OrgMaker 2.0.5x

Apr 19, 2008 at 4:45 AM
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OrgMaker 2.0.5x - Release 1

Though to some it's old news, an associate of Pixel's, Rxo Inverse, created a new-and-improved version of OrgMaker a while ago. However, this release was almost completely overlooked by the English community because of its Japanese-language-only status.

Not anymore!

Thanks to sheer luck and a magic program called Resource Tuner, I discovered a way to edit the menu texts, and after some experimentation and a little hexing around, I've almost completely translated the program to English. The new version kicks the rear out of the old one, with quick shortcuts to all sorts of functions, an undo (finally!), and a much-improved interface and design. Here's a couple screenies for good measure:

Now, I don't know a lick of Japanese so all "translation" was done by experimentation and comparison, thus there are a couple of new commands I'm not sure about. If anyone can figure out what they do, please tell me, but don't blame me if they mess up an .org -- back up before using the (unknown) commands, for all our sakes. :p

Big thanks to Snarwin for discovering the new version and Osmose for suporting the old one. Nice find, both of you.

I'm open to any and all feedback on this, and I don't expect it to be 100% flawless yet. Any potential .org musicians, give this a whirl!

Let the comments begin!
Apr 19, 2008 at 5:26 AM
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Oooo! Shiny! I'll have to take a look at this.
Apr 19, 2008 at 7:08 AM
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Downloaddddddddded, will check it when I get back home; looks most excellent!
Apr 19, 2008 at 10:59 AM
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Holy @#@$@@#$@$

I Must Make New Magic For Me Mod!

All Hail Xaser!

Edit - Hey! All my text was de-capitalised! D:
Apr 20, 2008 at 2:38 AM
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The forums does that, reedit your post to make it caps again.
I still suck at OrgMaker. Though I do know it more than Metalogz does at the moment! =D
Apr 20, 2008 at 3:22 AM
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Let me guess – Windows-only, right? :p
Apr 20, 2008 at 4:16 AM
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Incompatible with current Doukutsu :p
Apr 20, 2008 at 11:47 AM
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Thank you.
Never knew this program could double the length of every note. It's very helpful to say the least.

S. P. Gardebiter said:
Incompatible with current Doukutsu :p
The only things that should be incompatible are the extra concussion instruments, as usual.

I just tried replacing an org (CURLY) using OrgMaker2 and noticed that if I exported it from doukutsu, edited it a bit, and put it back, it'd work. However, if I changed the length in any way CS would get stuck on the Loading screen.

Now, that has never happened when I've used the original OrgMaker. So logically OM2 is at fault here, right?

No. Because now when I tried to do the exact same thing with OM CS still froze.
Am I missing something here? I'm not doing anything unusual. It should work.
Apr 20, 2008 at 8:59 PM
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Any new function is not compatible to the current Doukutsu.
Apr 20, 2008 at 9:42 PM
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^ Really? In what way does, for example, the selection feature alter the file?

Also still doesn't explain why orgs from the normal OrgMaker screws up CS all of a sudden.
Xaser, you swapped many orgs in your mod. Does the new org really have to be precisely equal in length compared to the original one?
Apr 21, 2008 at 1:15 PM
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Something I noticed: The instrument setup page is very large. I run 1024 x 768 resolution and I have to lower my Start bar just to close it.
Apr 22, 2008 at 3:14 AM
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Well, thanks for the feedback! Just remember I'm only the messenger here... I deserve no 'hails' but thanks anyhow. :o

@Orfvar: Though apparently the game makes a couple of exceptions (Schism's is slightly larger than before), for the most part your .orgs have to be either the same size or smaller than the ones you're replacing. Sad, yes, but it can be done as long as limits are kept in mind.

And yes, the org *can* be smaller, it doesn't have to be exact -- to follow your example, Schism's is slightly less weighty and it doesn't crash too terribly, I hope. :(

@Garde: As long as you know your limits (no new percussion, basically), it works just as well as the old OrgMaker. Just watch the length, if that's the case here. Now I wanna see you make something with this new version -- you're quite handy with OrgMaker as it is. ;P

@DoubleThink: Drat. Well, that's what happens when I use a widescreen monitor with an ultra-high res. :( I'll look about slimming it down a little for the next release, though you'll be happy to hear that the fonts were roughly twice as big before I changed 'em around. Could be worse. :p

I'll update this sometime in the future, no worries. Though I'm happy to announce I've got a good 3 or so new .orgs of mine that are near completion. Might be time for me to bump that old thread of mine soon.
Apr 22, 2008 at 2:30 PM
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Xaser said:
@Orfvar: Though apparently the game makes a couple of exceptions (Schism's is slightly larger than before), for the most part your .orgs have to be either the same size or smaller than the ones you're replacing. Sad, yes, but it can be done as long as limits are kept in mind.

And yes, the org *can* be smaller, it doesn't have to be exact -- to follow your example, Schism's is slightly less weighty and it doesn't crash too terribly, I hope. :o

I think I've found the source of the problem. It seems ResHacker replaces the org like it should, but it doesn't stuff the exe back to it's original size. So it ends up smaller and unusable.
It might be a Vista problem, since it used to work on XP.

Any hints on how to fix this? (I can't even look in the help file that came with ResHacker to find a solution, since it's in an old format that Vista refuses to open. Huzzah...)
Apr 23, 2008 at 3:09 AM
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Ehh, very odd here. Though if it makes a difference, I actually use "Resource Tuner", a ResHacker-like program which is supposed to be shareware but the "days left" counter doesn't work right... hehe. Maybe it knows what ResHacker doesn't, to pad the .exe back to original size. It works for me, anyhow. Try using that program instead.
Apr 23, 2008 at 1:46 PM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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Tried Resource Tuner, got the same results.
I'm going to try replacing on another computer with a different OS, and if it works I'll put this problem down as an OS/my computer thing and leave it at that.
Can't see how Vista could possibly alter how Res Hacker/Tuner works though.
Apr 25, 2008 at 2:26 AM
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Never really messed with music before, but this new org maker is much improved great, ty for providing it.
I have some questions.

Is it confirmed that using the new features like the selection at the bottom dose not mess when imported to cave story?

What are the "new" drums that won't work?

Edit: Found cs music in org form.
Apr 25, 2008 at 3:45 AM
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@Orfvar: Well, huh, didn't think about that, but you're right, it changes the .exe size either way. Are you trying to open it up in Sue's Workshop afterwards? Sadly, any editing after importing a custom .org will corrupt the .exe right now... a terrible limitation, sadly, though hopefully Chie's Laboratory will prove to be a lifesaver... ;P

@Serious: Features such as selecting and all that dont' affect the .org itself -- they're just new ways of manipulating it. Check the included readme (org205x.txt) for a list of Cavestory-supported drums -- the list is sadly small but they sound good enough anyhow. ;P

For justice I'll say 'em here too: Bass01, Snare01, HatClose, HatOpen, Tom01, Per01, Crash. Any other instruments will not work, sadly. I'd use Bass02 and Snare02 if I had the chance. :p

I'm curious to hear what people can come up with -- .org away, friends! ;P