Feb 7, 2015 at 6:57 PM
Senior Member
"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
Join Date: Jul 11, 2009
Location: Texas, USA
Posts: 90
Pronouns: he/him
For the drum tracks Q to I, the instrument byte in hex corresponds to these drum names:
00 Bass01
01 Bass02
02 Snare01
03 Snare02
04 Tom01
05 HiClose
06 HiOpen
07 Crash
08 Per01
09 Per02
0A Bass03
0B Tom02
0C Bass04
0D Bass05
0E Snare03
0F Snare04
10 HiClose02
11 HiOpen02
12 HiClose03
13 HiOpen03
14 Crash02
15 RevSym01
16 Ride01
17 Tom03
18 Tom04
19 OrcDrm01
1A Bell
1B Cat
1C Bass06
1D Bass07
1E Snare05
1F Snare06
20 Snare07
21 Tom05
22 HiOpen04
23 HiClose04
24 Clap01
25 Pesi01
26 Quick01
27 Bass08
28 Snare08
29 HiClose05