S. P. Gardebiter said:They just said in the forum here, people shared their knowledge so they should share their images too. Who don't want to share his/her images should protect the own mod... But actually the point is noone knows how to do it...
Thats like you say: You can post and come to this forum here yes! But actually you get lots of viruses and no we won't turn this down, 8 people here want viruses and 10 don't but we even don't care because in the past very much people got backdoor programs here and liked it. So you need to get yourself a special program, do it won't download viruses, but actually noone knows how to configure and running this program and there are 1,000,000,000,000,000 possibiltys so HAHA YOURE FUCKED!
You called me a hypocrite and I don't get why lol
So explain it here, I don't see why you shouldn't if it would clear the things...
Nator said:God, you people keep coming to this subject. Just drop it already, and have fun.
Nator said:God, you people keep coming to this subject. Just drop it already, and have fun.
Jeff Brace said:I'm very sorry!
I just felt I'd ask to see if anyone knew. I'm still new at this and I'm not too familiar with what starts flame wars.
S. P. Gardebiter said:But actually I don't see why respect Pixel but not other people, its just because its their "god" who made Cave Story and if someone insult him then he/she is an asshole lol
They just said in the forum here, people shared their knowledge so they should share their images too. Who don't want to share his/her images should protect the own mod... But actually the point is noone knows how to do it...
Osmose said:Swearing does not a flame make. Besides, this is nothing but a debate: No need to panic because OMG PPL R TALKING ABOUT SENSITIVE ISSUES
Osmose said:Well if we don't know how to protect mods, what could we do to protect them as a site? I never really understood your point in bringing the protection of mods up, because we don't have the right to force people to keep track of mods to protect their content, because 1.It's their responsibility, and 2.It wouldn't do any good because the possibility of theft is still quite open anyway.
Osmose said:Your general response, the quote above, doesn't work either because, as I said, if there's no known way to protect your own stuff, what can we as a community do? It's not that we really want to force people to share their stuff - I personally wouldn't use anyone else's stuff even if they released it for use by the public. Rather, we don't want to force them to do anything. We want them to decide for themselves.
Osmose said:Just like we're okay with you not release your updated documents, although the attitude you've got about it makes it appear that you're not releasing them to prove a point about the whole creative property matter rather than because you have a legitimate reason. If you really didn't want to release them, you wouldn't even have mentioned that you had the updated ones - it's like you're trying to show people "Ahaha, I have this and you don't, now you know what it's like."
S. P. Gardebiter said:...HAHA YOURE FUCKED!
S. P. Gardebiter said:You called me a hypocrite and I don't get why lol
So explain it here, I don't see why you shouldn't if it would clear the things...
S. P. Gardebiter said:Haha, no flame wars aslong you don't swear
Osmose said:Well if we don't know how to protect mods, what could we do to protect them as a site?
Gotta go with Chaddy's line here. Lulz.S. P. Gardebiter said:Why not protect them?
Originally Posted by S. P. Gardebiter
Pixel said he doesn't care about modding
Have you got the source of that statement? It'd really help clear things up.
From Pixel: Concerning Cave Story there is no regulation.
Orfvar Stöhtkonung said:Gotta go with Chaddy's line here. Lulz.
See now, Osmose, why I didn't bother trying?
OK, enough bashing the poor German. G'night.
Chaddykins said:lol hypocrisy
S. P. Gardebiter said:Everyone has got liberties and rights. So if I don't want people to use my images then, it's my personal law to do this. So I don't see why not respect that? Both, the liberties and the rights, but the whole community have to respect that, like someone uses your images and the whole community says, that it's made by the author and he/she should ask.
S. P. Gardebiter said:So I don't get why not just mod the game even if Pixel says no... Or is it just; you shouldn't steal "great master Pixel's" things?
Osmose said:In the first quote above, you talk about how you should respect the wishes of the author...
...and then in the second one you say you don't see the problem in NOT respecting the wishes of Pixel if he says don't mod Cavestory.