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Plus Porter (

Jul 29, 2017 at 2:28 AM
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Jul 29, 2017 at 4:18 AM
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Thanks, Apiwitthebest! I'm glad you liked it!
Jul 29, 2017 at 9:38 PM
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Yeah, I know, I still need to migrate all my photobucket photos to a new host... I'll get around to it... Eventually...
Aug 3, 2017 at 7:13 PM
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Hello! :)
I'm sorry if I may seem like a bit of a noob here, but I've never been too good with software. I can't recall exactly where, may have been your YouTube, may have been this forum, but you mentioned making a tutorial for the use of Plus Porter. I'm using CS+ on the PC, with English patched freeware CS and am attempting to port the 4th Ending mod, but I can't get it right. Auto-port was really confusing, the "mod directory" wouldn't let me select the directory as there was nothing in the NPC and Stages folders? I decided to attempt it manually and had some sort of luck. The game starts with Kazuma's transmission, but everything tile-wise appears to be invisible. I can make it through the cutscene and Start Point and First Cave appear to load fine. When I enter the room you usually receive the Polar Star in, the Ironhead theme begins to play, Quote falls for an indefinite amount of time, half of the screen is a bright blue whilst the other half displays that one scene in the credits where Sue and Igor revert to their human forms and sneeze, becoming Mimigas again. And whilst writing this, it seems Quote has landed in water, as there is an air counter on screen and I can't do anything. I have attached two screenshots, one of Kazuma's cutscene and one of the Polar Room Error Thing, in hopes that someone can get back to me on what I'm meant to do. I would find it extremely helpful if you could contact me on Discord @Undead Core#8774, because I'd find it far easier to talk there. I don't know if this may be the easiest method, but could it be possible just to send the game pre-modded? I wouldn't expect this though, in case of legal issues. Thanks in advance for any support offered to me. :)


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Aug 3, 2017 at 7:43 PM
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Me again. ._.
So, made progress with the auto-port. Will update on if it works soon.

Me yet again. Hooray, it sorta worked! But... uh, one issue. All of the NPCs appear to be the old versions when I have them set to new? Help?
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Aug 4, 2017 at 5:14 PM
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It's not necessary for you to try any of the stuff you're trying, because this mod has already been ported. All you have to do is download the 4th ending port, extract it, and then open it in Plus Porter and apply it.

To do this, go to "File" -> "Open port...", browse to the folder of the port you wish to open, and click "Open." After the port has been loaded, go to "File" -> "Apply port", and a window will open up listing all mods currently installed in that game of CS+, and the order in which they'll be listed in the challenge menu (with the one at the top appearing on the main menu). You are able to arrange the mods in whatever order you want the challenge menu to list them, and then click the "Apply port!" button to apply the port to your Cave Story+ installation. Exit out of plus porter, and you'll now be able to experience the mod in Cave Story+.

I'm not sure when I'll get around to making a video on this, this hasn't been super high on my priority list, but I realize this is a big issue for some users, so try to hang in there.
Aug 6, 2017 at 1:37 PM
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Yeah, I think I got it working through auto-port. Plus Porter made no sense to me. :(
Though, playing through on CS+, made it to the Sand Area tunnel block, broke the block, couldn't access the tunnel? The block was dead, but I couldn't actually go through the passage to skip Curly. Decided to play it on the older version since the newer version stuck me on old graphics anyway. Thanks for trying to help though! Mod itself was great, loved it.
Aug 6, 2017 at 3:36 PM
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It seems there is a lot of confusion about how to use Plus Porter. That, along with newer versions of CS+, seems to really break a lot of things. Sorry that you're having trouble getting things to work, hopefully a little bit of extra documentation will eventually help.
Aug 6, 2017 at 3:51 PM
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Oh, you're gonna make some videos on it?
I'm going to try to force myself to set aside the time to make at least one in the near future.
Aug 6, 2017 at 5:01 PM
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Feb 28, 2018 at 11:45 AM
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is mod with custom texture or additional level possible to port ?
For the custom texture maybe it's manual but for the additional level I dunno
Feb 28, 2018 at 1:25 PM
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I'm going to try to force myself to set aside the time to make at least one in the near future.
Also when I go to open CS+ Directory game, it doesn’t open and never worked for a week. What happened to it?
Feb 28, 2018 at 3:04 PM
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is mod with custom texture or additional level possible to port ?
For the custom texture maybe it's manual but for the additional level I dunno
Custom texture, yes. Additional level, no.

To add a new tileset, go to "Edit" -> "Add" -> "Tileset", and you will be allowed to select the image file and .pxa file for your new tileset. If you want to replace an existing tileset, just go to "Edit" -> "Replace" -> "Tileset".

As for adding more maps, this is why any good modder should always take the route of replacing existing maps whenever possible and only adding new ones when absolutely necessary. The freeware version can potentially do up to 128, but Cave Story+ can't handle any more than 95. If you try to <TRA to a map higher than number 094, then the game will crash. If you manually construct your own list of maps in Plus Porter, then it will stop you from breaking the limit. If you load the map data from the exe of a mod that breaks this limit, then it will load all the maps, but a warning will be displayed letting the user know that not all maps will be accessible in the port.

Also when I go to open CS+ Directory game, it doesn’t open and never worked for a week. What happened to it?
I'm not sure, could you tell me exactly what kind of error message you receive? What version of CS+ are you trying to open?
Feb 28, 2018 at 3:36 PM
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Custom texture, yes. Additional level, no.

To add a new tileset, go to "Edit" -> "Add" -> "Tileset", and you will be allowed to select the image file and .pxa file for your new tileset. If you want to replace an existing tileset, just go to "Edit" -> "Replace" -> "Tileset".

As for adding more maps, this is why any good modder should always take the route of replacing existing maps whenever possible and only adding new ones when absolutely necessary. The freeware version can potentially do up to 128, but Cave Story+ can't handle any more than 95. If you try to <TRA to a map higher than number 094, then the game will crash. If you manually construct your own list of maps in Plus Porter, then it will stop you from breaking the limit. If you load the map data from the exe of a mod that breaks this limit, then it will load all the maps, but a warning will be displayed letting the user know that not all maps will be accessible in the port.

I'm not sure, could you tell me exactly what kind of error message you receive? What version of CS+ are you trying to open?
I wasn’t getting an error. I was just opening up steam version of cave Story + and the file tab disappeared
Feb 28, 2018 at 3:45 PM
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I wasn’t getting an error. I was just opening up steam version of cave Story + and the file tab disappeared
You mean the entire "File" menu at the top of the window just disappeared? That's really weird, I'm not sure why it would do that. This program was sort of designed with the Humble Bundle version and I never tried it with the Steam version, so I can't help you much there. Upon reloading Plus Porter, did it appear back again?
Feb 28, 2018 at 5:15 PM
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You mean the entire "File" menu at the top of the window just disappeared? That's really weird, I'm not sure why it would do that. This program was sort of designed with the Humble Bundle version and I never tried it with the Steam version, so I can't help you much there. Upon reloading Plus Porter, did it appear back again?
Yeah, the file menu at the top did disappear. And it did not appear again when I reloaded it. Something is fishy... I'm gonna try deleting the application and redownloading it. I have the link already. If that doesn't work, ill contact you again on here.

Now I need the download link because the download page on www.cavestory.org is down. Can you give me the link?
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