Starstryker and
andwhyisit, thanks for the comments and encouragement. I really do hope this will be an "epic project" when done... It already feels like an epic undertaking, to me.

It's encouraging to see that the project still has its loyal fans, and I'm glad to hear you all aren't daunted by the wait ahead. The project will be done
right, valuing quality over speed. Take it from someone who was also just a fan of the project a few years back; I want to see this hack
perfected in the end.
I also know the frustration of not getting regular updates. Is the project dead? Did GameMakr24 get hit by a car?

Talking to him as much as I have, I understand that he's managing a tricky balance between "real life" and hacking time. He's a busier guy than me, and as he's said on occasion, he likes to spend his free time actually working on the project. I believe he wants to post "real news" in the diary entries, instead of just regular "check ins" like I'm doing here. Hopefully this helps fill that void, so GM24 can keep creating during his free time, and you don't think we've died.
So for my own recent progress, I've finally worked through the routine
SPRITE HAS BEEN HIT BY SOMETHING, SO DEAL WITH IT! All in all I've streamlined it a bit, and added my own code here and there to suit the new sprites better. After completing that long, long, routine, I finished two more smaller ones,
TARGET LINK WITH DESIRED TARGETING VELOCITY, another long one. It has a couple of subroutines I somehow missed when I was commenting them last year, so I'll have to comment them from scratch to complete this one. It's more work but I'm up for it. The replies in this thread are encouraging too, so thanks.
As for school, I've still got another two classes to register for that holds are preventing me from signing up for. They're not filling up or anything, so I don't feel rushed, but I wish I could just get it over with. Besides that, I've got a Calculus I test Friday, and a Statistics test on Monday. I'll have to spend some time studying between now and then. Bah. Anyway, I don't feel like doing that yet... instead, I'm going to try to figure out these subroutines I missed last year...
...they don't look too complicated... :d