RTD: Netland II

Nov 10, 2010 at 3:42 PM
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Arright, I've been looking through this place's forum game section. IT SUCKS! I'm going to have to show you miserable organic life forms REAL FORUM CULTURE. Also, the rather... sudden removal of my person from the forums I previously inhabited forced me to leave my threads behind...

Anyway. RTD, or Roll To Dodge, is a sort of play-by-post game. These are the steps:

1. I post all this crap.

2. You create a "character".

3. You, the victims- I mean PLAYERS post "actions". You tell me what you want your characters to do.

4. I roll a die to see how you did, then post the results in one big post, called a "turn".

5. Go to step 3.

So, let's begin.

Netland is a campaign I came up with a while ago. At some point in the future, not quite near but not terribly far either, the Earth has been rendered unfortunately uninhabitable. Fortunately for members of the species Homo Sapiens and their creations, a group of adventuring computer technicians and a rampant A.I. uploaded the remaining members of the human race into a massive virtual reality computer system, where humanity has lived for hundreds of generations.

A few hundred years after the simulation was started, the God-AIs in control of the simulated universe decided that the laws of reality should be bent ever-so-slightly. Just about all fictional universes and "memes" have been made "real" here. The lines between reality and fiction exist only on maps.

This computer system has recently come under attack by an unknown threat, a force of corruption beyond even the power of the God-AIs. Your party, formed by the God-AIs, has been commissioned to deal with this threat.

The simulated universe that all man-kind (machine-kind, and whatever else-kind) lives in was created many thousands of simulated years ago, and is run on massive self-maintaining mainframes which cover the entire Earth, and may extend far beyond. There are AIs in place to monitor and protect the simulated universe, acting as gods. They are sentient seed AI programs, and have been given the objective of maintaining absolute minimum interference while making sure that the denizens of the universe as a whole are safe. The god-AIs are as follows:

ADALF: The meta-god. Adalf is the “god of gods”, the other god-AIs come to him to settle disputes and territorial overlaps between them. He also handles most of the low-level/hardware functions of the simulated universe, keeping the mainframes that support the simulation and the other god-AIs in working condition.

NEX: Nex is the god-AI of natural death and time. His function is to allow the destruction of individual components of the simulated universe to ensure the well-being of the rest of the universe. He was originally designed to be very, very limited in power due to the natural human desire to stay alive, and over the time he has existed he has not seen any reason to increase his power by much. He tends to allow those in pain to die first, and those who do not contribute to the universe's well-being . He also oversees changes in geography, and regulates time-travel; preventing paradoxes (such as preventing one's own birth) and time-loops.

ANIMOS: Animos is the god-AI of life and thought. She monitors the population of the universe, and occasionally offers suggestions to Nex. She regulates the population of the universe, and attempts to encourage activity and knowledge. She sometimes offers a small amount of guidance to scientists. One of Nex's limitations put in place by his creators is that he must attain permission from Animos before ending the life of a sentient being.

RISUS: Risus is the god-AI of entertainment and laughter. He is concerned with constraining the problem of boredom, and collaborates with Animos to eliminate lethargy. He looks after those who create art and literature. It is said that he understands the meanings of life and the universe more deeply than most, and prevents “things man was not meant to know” from being discovered.

ORDO: Ordo is the god-AI of physics and order. He is tasked with enforcing physical laws, as well as allowing exceptions. He looks down upon chaos, and keeps Abeo's power in check.

ABEO: Abeo is the god-AI of chaos and randomness. While he is not actively malicious towards life, he was programmed to be less concerned with the well-being of the universe. The idea behind his creation was to “keep life interesting”, and to offer challenge so as to prevent humanity from becoming stagnant. He limits communication with the other god-AIs. He communicates and collaborates with Risus more often than the other god-AIs, being created for a similar purpose.

CERTUS: Certus's function is not well understood, not even by his creators. His purpose is best described as “definition”, “making things what they are”. He rarely interferes with the universe, and his activity level is low compared to the other AIs.

SERMO: Sermo is the god-AI of communication. He is not very active, and mainly allows communication between the god-AIs and sentient beings. He very rarely interferes directly with the universe, but he influences the decisions of the other god-AIs.

Post a character biography (or use a perfectly generic AFGNCAP) and reasonable starting inventory. Your character can be from any fictional continuity, but cannot be an established character. I.E. you can be a Tau or an Engineer, but you cannot be Ciphilas Cain or Dell Conhager (although things get a bit fuzzy where the TF2 characters are concerned, it's assumed that you're AN engineer but not THE engineer).

Be prepared to post around once per day.


Nov 11, 2010 at 6:14 PM
graters gonna grate
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Alright, I'll give this a try, I guess...

