Cheese: Try to intimidate the remaining guards with my newfound power.
Cyn: Cast Invis on self, sneak behind enemy lines, if possible.
QXC: Climb on ceiling and behind the enemy, drop down and pickpocket the guard and find a magic scroll.
Jake: Loot corpses.
Cheese: 4
You head further down the tunnel, brandishing your femto-EAGLE wildly.
You spot two more guards guarding a door. You distract them while Cyn and QXC try to be sneaky.
Roll to aim: 6
Roll to dodge: 2 (oshiiii)
You're a bit too successful at that. The guard nails you right in the kneecap.
Roll to aim: 6
So you explode his head. The other guard is understandably freaked out.
Cyn&QXC: 5&4
Although invis provides only slight protection against being seen, Cheese's distraction of the guards by making one of them explode is terribly efficient.
QXC creeps along the walls and ceiling twoard the remaining guard and steals his key. Cyn uses the key to unlock the door and pass through.
Jake: 3
You take two small 22mm pistols from the dead guards. They're so tiny you could probably hold one in each hand like they do in action movies, assuming you could actually hit anything like that.
Explosive PAWNCHes the remaining guard and everyone heads through the door. On the other side of the door is a big chamber containing a large brain-like entity. It is big, slimy, and disgusting.
RPG: 15 HE 15 I
?Copper Bracelets?
2 22mm pistols, 12 mags (6 bullets each).
SCOWTER, C4+Detonator
Shotgun: 43
45. Mag: 25
Assault Rifle: 80 KN 5 HE (-2 unfamilarty bonus)
Left Leg: Slightly injured.
Right Leg: Completely disabled.