Apr 1, 2013 at 3:16 AM

Join Date: May 21, 2012
Location: Location Location. Thats my motto.
Posts: 304
Age: 28
HaydenStudios said:And uh.... Excuse me? IP Board isn't letting me post imgur images.
It's not about the file extension, it's about whether or not it leaves any artifacts.
Yeah I was as confused as PolarisJPEGging is against the rules
I am using Chrome.HaydenStudios said:It's not about the file extension, it's about whether or not it leaves any artifacts. When an image is saved as a JPEG, it often messes up the quality. Snaggy is one of few sites that saves it as a JPEG but doesn't ruin the quality, provided you're using the right browser. Look more closely at Cultr's edit and notice that it, unlike Desu's, is all blurred up. Cultr must be using a different browser. This same problem was the final straw that made me change from IE to Chrome.
Your submission from earlier got messed up, if you look real closely. But that one you just now submitted is fine.cultr1 said:I saved the image as a PNG, and uploaded it to snaggy, just like you did. Not sure what problem you have, since both your image and Desu's image are just as "blurry" as mine D: