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Oct 4, 2015 at 9:38 PM
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Atheism is not something you spread, its supposed to be a choice people make on their own. many religious people I know are very open minded and are very nice and respectful people
People try and spread religion, for example, Jehovah's Witnesses. "Spread" doesn't mean you force something upon someone.
Religion being taught in primary school is an example of it being forced on to people - children are unlikely to question it.
If the parents are allowed to choose whether or not their children are taught it, I think that would be fair.
However, there are also many private high schools with religious ties - that's unfortunate, because they may offer a better education overall than a public school.

Someone cannot be religious and open minded - the closest thing to that is being an agnostic.

No, actually, it is different
There's barely any difference at all. A lot of people use Google to get to sites, if a site isn't listed, they won't get there.

/me tips upvote
Considering that there are multiple websites that archive 4chan, deleting it would be somewhat difficult :P Anyway, it's Reddit that has upvotes...

it honestly shouldn't matter what someone else believes.
Exactly. Unfortunately, most of the religions that are widely believed are in direct conflict with reality.
That shouldn't really matter either, however, we need to start taking responsibility for our actions as members of the human race.
We are destroying the planet and we aren't going to be saved by having faith in God.
Oct 4, 2015 at 10:10 PM
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People try and spread religion, for example, Jehovah's Witnesses. "Spread" doesn't mean you force something upon someone.
Religion being taught in primary school is an example of it being forced on to people - children are unlikely to question it.
If the parents are allowed to choose whether or not their children are taught it, I think that would be fair.
However, there are also many private high schools with religious ties - that's unfortunate, because they may offer a better education overall than a public school.
Public and private schools aren't the only schools. The charter school I go to is a pretty great one.

Someone cannot be religious and open minded - the closest thing to that is being an agnostic.
There's a clear difference between being open-minded and being a sheep.

There's barely any difference at all. A lot of people use Google to get to sites, if a site isn't listed, they won't get there.
*cough cough* Bing, Yahoo, DDG *cough cough*

Exactly. Unfortunately, most of the religions that are widely believed are in direct conflict with reality.
Mind giving these examples of conflicts with reality?

That shouldn't really matter either, however, we need to start taking responsibility for our actions as members of the human race.
We are destroying the planet and we aren't going to be saved by having faith in God.
If you want to stop destroying the planet, consider joining the VHEMT.
Oct 4, 2015 at 10:23 PM
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Mind giving these examples of conflicts with reality?
Evolution vs creationism, people thinking the sky = heaven, reincarnation, etc.
If you want to stop destroying the planet, consider joining the VHEMT.
I support breeding though, and we've already damaged nature too much to simply give up on continuing our race.
Oct 4, 2015 at 11:13 PM
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There's barely any difference at all. A lot of people use Google to get to sites, if a site isn't listed, they won't get there.
no, no you don't get it at all
literally the worst thing google can do is to prevent people from finding websites. google cannot stop people from accessing websites or close down entire websites. removing a website from someone's search results it is quite literally different than getting rid of a site. people can still type in the website in the address bar, and people can still spread websites via word-of-mouth. removing a website from search results does not get rid of a community that was already established.
i know that it's pretty much what fierce diety link said but goddamn you apparently read his post after you read mine and i was hoping that you would actually get it by that point
Oct 4, 2015 at 11:16 PM
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no, no you don't get it at all
literally the worst thing google can do is to prevent people from finding websites. google cannot stop people from accessing websites or close down entire websites. removing a website from someone's search results it is quite literally different than getting rid of a site. people can still type in the website in the address bar, and people can still spread websites via word-of-mouth. removing a website from search results does not get rid of a community that was already established.
i know that it's pretty much what fierce diety link said but goddamn you apparently read his post after you read mine and i was hoping that you would actually get it by that point

I get it. Google can also do this https://support.google.com/websearch/answer/45449?hl=en which can seriously damage the reputation of a site.
Oct 4, 2015 at 11:35 PM
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I get it. Google can also do this https://support.google.com/websearch/answer/45449?hl=en which can seriously damage the reputation of a site.
if google does that for no good reason it can damage its own reputation, and people can still access the site through typing in the address or using another search engine
Evolution vs creationism, people thinking the sky = heaven, reincarnation, etc.
creationists actually make up a small part of the religious commnity, sky being heaven is just symbolism, because soul isn't a well enough defined word we can say that it can be transferred from body to body.
Oct 5, 2015 at 12:06 AM
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ok let's see if we can get a handle on q3hardcore's political stance:
  • religion is bad because it tells people what to think
  • we should tell people not to be religious
wew lad
  • we should promote critical thinking and free speech
  • we should also remove websites that are bad
  • and tell people not to be religious
  • migrants are good
  • you are wrong if you disagree
  • religious people are literally all sheep who cannot think for themselves
  • or so I have been told
lad, wew
  • religion paints everything in black and white and distorts reality
  • literally all religious people think the sky is actually heaven and evolution isn't real
  • by the way gun control and migration are clear-cut issues and if you disagree with me you're wrong
wew lad

did I miss anything?
  • People who have made a career out of this are stupid
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Oct 5, 2015 at 12:19 AM
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Sounds about right. You could also add "politicians are stupid".
Oct 5, 2015 at 12:27 AM
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Oct 5, 2015 at 12:41 AM
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Someone cannot be religious and open minded - the closest thing to that is being an agnostic.
"Whatever you condemn, you have done yourself".
- Georg Groddeck, The Book of the It, 1950
Oct 5, 2015 at 12:42 AM
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Oct 5, 2015 at 1:37 AM
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Oct 5, 2015 at 1:43 AM
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Okay that's enough about religion (and websites), this is a politics thread, I know the two are semi-intertwined but this isn't even framing it in a sociopolitical manner.
Oct 5, 2015 at 8:41 PM
The "C" in "college" is for "crippling debt".
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As far as I'm concerned, if you are unbiased (if you're not homophobic, sexist, or racist), kind and caring towards others, as much a functioning member of society as you can be, and respectful of other people's beliefs, then believe whatever the hell you want.

It is individuals and groups of individuals that are consistently lacking in these qualities that I dislike. ISIS. Evangelists. The goddamn Pope (seriously, fuck that guy). These people need to be dragged out into the street and shot in my opinion. Of course, that's a bit drastic, but we do need to crack down on stuff like this. We need a full war on ISIS. It's about time we made it illegal to express racist, sexist, and homophobic remarks in public and in print (bye-bye Leviticus).

I myself am a weird sort of agnostic. I believe in God, but I believe (excuse me for offending 90% of you) that he is an ass who likes toying with the lives of his subjects. He's like Flowey from Undertale- he's seen every possible reaction to every possible situation so many times, and now he wants to see how humanity reacts to suffering. Monarchies failed as a governmental system for a reason, and according to the Bible, he is THE monarch.

Okay that's enough about religion (and websites), this is a politics thread, I know the two are semi-intertwined but this isn't even framing it in a sociopolitical manner.

Oops. Subject change... everything wrong with Donald Trump?
Oct 5, 2015 at 8:57 PM
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everything wrong with Donald Trump?
Now that you mention it, I recall hearing that the Wikipedia page of Donald Trump has been sort of protected because of excessive vandalism. Looks like Trump is going to get it hard when the elections come, seeing as people will take him way less serious because of these things.
Also I wonder how long it's going to take before Camero is going to say something about Trump here. I actually started wondering this since the thread was made
Oct 5, 2015 at 9:00 PM
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Oct 5, 2015 at 9:07 PM
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The goddamn Pope (seriously, fuck that guy).
woah hey what's wrong with Francis? He's one of the best popes the church has ever had.
It's about time we made it illegal to express racist, sexist, and homophobic remarks in public and in print (bye-bye Leviticus).
While I understand your sentiment, censorship is NOT the answer. I won't argue about that though. I will argue about "bye bye Leviticus."
First off, let me tell you that anyone who uses Leviticus to justify something like homophobia is retarded and doesn't have any idea what Leviticus is. Leviticus was historical context. It was a list of rules the Levites had to follow, not rules for anyone else. The book is in the Bible to explain why the Levites were so weird. People who use Leviticus to justify hate are some of the most laughably stupid people on the planet .
Regardless, anything historical should not be censored. Mein Kampf is one of the most hate filled texts I know of, but I know how important it is as historical context and wouldn't dare suggest it should be banned or otherwise censored.