lack of light.
BTW Schilcote, I meant Hakkero, but I forgot the word at the time.
Nov 17, 2010 at 12:04 AM
"In Soviet Russia, graves keep YOU!"
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>robots can see in the dark :3
>look around for enemies and light source
Nov 17, 2010 at 7:18 PM
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"Fly, Fly, Fly!"
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Jake: >Look for a light switch.
QXC: Find a note with a bottle attached to it. Drink whats in the bottle, since I can't I can't read the note due to the lack of light.
Explosive: look around for enemies and light source

Jake: 4

You find a very large, somewhat crude knife switch and pull it. The cavern is lit by a series of large halogen bulbs. There's still some dimly lit areas, but most of the cavern is sufficiently lit.
You notice a large tunnel leading downwards.

QXC: 2

Such an object is not present.

Explosive: 5

Seeing as Jake has already switched on the lights, you head down to the lower tunnels with the rest of the party in tow. You are ambushed by a team of 3 mercenaries with assault rifles!

Roll to aim: 3 4 3
Roll to dodge: 4 6 6 1 2

Everyone except Cyn and the confused WedgeOfCheese duck behind cover. Cyn is shot in the gut, and Cheese is shot in the left leg.


RPG: 15 HE 15 I
?Copper Bracelets?

SCOWTER, C4+Detonator

Shotgun: 48

45. Mag: 25
Torso: Mild bullet wounds.

Assault Rifle: 100 KN 5 HE (-2 unfamilarty bonus)
?Metal Wand?
Left Leg: Mild bullet wounds.
Nov 17, 2010 at 10:53 PM
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>Cast Cure on self

(I love magic.)
Nov 17, 2010 at 11:36 PM
"In Soviet Russia, graves keep YOU!"
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haha sorry guys
now to fuck things up further

>scout enemies' power level weakness
Nov 17, 2010 at 11:52 PM
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"Fly, Fly, Fly!"
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Cyn: >Cast Cure on self
Explosive: scout enemies' weakness
Everyone with an identified non-explosive weapon: LET ZE SHOOSTING BEGIN!

Cyn: 4

You magically repair your lower body. It's still a bit sore, but otherwise unharmed.

Explosive: 6

They appear to have a weakness to bullets, especially when applied to the head. Unfortunately, you neglected to pick up any weapons or ammunition when you had the chance.

So instead you PAWNCH.
Roll to PAWNCH: 2
You fail to PAWNCH the enemy in any meaningful way. You hide like tineh behbeh man.

Roll to aim: 5
You unload three rounds of buckshot into one of the MC&D thugs. He goes down.

Roll to aim: 5-2=3
You have very little idea what you're doing, but you manage to seriously wound one of your aggressors with the muggle weapon. You fall over backwards from the unexpected recoil.


RPG: 15 HE 15 I
?Copper Bracelets?

SCOWTER, C4+Detonator

Shotgun: 45

45. Mag: 25

Assault Rifle: 80 KN 5 HE (-2 unfamiliarity bonus)
?Metal Wand?
Left Leg: Mild bullet wounds.