Jan 25, 2013 at 11:41 PM
Join Date: Apr 29, 2008
Posts: 2459
Age: 20
Pixel inspired by Metroid/Castlevania, people in turn inspired by Pixel.
The circle of creating.
The circle of creating.
Yes.MetaSeraphim said:Pixel inspired by Metroid/Castlevania, people in turn inspired by Pixel. The circle of creating.
What for?!?Anuken said:I'm going to try and hack this game. I'm no hacker, but at least I'll try...
Ah. Like, pull a Magic Doors?Anuken said:I meant try to finish or add something the game, not find the secrets/beat it.
Oh, yeah. O.oAnuken said:This is so confusing. 100% WTF so far.
:eek:Anuken said:The music is in .it format,my music player can play it. EDIT: Yay,level editing!Edit hmcave-b.lvl with wordpad.
layer 1 starts at 0x50, 1 byte per tile
map size is 20x15 or 300 (0x12C) tiles in hmcave-a
predictably, what appears to be another layer of tile data starts at 0x17C
Two more layers appear to be programmed in but in this map they are all empty tiles (01 being used as empty tile in this instance)
So, a total of four laters. Like CSEngine.
After that appears to be a listing of entrances/exits. Interesting to note that map names seem to be locked at 8 characters long.
Immediately following the map name is where you will spawn in the subsequent room. the first two bytes seem to indicate an amount of "screens" (x*20, y*15 ???) with origin being on screen 01 01, and the next two bytes being which "tile" on that screen you're on. Weird setup.
Map transport indicators are always terminated with a 01.
No testing done on the first 0x50 bytes of a map file.
file<x>.dat appears to contain saves, with game.dat being the debug save.
cap<x>.dat is a simple 8bpp .bmp file that contains a screenshot of profile x's save.
Palettes are contained within the color<x>.pal files obviously enough.
Array.map is interesting as the file header CNC ARRAY seems to indicate that the game was made with MMF / some ClickTeam product re: http://www.create-games.com/article.asp?id=819
Maybe that was just the level editor he used though.
The purpose of backy.dat is unclear at this moment.
tileset.dat is clearly *related* to maps but it looks too small to really be all the image data for the maps.. but maybe I'm wrong. Assuming 8BPP storage it'd only hold around 16 16x16 tiles 8V
The exe holds a *lot* of data at the end, possibly some kind of compressed packfile structure of data. This is probably where a lot of the graphics are but I don't know how one would get them /out/ of the exe.
I know.Noxid said:overwhelming incompetence