OrgMaker 2.1.0 - English translation in progress

Feb 7, 2015 at 6:57 PM
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For the drum tracks Q to I, the instrument byte in hex corresponds to these drum names:
00  Bass01
01  Bass02
02  Snare01
03  Snare02
04  Tom01
05  HiClose
06  HiOpen
07  Crash
08  Per01
09  Per02
0A  Bass03
0B  Tom02
0C  Bass04
0D  Bass05
0E  Snare03
0F  Snare04
10  HiClose02
11  HiOpen02
12  HiClose03
13  HiOpen03
14  Crash02
15  RevSym01
16  Ride01
17  Tom03
18  Tom04
19  OrcDrm01
1A  Bell
1B  Cat
1C  Bass06
1D  Bass07
1E  Snare05
1F  Snare06
20  Snare07
21  Tom05
22  HiOpen04
23  HiClose04
24  Clap01
25  Pesi01
26  Quick01
27  Bass08
28  Snare08
29  HiClose05
Feb 7, 2015 at 8:07 PM
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Thank you.
Nov 14, 2015 at 10:07 AM
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"It's dangerous to go alone!"
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Sorry for bumping such an old thread.
Can I has the drum order for Japanese version of OrgMaker too?

I've postponed making soundbank file of it long enough.

My bad. Order is same with same names. Only contents changed.
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Nov 15, 2015 at 12:45 AM
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Can I has the drum order for Japanese version of OrgMaker too?
My bad. Order is same with same names. Only contents changed.
Correct, the drum name to number assignments are the same in the Japanese and English versions. But some of the sounds (the actual waves that define the sound) are switched to different names.

Rxo Inverse's Japanese OrgMaker 2 versions changed the sounds for the Cave Story drum names/numbers. When Xaser made his English version of OrgMaker 2.0.5x he decided to restore the Cave Story drum sounds to their original names/numbers. I did the same thing in my English versions of OrgMaker 2.0.5x and 2.1.0x.​

The drum names on each row below sound the same:
1.3.4 J/E  2.*.* J    2.*.*x E
=========  =========  ==========
Bass01     Bass04     Bass01
n/a        Bass01     Bass04

HiClose    HiClose02  HiClose
n/a        HiClose    HiClose02

HiOpen     HiOpen02   HiOpen
n/a        HiOpen     HiOpen02

Snare01    Snare03    Snare01
n/a        Snare01    Snare03

Tom01      Tom03      Tom01
n/a        Tom01      Tom03

1.3.4 J/E  2.*.* J    2.1.0x E
           2.0.5x E
=========  =========  ==========
Per01      n/a        Per01
n/a        Per01      n/a
Nov 15, 2015 at 6:31 PM
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"It's dangerous to go alone!"
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While I'm still here, I'm going to make bank files for 2.0.5 EN and JP. I'll have the sample order of 2.0.5 drums with corresponding sample bytes.
The bank files I'll be using for a couple of projects I'm tinkering with now.
Mar 5, 2016 at 3:38 AM
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Update 2016-03-04: Starting a blank file will now use Cave Story drums by default. (Also rearranged the txt and drums.htm documents.)

Download the update from the link in the first post.
Apr 3, 2016 at 12:35 AM
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Organya Twei 2.1.1 is now available to download by the public. Even though it was made back in 2014, it was private, but now it is marked open.
Changes (Japanese):
表示するメッセージにString Tableを使用(中途半端だが)
Changes Translation (using Bing):
Fixed bug when you choose the 0 number of recently used files
Use the String Table to display a message (half-way though)
Other minor fixes
Download: 2.1.1 (Changed to actual site, no direct link)

Up for a new Translation task?
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Apr 3, 2016 at 7:06 PM
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"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
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Organya Twei 2.1.1 is now available [...] Up for a new Translation task?
Yes, I noticed the 2.1.1 version sometime around the end of 2014. When I looked at it, the Japanese 2.1.1 version seemed to have the same features as the English 2.1.0 version, so I wasn't motivated to go through the entire translation process again.

More information: As mentioned earlier in this thread (and reported by a Japanese user on Rxo's BBS), the Japanese 2.1.0 version had some bugs:
  • Selecting slot 0 in the recent files would freeze the program.
  • Pressing the "back to start" button during playback caused strange behavior.
I hex edited some fixes into the English 2.1.0 version, and shared the hex edits on Rxo's BBS. Later, Rxo programmed official fixes in the Japanese 2.1.1 version.

When I looked at the Japanese 2.1.1 version, I didn't notice any functional changes other than the bug fixes. Since the English 2.1.0 version already has these bugs reasonably fixed, I wasn't motivated to go through the entire translation process again just to get the official version of the bug fixes.