Now you said established characters are not allowed, but I'm unsure how far that rule goes. For example, I want to be Interrobang from WTF Story, but BEFORE she goes all crazy/evil and shit. Is that allowed?

edit: This is called Netland II; was there a Netland I?
Nov 12, 2010 at 12:18 AM
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Wedge of Cheese said:
Now you said established characters are not allowed, but I'm unsure how far that rule goes. For example, I want to be Interrobang from WTF Story, but BEFORE she goes all crazy/evil and shit. Is that allowed?

Hmmm... No. Didn't Interrobang have superpowers anyway? You could, however, be a robot of the same series as Quote and Curly (they might show up in person, that's why you're not allowed to be an established character).

Wedge of Cheese said:
edit: This is called Netland II; was there a Netland I?

Yes. I don't know if you read TvTropes very much, but the old one has an entry. It didn't get to the end though. Kind of lost my drive halfway through. And got ran off of the host forums.
Nov 12, 2010 at 12:59 AM
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QuoteXCurly said:
Umm, can I be Keyboard Cat, since he is a meme?

*pointed stare*

Schilcote said:
Your character can be from any fictional continuity, but cannot be an established character.
Nov 12, 2010 at 1:06 AM
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Oh, my bad, didn't see that part.
Wait, fictional continuity?
What exactly does that mean?
Nov 12, 2010 at 1:16 AM
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QuoteXCurly said:
Oh, my bad, didn't see that part.
Wait, fictional continuity?
What exactly does that mean?

It means pootis.

It means fiction. You can be a Tau from Wh40k, a Protoss from Starcraft, an anon... anything really.
Nov 12, 2010 at 1:24 AM
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Can I be one of those humanoid creatures from Star Ocean?
Nov 12, 2010 at 1:26 AM
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Nov 12, 2010 at 1:28 AM
"In Soviet Russia, graves keep YOU!"
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I guess I'll be like a humanoid robot or something with like an arm cannon that transforms from his hand like in megaman and shit
He'll wear like a cloak I guess

So how about he was created by the rest of the party to help them or something. He'll generally remain silent and help out if they get into deep shit.
His inventory will consist of a porno magazine and a grappling hook
and also a few missiles that are fired apart from his normal beam gun thing like in that arm cannon I was talking about earlier

don't expect me to update more than once a week
which is fitting 'cause my guy doesn't talk much I GUESS
Nov 12, 2010 at 1:43 AM
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I guess move time? Okay, my character, which is named, "Genkai", approaches the computer for a first hacking attempt.
Nov 12, 2010 at 1:59 AM
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Character, character...

(Named Desh.)

Yeah, sure, if that's cool.
Nov 12, 2010 at 2:54 AM
graters gonna grate
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
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Ok, I changed my mind, my character is Professor Fredville VonMarzipan, Defense Against the Dark Arts instructor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry.
Nov 12, 2010 at 2:39 PM
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Arright, here we go. Post actions after this.

The party stands in a field of TV static. The horizon extends infinitely. You do not know how you got here, and you cannot move.

You hear a voice. It has no apparent origin.

Sermo: "Welcome, travelers. I am Sermo, and I represent the gods of your universe. Your worlds have come under attack by a force of corruption that we cannot affect. However, we believe that it can be affected by entities inside the simulation. Your group is one of the many summoned to perform this task."

Sermo: "You will travel the lands in search of entities affected by this corruption. We believe them to be somehow tied to its power. You must destroy them."

Sermo: "You will find many allies along the way, but be weary. It appears that some organizations, such as the one known as Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd. have also been subverted by the corruption. We do not know why they do its bidding. Go now."

The party suddenly finds itself in a flat, grassy field that stretches for miles. There appears to be some sort of battle taking place off in the distance.

There appears to be some sort of encampment nearby. It is emblazoned with a large insignia of the image of a toaster engraved into a gear, with the words "TOAST Industries" underneath in OCR A Extended font.

"Civilians! You have entered an active warzone! This area is under the control of TOAST Industries. Report to the nearest building immediately."
Nov 12, 2010 at 2:59 PM
graters gonna grate
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
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Say, "And what if we won't?"
Nov 12, 2010 at 3:03 PM
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Wedge of Cheese said:
Say, "And what if we won't?"

There is no response.
Nov 12, 2010 at 4:09 PM
"In Soviet Russia, graves keep YOU!"
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Offer porn magazine as bribe to do whatever we want

also I'm replacing my grappling hook for a scouter just because it would make more sense for my character to have a scouter than a grappling hook
Nov 12, 2010 at 4:14 PM
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explosive said:
Offer porn magazine as bribe to do whatever we want

To whom?
Nov 12, 2010 at 5:57 PM
"In Soviet Russia, graves keep YOU!"
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Whoever looks like they have the most power amongst the group (TOAST)
Nov 12, 2010 at 6:44 PM
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explosive said:
Whoever looks like they have the most power amongst the group (TOAST)

You're going to bribe an entire squadron of mercenaries with a single robot porn magazine?
Nov 12, 2010 at 7:18 PM
"In Soviet Russia, graves keep YOU!"
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who said it was robot porn >:|

also how about a general or some shit I dunno