May 5, 2008 at 8:18 PM
Join Date: Jul 1, 2007
Location: colby KS
Posts: 0
Age: 32
hope u get to feeling better soon. oh and happy birthday. 

Yep. Much better this way.Reshaper256 said:I hope you'd rather me do this than post nothing at all.
Good luck.Reshaper256 said:In other non-Zelda3C related news, I'm hoping to get married this time next year, so wedding planning has already gone into action (and is the main reason why I need this summer job). I haven't "officially" proposed yet, but we've been together 6+ years already, so you can go figure.
I prefer Crimson Editor myself.Reshaper256 said:BTW, thanks a lot for introducing me to notepad++. I'd checked it out before, but never realized you could configure it for custom languages. It's a lot cleaner, and easier on the eyes.
I'll send you a PM.Reshaper256 said:Here's what I'd really like, right now. Sprite suggestions. Ideas for things that you'd like to see come to life, on screen. To be fair, if you post your idea here you probably won't get much feedback, as I don't want to spoil anything for anybody else. So if you post your idea in this thread, don't expect an "Oh yeah, perfect! That'll definitely go on the list!" from me. Also don't expect to see your sprite in the game just because you mentioned it in passing, or even if we take time to discuss it. There's a LOT of stuff involved with whether your sprite can/will come to life, including if GameMakr24 and I like the idea.You *can* post your ideas here, but remember that warning. But if you email me directly, (jajomart at gmail dot com) I can give more feedback and we can actually discuss your sprite ideas, and perhaps brainstorm some more.
Reshaper256 said:We're just busy. When I get thinking about Zelda3C, I start having new idea after new idea... I'll have to start writing them all down to suggest to GM. Hopefully I'll have some good progress to report soon.