Religion itself isn't in it's entirety the problem. It's people. Whether you are religious or not, you have those you dislike, and others you definitely are not fond of. The shooting may have resulted in the deaths of Christians and he may have targeted Christians but this is not always the case. Simply ridding of religion will not deter violence. In fact, most religions defer to peace first rather than violence. In some cases violence will never be the answer. I want you to think about Tibet. Point it out on a map for me...
That's right. It's part of China. Mao himself invaded Tibet to free the people (in his terms not mine) from "religious tyranny". The Buddhist religion is the most peaceful on earth. The Dalia Lama is the head of the most peaceful people on earth. Tibetans have been trapped in China for over 5o years and tortured and many refuse to result to violence. Rather they've taken other drastic measures on themselves, but nevertheless Buddhism is a perfect example of how religion is not the problem. It's people.
Whether or not I decide to pull that trigger, or use that knife isn't completely based upon religion. It's my feelings, my anger, the situation that would cause such an action. I personally believe, that restrictions, yes should be put into place to protect innocent people, but also the mentally ill from such dangerous weapons. If mental evaluations are cleared and the person is allowed to have a gun, fine.
Total relinquishment of gun rights is out of the question however. Our country (mine being the US), was founded on that exact principle. Without raising arms, I assure you, our country would not have become the country we are today, lest become a country at all had we not had proper weapons. If total gun control took affect and no one was allowed to be armed, we'd be in trouble. Time has proven again and again that the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun, is if the good guy has a gun too. It's sad to resort to such a situation, but its what has to be done. The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun, is if the good guy has a gun to defend and protect others with as well.
* I actually thoroughly enjoyed reading all of this. Granted it's not related to CS (which is why its in the Satellite Lounge) but I love how it's sparked such intellectual thoughts, and solid based debate. (rather than people just immaturely bashing each other around.) And yes I do realize other questions were brought up too. I thought I'd start with Gun Control/why i believe such terrible incidents occur.