A new challenger arrives!
Metruler1990 casts Suprise Attack, slamming into some random person for 500 damage and causing stun!
Metruler1990 casts three attack magnus (1, 2, and 3, duh), followed by Scension, then Ascension, then Transcension, followed finally by The Godling's Rapture, performing the EX Combo "The Apotheosis" for 1000000000000000000000+ damage!
Metruler1990 activates a Relay Combo by chaining another trio of attack magnus, chained to Heavenfall, then Red Padma, then Blast Tooth, fully executing EX. Combo Crimson Sky Tooth for 10000000000000000000000+ damage!
Metruler1990 activates another Relay Combo, using attack magnus and the spells Icefan, Sigil Cry, Zeniver Cascade, and Aphelion Dustwake in sequence, executing EX. Combo Frigid Queen's Festival for 100000000000000000000+ damage, and an additional 1000000000000000+ from a critical strike!
All opponents defeated and thread bumped! mission accomplished!
Kudos to anyone who catches the heavily used references to a certain video game in this post.